chap-virtual-attrs-collective-attrs.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
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<chapter xml:id='chap-virtual-attrs-collective-attrs'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Working With Virtual and Collective Attributes</title>
<para>OpenDJ supports virtual attributes with dynamically generated values.
Virtual attributes are used by the server. You can also define your own.
OpenDJ also supports standard collective attributes as described in
<link xlink:href=''>RFC 3671</link>,
allowing entries to share common, read-only attribute values.</para>
<para>This chapter demonstrates how to define virtual and collective
attributes, showing common solutions as examples of their use.</para>
<section xml:id="virtual-attributes">
<title>Virtual Attributes</title>
<indexterm><primary>Virtual attributes</primary></indexterm>
<para>OpenDJ defines a number of virtual attributes by default.</para>
<listitem><para>The value is the DN of the entry.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Provides a universally unique identifier for the
<para>Entity tag as defined in <link xlink:show="new"
>RFC 2616</link>, useful for checking whether an entry has changed since
you last read it from the directory.</para>
<listitem><para>Boolean. Whether the entry has children.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Provides the number of direct child entries.</para></listitem>
<para>Identifies groups the entry belongs to.</para>
<para>By default OpenDJ generates <literal>isMemberOf</literal> on user
entries (entries that have the object class <literal>person</literal>), and
on group entries (entries that have the object class
<literal>groupOfNames</literal>, <literal>groupOfUniqueNames</literal>, or
<literal>groupOfEntries</literal>). You can change this by editing
the filter property of the <literal>isMemberOf</literal> virtual
attribute configuration.</para>
<listitem><para>Generated for virtual static groups.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Generated for virtual static groups.</para></listitem>
<para>Identifies the password policy that applies to the
<para>By default OpenDJ assigns <firstterm>root DN</firstterm> users
the password policy with DN <literal>cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Password
Policies,cn=config</literal> and regular users the password policy with DN
<literal>cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password
Policies,cn=config</literal>. See <link
Password Policy</citetitle></link> for information on configuring and
assigning password policies.</para>
<listitem><para>References the schema definitions.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>References applicable collective attribute
<listitem><para>References the rule on what type of subordinates the entry
can have.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>References the structural object class for the
<para>These virtual attributes are typically operational, so you get them
back from a search only when you request them.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com dc=example</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: dc=example,dc=com
dc: example
objectClass: domain
objectClass: top</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com dc=example numSubordinates</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 4</computeroutput>
<secondary>Not for virtual attributes</secondary>
<para>You can use the existing virtual attribute types to create your
own virtual attributes, and you can also use the
<literal>user-defined</literal> type to create your own. The virtual
attribute is defined by the server configuration, which is not
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
create-virtual-attribute \
--hostname \
--port 4444 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--name "Served By Description" \
--type user-defined \
--set enabled:true \
--set attribute-type:description \
--set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
--set value:"Served by" \
--trustAll \
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen description</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: Served by</computeroutput>
<para>Collective attributes cover many use cases better than virtual
<section xml:id="collective-attributes">
<title>Collective Attributes</title>
<indexterm><primary>Collective attributes</primary></indexterm>
<para>Collective attributes provide a standard mechanism for defining
attributes that appear on all the entries in a subtree potentially filtered
by object class. Standard collective attribute type names have the prefix
<para>OpenDJ extends collective attributes to make them easier to use.
