revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
user-friendly-name=Network Group Criteria
user-friendly-plural-name=Network Group Criteria
synopsis=The Network Group Criteria is used to classify incoming connections.
property.allowed-auth-method.synopsis=Specifies the allowed authorization methods for a client connection to match the Network Group Criteria.
property.allowed-auth-method.syntax.enumeration.value.anonymous.synopsis=Anonymous connections.
property.allowed-auth-method.syntax.enumeration.value.sasl.synopsis=SASL/external connections, with a certificate containing the user authentication.
property.allowed-auth-method.syntax.enumeration.value.simple.synopsis=Simple bind connections, with bind DN and password.
property.allowed-ldap-port.synopsis=Specifies the allowed LDAP ports for the client connection to match the Network Group Criteria.
property.allowed-ldap-port.syntax.enumeration.value.ldap.synopsis=Connection over ldap port.
property.allowed-ldap-port.syntax.enumeration.value.ldaps.synopsis=Connection over ldaps port.
property.bind-dn-filter.synopsis=Specifies a bind DN filter for the client connection to match the Network Group Criteria.
property.bind-dn-filter.description=A valid bind DN filter is a string composed of zero or more wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
property.ip-address-filter.synopsis=Specifies an IP address filter for the Network Group Criteria.
property.ip-address-filter.description=A valid IP address mask can be one of the followings: 129.*.78.55 foo.*.sun.* 128.*.*.* *.*.*.* foo 2001:fecd:ba23:cd1f:dcb1:1010:9234:4088/124 2001:fecd:ba23:cd1f:dcb1:1010:9234:4088 [2001:fecd:ba23:cd1f:dcb1:1010:9234:4088]/45 ::/128 ::1/128 :: whether security is mandatory for the Network Group Criteria.
property.user-entry-filter.synopsis=Specifies a search filter that the entry of a bound client must match.