manage-tasks.1 revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
Title: manage-tasks
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <>
Date: 03/21/2012
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.5.0
Language: English

"MANAGE-TASKS" "1" "03/21/2012" "OpenDJ 2.5.0" "Tools Reference"
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manage-tasks - manage OpenDJ server administration tasks

\w'manage-tasks 'u manage-tasks {options}


This utility can be used to obtain a list of tasks scheduled to run within the directory server as well as information about individual tasks.


The following options are supported.

-c, --cancel {taskID}

ID of a particular task to cancel

-i, --info {taskID}

ID of a particular task about which this tool will display information

-s, --summary

Print a summary of tasks

"LDAP Connection Options"

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use \*(Aq0\*(Aq to specify no time out. Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

"Utility Input/Output Options"

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

"General Options"

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information



The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command with a server that does daily backups at 2:00 AM.


$ manage-tasks -p 4444 -h -D "cn=Directory Manager"
 -w password -s

 ID Type Status
 example-backup Backup Recurring
 example-backup-20110622020000000 Backup Waiting on start time

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