You can define any OpenDJ attribute as collective using the
<literal>;collective</literal> attribute option. You can use LDAP filters
in your subtree specification for fine-grained control over which entries
have the collective attributes.</para>
<para>You can have entries inherit attributes from other entries using
collective attributes. You establish the relationship between entries either
by specifying another attribute of the entry that specifies the DN of the
entry from which to inherit the attributes, or by specifying how to construct
the RDN of the entry from which to inherit the attributes.</para>
<para><link xlink:href="admin-guide#change-group-privileges"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Add Privileges
For a Group of Administrators</citetitle></link> demonstrates setting
administrative privileges in OpenDJ using collective attributes. The
following examples demonstrate additional ways to use collective
attributes in OpenDJ.</para>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="example-collective-attrs-cos" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="example-dept-from-manager" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="example-inherit-from-locality" /></para></listitem>
<example xml:id="example-collective-attrs-cos"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
<title>Class of Service With Collective Attributes</title>
<para>This example defines attributes that specify services available to
a user depending on that user's service level.</para>
<para>The following example depends on the <literal>cos</literal> object
class, and the <literal>classOfService</literal> attribute type defined but
commented out in the <link xlink:show="new"
>Example.ldif</filename></link> file imported as sample data. To try this
example for yourself, add the attribute type and object class definitions
in comments near the top of the file, and then uncomment the
<literal>objectClass: cos</literal> and <literal>classOfService</literal>
attribute lines in <filename>Example.ldif</filename> before importing
the data into OpenDJ.</para>
<para>This example positions collective attributes that depend on the
<literal>classOfService</literal> attribute values.</para>
<para>For entries with <literal>classOfService: bronze</literal>,
<literal>mailQuota</literal> is set to 1 GB, and
<literal>diskQuota</literal> is set to 10 GB.</para>
<para>For entries with <literal>classOfService: silver</literal>,
<literal>mailQuota</literal> is set to 5 GB, and
<literal>diskQuota</literal> is set to 50 GB.</para>
<para>For entries with <literal>classOfService: gold</literal>,
<literal>mailQuota</literal> is set to 10 GB, and
<literal>diskQuota</literal> is set to 100 GB.</para>
<para>You define collective attributes in the user data using a subentry.
In other words, collective attributes can be replicated. Collective
attributes use attributes defined in the directory schema. First, add the
<literal>mailQuote</literal> and <literal>diskQuota</literal> attributes,
and adjust the definition of the <literal>cos</literal> object class to
allow the two quota attributes.</para>
$ <userinput>cat quotas.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-attribute-type NAME 'classOfService
' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnore
Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-disk-quota NAME 'diskQuota
' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR case
IgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX USAGE user
Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-mail-quota NAME 'mailQuota
' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR case
IgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX USAGE user
Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: objectClasses
objectClasses: ( example-class-of-service-object-class NAME 'cos' SUP top AUX
ILIARY MAY ( classOfService $ diskQuota $ mailQuota ) X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Doc
umentation Examples' )</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--filename quotas.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for cn=schema
MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=schema</computeroutput>
<para>Use the following collective attribute definitions to set the quotas
depending on class of service.</para>
<programlisting language="ldif">
# cos.ldif: quotas by class of service
dn: cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Bronze Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 10 GB
mailQuota;collective: 1 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
bronze)" }
dn: cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Silver Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 50 GB
mailQuota;collective: 5 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
silver)" }
dn: cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Gold Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 100 GB
mailQuota;collective: 10 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
gold)" }
<para>You can add the collective attribute subentries by using the
<command>ldapmodify</command> command.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--defaultAdd \
--filename cos.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing ADD request for cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
<para>With the collective attributes defined, you can see the results on
user entries.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
--port 1389 \
--baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
uid=bjensen \
classOfService mailQuota diskQuota</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 1 GB
classOfService: bronze
diskQuota: 10 GB</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
--port 1389 \
--baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
uid=kvaughan \
classOfService mailQuota diskQuota</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 5 GB
classOfService: silver
diskQuota: 50 GB</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
--port 1389 \
--baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
uid=scarter \
classOfService mailQuota diskQuota</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 10 GB
classOfService: gold
diskQuota: 100 GB</computeroutput>
<example xml:id="example-dept-from-manager"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
<title>Inheriting an Attribute From the Manager's Entry</title>
<para>This example demonstrates how to have OpenDJ set an employee's
department number using the manager's department number. To try the example,
first import <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new"><filename>Example.ldif</filename></link> into OpenDJ in
order to load the appropriate sample data.</para>
<para>For this example the relationship between employee entries and manager
entries is based on the manager attributes on employee entries. Each
<literal>manager</literal> attribute on an employee's entry specifies the
DN of the manager's entry. OpenDJ retrieves the department number from the
manager's entry to populate the attribute on the employee's entry.</para>
<para>The collective attribute subentry that specifies the relationship
looks like this:</para>
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: cn=Inherit Department Number From Manager,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: inheritedFromDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: Inherit Department Number From Manager
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People" }
inheritFromDNAttribute: manager
inheritAttribute: departmentNumber
<para>This entry specifies that users inherit department number from their
<para>As seen in <filename>Example.ldif</filename>, Babs Jensen's manager
is Torrey Rigden.</para>
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
manager: uid=trigden, ou=People, dc=example,dc=com
<para>Torrey's department number is 3001.</para>
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: uid=trigden,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
departmentNumber: 3001
<para>Babs inherits her department number from Torrey.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen departmentNumber</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
departmentNumber: 3001</computeroutput>
<example xml:id="example-inherit-from-locality"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
<title>Inheriting Attributes From the Locality</title>
<para>This example demonstrates how to have OpenDJ set a user's language
preferences and street address based on locality. To try the example, first
import <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new"><filename>Example.ldif</filename></link> into OpenDJ in
order to load the appropriate sample data.</para>
<para>For this example the relationship between entries is based on locality.
