dsreplication-examples.xml revision 73adb2e3dbaa8a9f6448cefccb7933f68c3c7348
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The following example enables and then initializes replication
for a new replica on <literal>opendj2.example.com</literal>
from an existing replica on <literal>opendj.example.com</literal>.
$ <userinput>dsreplication enable -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com \
--host1 opendj.example.com --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword1 password --replicationPort1 8989 \
--host2 opendj2.example.com --port2 4444 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword2 password --replicationPort2 8989</userinput>
<computeroutput>Establishing connections ..... Done.
Checking registration information ..... Done.
Updating remote references on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Configuring Replication port on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing registration information on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with
the contents of server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing schema on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Replication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to
work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
for a detailed log of this operation.</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>dsreplication initialize-all -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com \
-h opendj.example.com -p 4444</userinput>
<computeroutput>Initializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
opendj.example.com:4444: 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
Base DN initialized successfully.
for a detailed log of this operation.</computeroutput>