AbstractSubstringMatchingRuleImplTest.java revision 8ac57ee1cd50fcc3d02b36bea4ab1335924f1d7a
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package org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.fest.assertions.Assertions;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Assertion;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ConditionResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.IndexQueryFactory;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.Indexer;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.IndexingOptions;
import org.forgerock.util.Utils;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString.*;
import static org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.SchemaConstants.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* Tests all generic code of AbstractSubstringMatchingRuleImpl.
public class AbstractSubstringMatchingRuleImplTest extends AbstractSchemaTestCase {
private static class FakeSubstringMatchingRuleImpl extends AbstractSubstringMatchingRuleImpl {
FakeSubstringMatchingRuleImpl() {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteString normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema, ByteSequence value) throws DecodeException {
return value.toByteString();
static class FakeIndexQueryFactory implements IndexQueryFactory<String> {
private final IndexingOptions options;
private final boolean normalizedValuesAreReadable;
public FakeIndexQueryFactory(IndexingOptions options) {
this(options, true);
public FakeIndexQueryFactory(IndexingOptions options, boolean normalizedValuesAreReadable) {
this.options = options;
this.normalizedValuesAreReadable = normalizedValuesAreReadable;
public String createExactMatchQuery(String indexID, ByteSequence key) {
String keyValue = normalizedValuesAreReadable ? key.toString() : key.toByteString().toHexString();
return "exactMatch(" + indexID + ", value=='" + keyValue + "')";
public String createMatchAllQuery() {
return "matchAll()";
public String createRangeMatchQuery(String indexID, ByteSequence lower, ByteSequence upper,
boolean lowerIncluded, boolean upperIncluded) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("rangeMatch");
sb.append(", '");
if (normalizedValuesAreReadable) {
} else if (!lower.isEmpty()) {
sb.append("' <");
if (lowerIncluded) {
sb.append(" value <");
if (upperIncluded) {
sb.append(" '");
if (normalizedValuesAreReadable) {
} else if (!upper.isEmpty()) {
return sb.toString();
public String createIntersectionQuery(Collection<String> subqueries) {
return "intersect[" + Utils.joinAsString(", ", subqueries) + "]";
public String createUnionQuery(Collection<String> subqueries) {
return "union[" + Utils.joinAsString(", ", subqueries) + "]";
public IndexingOptions getIndexingOptions() {
return options;
private MatchingRuleImpl getRule() {
return new FakeSubstringMatchingRuleImpl();
static IndexingOptions newIndexingOptions() {
final IndexingOptions options = mock(IndexingOptions.class);
return options;
public Object[][] invalidAssertions() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "" },
{ "abc" },
{ "**" },
{ "\\g" },
{ "\\0" },
{ "\\00" },
{ "\\0g" },
{ gen() },
@Test(dataProvider = "invalidAssertions", expectedExceptions = { DecodeException.class })
public void testInvalidAssertion(String assertionValue) throws Exception {
getRule().getAssertion(null, valueOf(assertionValue));
public Object[][] validAssertions() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "this is a string", "*", ConditionResult.TRUE },
{ "this is a string", "that*", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", "*that", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", "this*is*a*string", ConditionResult.TRUE },
{ "this is a string", "this*my*string", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", "string*a*is*this", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", "string*a*is*this", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", "*\\00", ConditionResult.FALSE },
{ "this is a string", gen() + "*", ConditionResult.FALSE },
// initial substring longer than value
{ "tt", "this*", ConditionResult.FALSE },
// final substring longer than value
{ "tt", "*this", ConditionResult.FALSE },
private String gen() {
final char[] array = new char[] {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : array) {
return sb.toString();
@Test(dataProvider = "validAssertions")
public void testValidAssertions(String attrValue, String assertionValue, ConditionResult expected)
throws Exception {
final MatchingRuleImpl rule = getRule();
final ByteString normValue = rule.normalizeAttributeValue(null, valueOf(attrValue));
Assertion assertion = rule.getAssertion(null, valueOf(assertionValue));
assertEquals(assertion.matches(normValue), expected);
public void testSubstringCreateIndexQueryForFinalWithMultipleSubqueries() throws Exception {
Assertion assertion = getRule().getSubstringAssertion(
null, null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, valueOf("this"));
assertion.createIndexQuery(new FakeIndexQueryFactory(newIndexingOptions())),
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='his'), "
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='thi')"
+ "]");
public void testSubstringCreateIndexQueryForAllNoSubqueries() throws Exception {
Assertion assertion = getRule().getSubstringAssertion(
null, valueOf("abc"), Arrays.asList(toByteStrings("def", "ghi")), valueOf("jkl"));
assertion.createIndexQuery(new FakeIndexQueryFactory(newIndexingOptions())),
+ "rangeMatch(" + EMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", 'abc' <= value < 'abd'), "
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='def'), "
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='ghi'), "
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='jkl'), "
+ "exactMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", value=='abc')"
+ "]");
public void testSubstringCreateIndexQueryWithInitial() throws Exception {
Assertion assertion = getRule().getSubstringAssertion(
null, valueOf("aa"), Collections.EMPTY_LIST, null);
assertion.createIndexQuery(new FakeIndexQueryFactory(newIndexingOptions())),
+ "rangeMatch(" + EMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", 'aa' <= value < 'ab'), "
+ "rangeMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", 'aa' <= value < 'ab')"
+ "]");
public void testSubstringCreateIndexQueryWithInitialOverflowsInRange() throws Exception {
ByteString lower = wrap(new byte[] { 'a', (byte) 0XFF });
Assertion assertion = getRule().getSubstringAssertion(
null, lower, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, null);
assertion.createIndexQuery(new FakeIndexQueryFactory(newIndexingOptions())),
// 0x00 is the nul byte, a.k.a. string terminator
// so everything after it is not part of the string
+ "rangeMatch(" + EMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", '" + lower + "' <= value < 'b\u0000'), "
+ "rangeMatch(" + SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ", '" + lower + "' <= value < 'b\u0000')"
+ "]");
public void testIndexer() throws Exception {
final IndexingOptions options = newIndexingOptions();
final Indexer indexer = getRule().createIndexers(options).iterator().next();
Assertions.assertThat(indexer.getIndexID()).isEqualTo(SMR_CASE_EXACT_OID + ":" + options.substringKeySize());
final TreeSet<ByteString> keys = new TreeSet<>();
indexer.createKeys(Schema.getCoreSchema(), valueOf("ABCDE"), keys);
Assertions.assertThat(keys).containsOnly((Object[]) toByteStrings("ABC", "BCD", "CDE", "DE", "E"));
private ByteString[] toByteStrings(String... strings) {
final ByteString[] results = new ByteString[strings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
results[i] = valueOf(strings[i]);
return results;