The collective attribute subentry specifies how to construct the RDN of the
object holding the attribute values to inherit.</para>
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: cn=Inherit From Locality,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: inheritedFromRDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: Inherit From Locality
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People" }
inheritFromBaseRDN: ou=Locations
inheritFromRDNAttribute: l
inheritFromRDNType: l
inheritAttribute: preferredLanguage
inheritAttribute: street
collectiveConflictBehavior: real-overrides-virtual
<para>This specifies that the RDN of the entry from which to inherit
attributes is like <literal>l=<replaceable
>localityName</replaceable>,ou=Locations</literal>, where <replaceable
>localityName</replaceable> is the value of the <literal>l</literal>
(<literal>localityName</literal>) attribute on the user's entry.</para>
<para>In other words, if the user's entry has <literal>l: Bristol</literal>,
then the RDN of the entry from which to inherit attributes starts with
<literal>l=Bristol,ou=Locations</literal>. The actual entry looks like
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: l=Bristol,ou=Locations,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: locality
objectClass: extensibleObject
l: Bristol
street: 60 Queen Square
preferredLanguage: en-gb
<para>The subentry also specifies two attributes to inherit for preferred
language and street address.</para>
<para>The object class <literal>extensibleObject</literal> is added to allow
the entry to take a preferred language.<footnote><para>The object class
<literal>extensibleObject</literal> means, "Let me add whatever attributes
I want." It is usually better practice to add your own auxiliary object class
if you need to decorate an entry with more attributes. The shortcut is taken
here as the focus of this example is not schema extension, but instead how
to use collective attributes.</para></footnote></para>
<para>Notice the last line of the collective attribute subentry:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
>collectiveConflictBehavior: real-overrides-virtual</literallayout>
<para>This line says that if a collective attribute clashes with a real
attribute, the real value takes precedence over the virtual, collective
value. You can also set <literal>collectiveConflictBehavior</literal> to
<literal>virtual-overrides-real</literal> for the opposite precedence, or to
<literal>merge-real-and-virtual</literal> to keep both sets of values.</para>
<para>Here, users can set their own language preferences. When users set
language preferences manually, the collective attribute subentry is
configured to give the user's settings precedence over the locality-based
setting, which is only a default guess.</para>
<para>Sam Carter is located in Bristol. Sam has specified no preferred
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
l: Bristol
<para>Sam inherits both the street address and also preferred language from
the Bristol locality.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=scarter \
preferredLanguage street</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en-gb
street: 60 Queen Square</computeroutput>
<para>Babs's locality is San Francisco. Babs prefers English, but also knows
<programlisting language="ldif">
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en, ko;q=0.8
l: San Francisco
<para>Babs inherits the street address from the San Francisco locality, but
keeps her language preferences.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen \
preferredLanguage street</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en, ko;q=0.8
street: 500 3rd Street</computeroutput>