chap-attribute-uniqueness.xml revision 3b574cd1ee8b7536278db5241e8aef5155e371d3
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<chapter xml:id='chap-attribute-uniqueness'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Implementing Attribute Value Uniqueness</title>
<para>Some attribute values ought to remain unique. If you are using
<literal>uid</literal> values as RDNs to distinguish between millions of
user entries stored under <literal>ou=People</literal>, then you do not
want your directory to contain two or more identical
<literal>uid</literal> values. If your credit card or mobile number is
stored as an attribute value on your directory entry, you certainly do not
want to share that credit card or mobile number with another customer.
The same is true for your email address.</para>
<indexterm><primary>Unique attribute values</primary></indexterm>
<para>The difficulty for you as directory administrator lies in
implementing attribute value uniqueness without sacrificing the high
availability that comes from using OpenDJ's loosely consistent,
multi-master data replication. Indeed OpenDJ's replication model lets
you maintain write access during network outages for directory
applications. Yet, write access during a network outage can result in the
same, theoretically unique attribute value getting assigned to two different
entries at once. You do not notice the problem until the network outage
goes away and replication resumes.</para>
<para>This chapter shows you how to set up attribute value uniqueness
in your directory environment with the following procedures.</para>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="enable-unique-uids" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="enable-unique-attributes" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="unique-attributes-scoped" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><xref linkend="unique-attributes-repl" /></para></listitem>
<para>OpenDJ directory server uses the unique attribute plugin to handle
attribute value uniqueness. As shown in the examples in this chapter, you
can configure the unique attribute plugin to handle one or more attributes
and to handle entries under one or more base DNs. You can also configure
multiple instances of the plugin for the same OpenDJ directory server.</para>
<procedure xml:id="enable-unique-uids">
<title>To Enable Unique UIDs</title>
<para>OpenDJ provides a unique attribute plugin that you configure by using
the <command>dsconfig</command> command. By default, the plugin is prepared
to ensure attribute values are unique for <literal>uid</literal>
<para>Set the base DN where <literal>uid</literal> should have unique
values, and enable the plugin.</para>
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
set-plugin-prop \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "UID Unique Attribute" \
--set base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com \
--set enabled:true \
--trustAll \
<para>Alternatively, you can specify multiple base DNs for unique values
across multiple suffixes.</para>
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
set-plugin-prop \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDn "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "UID Unique Attribute" \
--set enabled:true \
--add base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com \
--add base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=org \
--trustAll \
<para>Check that the plugin is working correctly.</para>
$ <userinput>cat bjensen.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: uid
uid: bjensen</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--defaultAdd \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--filename bjensen.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code: 19 (Constraint Violation)
Additional Information: A unique attribute conflict was detected for
attribute uid: value bjensen already exists in entry
<para>If you have set up multiple suffixes, you might try something like
$ <userinput>cat bjensen.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Babs
sn: Jensen
uid: bjensen</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--defaultAdd \
--filename bjensen.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing ADD request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
ADD operation failed
Result Code: 19 (Constraint Violation)
Additional Information: A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute
uid: value bjensen already exists in entry
<procedure xml:id="enable-unique-attributes">
<title>To Enable Unique Values For Other Attributes</title>
<para>You can also configure the unique attribute plugin for use with
other attributes, such as <literal>mail</literal>, <literal>mobile</literal>,
or attributes you define, for example <literal>cardNumber</literal>.</para>
<para>Before you set up the plugin, index the attribute for equality.</para>
<para>See <link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#configure-indexes"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Configuring &amp;
Rebuilding Indexes</citetitle></link> for instructions.</para>
<para>Set up the plugin configuration for your attribute.</para>
<para>You can either add the attribute to an existing plugin configuration,
or create a new plugin configuration including the attribute.</para>
<para>When choosing between these alternatives, keep in mind that values
must be unique across the attributes and base DNs specified in each
plugin configuration. Therefore only group attributes together in the
same configuration if you want each value to be unique for all
attributes. For example, you might create a single plugin configuration
for telephone, fax, mobile, and pager numbers. As an alternative
example, suppose user IDs are numeric, that user entries also specify
<literal>uidNumber</literal>, and that user IDs are normally the same as
