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<document xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<title>About OpenDJ LDAP SDK Examples</title>
<author email="">ForgeRock AS</author>
<section name="About OpenDJ LDAP SDK Examples">
<p>This module contains example LDAP applications implemented using the
OpenDJ LDAP SDK:</p>
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/Search.html">LDAP search</a>
- illustrates how to perform an LDAP search operation using the
synchronous APIs
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/SearchAsync.html">LDAP asynchronous search</a>
- illustrates how to perform an LDAP search operation using the
asynchronous APIs
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/Modify.html">LDAP modify</a>
- illustrates how to perform an LDAP modify operation using the
synchronous APIs
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/Server.html">LDAP server</a>
- illustrates how to implement a very simple LDAP server
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/Proxy.html">LDAP proxy</a>
- illustrates how to implement a very simple LDAP proxy
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/SimpleAuth.html">LDAP bind</a>
- illustrates how to bind to an LDAP server
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/SASLAuth.html">LDAP SASL bind</a>
- illustrates how to implement a SASL PLAIN bind to an LDAP server
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/ParseAttributes.html">Parse
attributes</a> - illustrates how to get an entry's attribute values as objects
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/ReadSchema.html">Read LDAP schema</a>
- illustrates how to read and verify an LDAP server's schema
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/GetInfo.html">Read Root DSE</a>
- illustrates how to read an LDAP server's capabilities and schema
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/SearchBind.html">Search &amp; bind</a>
- illustrates how to authenticate given a mail address and a password
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/ShortLife.html">Short life</a>
- illustrates how to create, update, rename, and delete an entry
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/Controls.html">Use LDAP Controls</a>
- illustrates how to use supported LDAP controls
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/ExtendedOperations.html">Use
LDAP Extended Operations</a> - illustrates how to use supported LDAP extended
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/RewriterProxy.html">Rewrite proxy</a>
- illustrates how to rewrite DNs and attribute names in a proxy layer
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/UpdateGroup.html">Update group</a>
- illustrates how to add or remove a member from a static group
<a href="xref/org/forgerock/opendj/examples/GetADChangeNotifications.html">Use <code>GenericControl</code></a>
- illustrates how to use <code>GenericControl</code> to get change notifications from Active Directory
<section name="Get the OpenDJ LDAP SDK Examples">
You can get the
LDAP SDK examples using any of the following
<subsection name="Download">
The easiest way to download the OpenDJ LDAP SDK Examples and all of
dependencies is to get the latest version from our
<subsection name="Build">
For the DIY enthusiasts you can build it yourself by checking out the
latest code using
<a href="source-repository.html">Subversion</a>
and building it with Maven 3.