ExternalSASLMechanismHandlerCfgDefn_zh_TW.properties revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
synopsis=The External SASL Mechanism Handler performs all processing related to SASL EXTERNAL authentication.
property.certificate-attribute.synopsis=Specifies the name of the attribute to hold user certificates.
property.certificate-attribute.description=This property must specify the name of a valid attribute type defined in the server schema.
property.certificate-mapper.synopsis=Specifies the name of the certificate mapper that should be used to match client certificates to user entries.
property.certificate-mapper.syntax.aggregation.constraint-synopsis=The referenced certificate mapper must be enabled when the External SASL Mechanism Handler is enabled.
property.certificate-validation-policy.synopsis=Indicates whether to attempt to validate the peer certificate against a certificate held in the user's entry.
property.certificate-validation-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.always.synopsis=Always require the peer certificate to be present in the user's entry.
property.certificate-validation-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.ifpresent.synopsis=If the user's entry contains one or more certificates, require that one of them match the peer certificate.
property.certificate-validation-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.never.synopsis=Do not look for the peer certificate to be present in the user's entry.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the SASL mechanism handler is enabled for use.
property.java-class.synopsis=Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SASL mechanism handler implementation.