revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
user-friendly-name=Error Log Publisher
user-friendly-plural-name=Error Log Publishers
synopsis=Error Log Publishers are responsible for distributing error log messages from the error logger to a destination.
description=Error log messages provide information about any warnings, errors, or significant events that are encountered during server processing.
property.default-severity.synopsis=Specifies the default severity levels for the logger.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.all.synopsis=Messages of all severity levels are logged.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.debug.synopsis=The error log severity that is used for messages that provide debugging information triggered during processing.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.error.synopsis=The error log severity that is used for messages that provide information about fatal errors which may force the server to shut down or operate in a significantly degraded state. error log severity that is used for messages that provide information about significant events within the server that are not warnings or errors.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.warning.synopsis=The error log severity that is used for messages that provide information about mild warnings triggered during processing.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.none.synopsis=No messages of any severity are logged by default. This value is intended to be used in conjunction with the override-severity property to define an error logger that will publish no error message beside the errors of a given category.
property.default-severity.syntax.enumeration.value.notice.synopsis=The error log severity that is used for the most important informational messages (i.e., information that should almost always be logged but is not associated with a warning or error condition).
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Error Log Publisher is enabled for use. fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Error Log Publisher implementation.
property.override-severity.synopsis=Specifies the override severity levels for the logger based on the category of the messages.
property.override-severity.description=Each override severity level should include the category and the severity levels to log for that category, for example, core=error,info,warning. Valid categories are: core, extensions, protocol, config, log, util, schema, plugin, jeb, backend, tools, task, access-control, admin, sync, version, quicksetup, admin-tool, dsconfig, user-defined. Valid severities are: all, error, info, warning, notice, debug.
property.override-severity.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=All messages with the default severity levels are logged.
property.override-severity.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A string in the form category=severity1,severity2...