revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
user-friendly-name=Synchronization Provider
user-friendly-plural-name=Synchronization Providers
synopsis=Synchronization Providers are responsible for handling synchronization of the Directory Server data with other OpenDJ instances or other data repositories.
description=The OpenDJ takes a centralized approach to replication, rather than the point-to-point approach taken by Sun Java System Directory Server. In OpenDJ, one or more replication servers are created in the environment. The replication servers typically do not store user data but keep a log of all changes made within the topology. Each Directory Server instance in the topology is pointed at the replication servers. This plan simplifies the deployment and management of the environment. Although you can run the replication server on the same system (or even in the same instance) as the Directory Server, the two servers can be separated onto different systems. This approach can provide better performance or functionality in large environments.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Synchronization Provider is enabled for use. the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Synchronization Provider implementation.