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<document xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<title>About OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit</title>
<author email="">ForgeRock AS</author>
<section name="About OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit">
<p>The OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit includes the following command-line tools.</p>
<dt>authrate</dt><dd>measure bind throughput and response time</dd>
<dt>ldapcompare</dt><dd>perform LDAP compare operations</dd>
<dt>ldapmodify</dt><dd>perform LDAP modify, add, delete, mod DN operations</dd>
<dt>ldappasswordmodify</dt><dd>perform LDAP password modifications</dd>
<dt>ldapsearch</dt><dd>perform LDAP search operations</dd>
<dt>ldifmodify</dt><dd>perform LDAP modify, add, delete, mod DN operations against entries contained in an LDIF file</dd>
<dt>ldifsearch</dt><dd>perform search operations against entries contained in an LDIF file</dd>
<dt>ldifdiff</dt><dd>compare two LDIF files and report the differences in LDIF format</dd>
<dt>makeldif</dt><dd>generate LDIF content from and LDIF template</dd>
<dt>modrate</dt><dd>measure modification throughput and response time</dd>
<dt>searchrate</dt><dd>measure search throughput and response time</dd>
<section name="Get the OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit">
You can get the
LDAP Toolkit using any of the following
<subsection name="Download">
The easiest way to download the OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit is to get the latest version from our
<subsection name="Build">
For the DIY enthusiasts you can build it yourself by checking out the
latest code using
<a href="source-repository.html">Subversion</a>
and building it with Maven 3