chap-install-gui.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<chapter xml:id='chap-install-gui'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Installing OpenDJ With a Graphical Installer</title>
<indexterm><primary>Downloading OpenDJ</primary></indexterm>
<indexterm><primary>Quick install</primary></indexterm>
<para>If you want only to try OpenDJ server software, and you do not plan to
store any real or important data that you want to keep, then read only this
chapter, or just try out installation without reading any further.</para>
<xinclude:include href="/shared/itemizedlist-download.xml" />
<section xml:id="install-gui-quick-setup">
<title>Installing OpenDJ With the QuickSetup Wizard</title>
<para>QuickSetup uses Java WebStart to let you perform an installation of
OpenDJ directory server starting with a click in your web browser, which can
be a great way to try OpenDJ directory server for the first time, or to do a
quick test installation.</para>
<para>OpenDJ directory server relies on Java 6 or later, so if your browser
picks up an old installation of Java 5 for example, installation can
fail. You might see an application error message such as this:</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-missing-java6">
<alt>Application error due to old Java version</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/missing-java6.png" format="PNG" />
<para>Message showing the browser is unable to launch the application</para>
<para>If the WebStart installation does not work in your browser, copy
the WebStart URL, ending in <literal>QuickSetup.jnlp</literal>, from the
OpenDJ download page. Next, pass the link as an argument to the
<command>javaws</command> command in a terminal window to start the
$ <userinput>export PATH=/path/to/java/bin:$PATH</userinput>
$ <userinput>javaws <replaceable>URL-to-QuickSetup-Installer</replaceable></userinput>
The WebStart installer corresponds to what you start
if you download OpenDJ-${docTargetVersion}.zip,
unzip the file,
and then run the
><command>setup</command></link> command,
<command>opendj/setup</command> (UNIX),
<command>opendj\setup.bat</command> (Windows),
or <command>opendj/</command> (Mac OS X).
<para>Java WebStart launches the the QuickSetup wizard, and soon the
Welcome screen appears.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-welcome">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-welcome.png" format="PNG" />
<para>The Welcome screen summarizes the setup process.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-license">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-license.png" format="PNG" />
<para>Accept the license to install OpenDJ directory server if QuickSetup
presents a license text.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-svrconf">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-svrconf.png" format="PNG" />
<para>In the Server Settings screen that the default ports
are 389 or 1389 for LDAP, 4444 for administrative access.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-replopts">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-replopts.png" format="PNG" />
<para>You can replicate data for high availability through the
Topology Options screen.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-gendata">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-gendata.png" format="PNG" />
<para>You can generate test data as part of server setup in the Directory
Data screen.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-jvmopts">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-jvmopts.png" format="PNG" />
<para>For a real installation, you can adjust JVM parameters for
your server, for example to allow OpenDJ to use more memory.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-review">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-review.png" format="PNG" />
<para>You can opt to start your server when setup completes.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-finished">
<imagedata fileref="images/QuickSetup-finished.png" format="PNG" />
<para>Click the Launch Control Panel button to check your newly
installed server.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-quicksetup-control-panel">
<imagedata fileref="images/OpenDJ-Control-Panel.png" format="PNG" />
<para>OpenDJ Control Panel offers basic administration capabilities.</para>
<section xml:id="install-gui-windows-msi">
<title>Installing OpenDJ From the Windows Installer Package</title>
You can start installing OpenDJ directory server on Windows systems
from the Windows installer package,
<indexterm><primary>Windows installer (.msi) package</primary></indexterm>
<procedure xml:id="install-gui-windows-msi-steps">
<title>To Install OpenDJ From the Windows Installer Package</title>
Installing OpenDJ directory server by using the Windows installer package
is a two-stage process.
First, you install the files by using the Windows installer package wizard.
Second, you configure OpenDJ by using the <command>setup</command> command.
Install OpenDJ files in one of the following ways.
Double-click the Windows installer package,
to start the install wizard.
In the Destination Folder screen, set the folder
where the wizard installs OpenDJ directory server files.
The default location is under Program Files on the system drive.
For example if the system drive is C:, the default location is
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDJ\</filename>,
as the native executable is a 32-bit application,
though you can run OpenDJ directory server
with a 64-bit Java environment.
Use the Microsoft <command>msiexec.exe</command> command
to install the files.
The following example installs OpenDJ directory server files under
writing an installation log file, <filename>install.log</filename>,
in the current folder.
C:\><userinput>msiexec /i OpenDJ-${docTargetVersion}.msi /l* install.log /q OPENDJ=C:\OpenDJ-${docTargetVersion}</userinput>
Start the installation.
When installation is finished, OpenDJ directory server files
are found in the location you specified as Destination Folder.
You must still run the <command>setup</command> command
before you can use OpenDJ directory server.
Browse to the Destination Folder,
and double-click the <command>setup</command> command
to start the OpenDJ QuickSetup wizard
and following the instructions on screen
as described in <xref linkend="install-gui-quick-setup" />.
<section xml:id="install-launch-control-panel">
<title>Starting OpenDJ Control Panel</title>
You might close OpenDJ Control Panel,
or decide to start it later after closing the QuickSetup wizard.
To launch OpenDJ Control Panel again later, run the
><command>control-panel</command></link> command.
Depending on your host system, this command is one of the following.
<para>(Mac OS X) <command>/path/to/opendj/bin/</command></para>
<para>(UNIX) <command>/path/to/opendj/bin/control-panel</command></para>
<para>(Windows) <command>C:\path\to\opendj\bat\control-panel.bat</command></para>