their <literal>uidNumber</literal>s. In that case you create separate
unique attribute configurations for <literal>uid</literal> and
<para>If you want to add the attribute to an existing plugin
configuration, do so as shown in the following example which uses the
plugin configuration from <xref linkend="enable-unique-uids" />.</para>
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
set-plugin-prop \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "UID Unique Attribute" \
--add type:mobile \
--trustAll \
<para>If you want to create a new plugin configuration, do so as shown in
the following example.</para>
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
create-plugin \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "Unique mobile numbers" \
--type unique-attribute \
--set enabled:true \
--set base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com \
--set type:mobile \
--trustAll \
<para>Check that the plugin is working correctly.</para>
$ <userinput>cat mobile.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: mobile
mobile: +1 828 555 1212
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: mobile
mobile: +1 828 555 1212</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--defaultAdd \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--filename mobile.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code: 19 (Constraint Violation)
Additional Information: A unique attribute conflict was detected for
attribute mobile: value +1 828 555 1212 already exists in entry
<procedure xml:id="unique-attributes-scoped">
<title>To Limit The Scope of Uniqueness</title>
<para>In some cases you need attribute uniqueness separately for different
base DNs in your directory. For example, you need all <literal>uid</literal>
values to remain unique both for users in <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>
and <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>, but it is not a problem to have
one entry under each base DN with the same user ID as the organizations are
separate. The following steps demonstrate how to limit the scope of uniqueness
by creating separate configuration entries for the unique attribute
<para>If the attribute you target is not indexed for equality by default,
index the attribute for equality.</para>
<para>See <link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#configure-indexes"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Configuring &amp;
Rebuilding Indexes</citetitle></link> for instructions.</para>
<para>The examples in this procedure target the user ID attribute,
<literal>uid</literal>, which is indexed for equality by default.</para>
<para>For each base DN, set up a configuration entry that ensures the
target attribute values are unique.</para>
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
create-plugin \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "Unique UIDs" \
--type unique-attribute \
--set enabled:true \
--set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com \
--set type:uid \
--trustAll \
$ <userinput>dsconfig \
create-plugin \
--port 4444 \
--hostname \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--plugin-name "Unique UIDs" \
--type unique-attribute \
--set enabled:true \
--set base-dn:dc=example,dc=org \
--set type:uid \
--trustAll \
<para>Check that the plugin is working correctly.</para>
$ <userinput>cat uniq-ids.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: unique
givenName: Unique
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Unique Person
sn: Person
userPassword: 1Mun1qu3
dn: uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
uid: unique
givenName: Unique
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Unique Person
sn: Person
userPassword: 1Mun1qu3
dn: uid=copycat,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: unique
uid: copycat
givenName: Copycat
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Copycat Person
sn: Person
userPassword: copycopy</computeroutput>
$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
--defaultAdd \
--port 1389 \
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password \
--filename uniq-ids.ldif</userinput>
<computeroutput>Processing ADD request for uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
ADD operation successful for DN uid=unique,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
Processing ADD request for uid=copycat,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation failed
Result Code: 19 (Constraint Violation)
Additional Information: A unique attribute conflict was detected for
attribute uid: value unique already exists in entry
<procedure xml:id="unique-attributes-repl">
<title>To Ensure Unique Attribute Values With Replication</title>
<secondary>Unique attributes</secondary>
<para>The unique attribute plugin ensures unique attribute values on the
directory server where the attribute value is updated. If client applications
separately write the same attribute value at the same time on different
directory replicas, it is possible that both servers consider the duplicate
value unique, especially if the network is down between the replicas.</para>
<para>Enable the plugin identically on all replicas.</para>
<para>To avoid duplicate values where possible, try one of the following
<para>Use a load balancer or proxy technology to direct all updates
to the unique attribute to the same directory server.</para>
<para>The drawback here is the need for an additional component to
direct the updates to the same server, and to manage failover should that
server go down.</para>
<para>Configure safe read mode assured replication between replicas
storing the unique attribute.</para>
<para>The drawbacks here are the cost of safe read assured replication,
and the likelihood that assured replication can enter degraded mode during
a network outage, thus continuing to allow updates during the