chap-upgrade.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<chapter xml:id='chap-upgrade'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Upgrading to OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></title>
<para>This chapter covers upgrade from OpenDJ 2.4.5 and later versions.</para>
<para>For upgrades from earlier versions, upgrade first to at least OpenDJ
2.4.5, and then follow the procedures in this chapter. See <link xlink:show="new"
>Upgrading OpenDJ Directory Server</link> in the OpenDJ Wiki for details on
upgrading to OpenDJ 2.4.5 from earlier versions.</para>
<procedure xml:id="before-you-upgrade">
<title>Before You Upgrade</title>
<para>Prepare to perform the upgrade procedure as the user who owns the
OpenDJ server files. </para>
<para>Make sure you have the credentials to run commands as the user who
owns the server.</para>
<xinclude:include href="/shared/itemizedlist-download.xml" />
<para>In order to revert if the upgrade fails, make sure you perform a
full backup of your current OpenDJ installation.</para>
<para>It might be most expedient to back up the file system directory where
the current OpenDJ server is installed as part of the upgrade process.</para>
<para>Alternatively, see <link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-backup-restore"
xlink:show="new" xlink:role=""
><citetitle>Backing Up &amp; Restoring Data</citetitle></link> for
<procedure xml:id="upgrade-zip">
<title>To Upgrade an OpenDJ Directory Server</title>
<para>To upgrade OpenDJ directory server installed from native packages (.deb,
.rpm), use the command-line package management tools provided by the system.</para>
<para>The following steps describe how to upgrade OpenDJ directory server
installed from the cross-platform (.zip) delivery.</para>
<para>Login as the user who owns the current OpenDJ server.</para>
<para>Stop the current OpenDJ server.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you have not already backed up the current OpenDJ server, make a
back up copy of the directory where OpenDJ is installed.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If OpenDJ is currently installed in a directory such as
<filename>OpenDJ-2.4.5</filename>, you can change the directory name to
<filename>opendj</filename> to make it easier to unpack subsequent .zip
deliveries for future upgrades.</para>
<para>Unpack the new files from the .zip delivery over the current server
<para>If your directory is not named <filename>opendj</filename>, then
you can first unpack the files, then copy everything in the
<filename>opendj</filename> over the current server files.</para>
Run the
><command>upgrade</command></link> command
to bring OpenDJ configuration and application data up to date
with the new binary and script files
that you copied over the current server files.
<para>By default, the <command>upgrade</command> command requests
confirmation before making important configuration changes. For some
potentially long-duration tasks, such as rebuilding indexes, the default
choice is to defer the tasks until after upgrade. Tasks that are not
performed during upgrade must generally be performed after upgrade but
before you restart the server.</para>
<para>You can use the <option>--no-prompt</option> option to run the command
non-interactively, with the <option>--acceptLicense</option> option to
accept the license terms non-interactively.</para>
<para>When using the <option>--no-prompt</option> option, if the
<command>upgrade</command> command cannot complete because it requires
confirmation for a potentially very long or critical task, then it exits
with an error and a message about how to finish making the changes. You can
add the <option>--force</option> option to force a non-interactive upgrade
to continue in this case, also performing long running and critical
<para>Start the upgraded OpenDJ server.</para>
<para>At this point the upgrade process is complete. See the resulting
<filename>upgrade.log</filename> file for a full list of operations
<example xml:id="upgrade-zip-example"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
<title>Upgrading From OpenDJ 2.4.5</title>
<para>The following example upgrades an OpenDJ 2.4.5 directory server
installed in <filename>/path/to/OpenDJ-2.4.5</filename>, backing up the
current server directory in case the upgrade process fails, and changing
the directory name to <filename>/path/to/opendj</filename> to simplify
future upgrades.</para>
<xinclude:include href="/shared/screen-upgrade.xml" />
<procedure xml:id="upgrade-repl">
<title>To Upgrade Replicated Servers</title>
<para>Upgrade each server sequentially, as described above.</para>
<procedure xml:id="upgrade-dsml">
<title>To Upgrade OpenDJ DSML Gateway</title>
<para>Replace the gateway web application with the newer version,
as for a fresh installation.</para>