appendix-file-layout.xml revision 0e73432880f7c3bb60300bb00625772bef37e4b5
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<appendix xml:id='appendix-file-layout'
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<title>File Layout</title>
OpenDJ software installs and creates the following files and directories.
The following list is not meant to be exhaustive.
<indexterm><primary>File layout</primary></indexterm>
<indexterm><primary>Installed files</primary></indexterm>
License information
<para>Mac OS X GUI for installing OpenDJ</para>
Brief instructions on installing OpenDJ directory server
<para>Mac OS X GUI for removing OpenDJ</para>
<para>Directory for saving backup files</para>
<para>Windows command-line tools and control panel</para>
<para>UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X command-line tools and control panel</para>
Backend data for the external change log when using replication
<para>Directory added to the <literal>CLASSPATH</literal> for OpenDJ,
permitting individual classes to be patched</para>
<para>OpenDJ server configuration and schema, PKI stores, LDIF generation
templates, resources for upgrade</para>
<para>Templates for use with the <command>make-ldif</command> LDIF
generation tool</para>
<para>LDIF representation of current OpenDJ server config</para>
<para>Use the <command>dsconfig</command> command to edit OpenDJ server
<para>JVM settings for OpenDJ server and tools</para>
<para>OpenDJ directory server LDAP schema definition files</para>
<para>Data used by task scheduler backend so that scheduled tasks and
recurring tasks persist after server restart</para>
<para>Default settings for command-line tools</para>
<para>Use as a template when creating an
<filename>~/.opendj/</filename> file.</para>
<para>Resources used by the upgrade command to move to the next version
of OpenDJ</para>
<para>List of words used to check password strength</para>
Backend database files for persistent, indexed backends that hold user data
<para>Sample OpenDJ plugin code. Custom plugins are meant to be installed
in <filename>lib/extensions</filename>.</para>
<para>Used when importing data into OpenDJ</para>
Pointer to OpenDJ on the file system, provided for package installations
where the program files are separate from the server instance files
<para>Directory for saving LDIF export files</para>
<para>Scripts and libraries needed by OpenDJ and added to the
<literal>CLASSPATH</literal> for OpenDJ</para>
<para>File system directory to hold your custom plugins</para>
<para>Directory to hold lock files used when OpenDJ is running to prevent
backends from accidentally being used by more than one server process</para>
<para>Access, errors, audit, and replication logs</para>
<para>Contains the process ID for the server when OpenDJ is running</para>
<para>UNIX setup utility</para>
<para>Windows setup utility</para>
Template files for a directory server instance
<para>UNIX utility for removing OpenDJ</para>
<para>Windows utility for removing OpenDJ</para>
<para>UNIX utility for upgrading OpenDJ by pointing to the new .zip</para>
<para>Windows utility for upgrading OpenDJ by pointing to the new .zip</para>