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package org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.controls;
import static com.forgerock.opendj.util.StaticUtils.byteToHex;
import static com.forgerock.opendj.util.StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage;
import static com.forgerock.opendj.ldap.CoreMessages.*;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeOptions;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
* The password policy response control as defined in
* draft-behera-ldap-password-policy.
* <pre>
* Connection connection = ...;
* String DN = ...;
* char[] password = ...;
* try {
* BindRequest request = Requests.newSimpleBindRequest(DN, password)
* .addControl(PasswordPolicyRequestControl.newControl(true));
* BindResult result = connection.bind(request);
* PasswordPolicyResponseControl control =
* result.getControl(PasswordPolicyResponseControl.DECODER,
* new DecodeOptions());
* if (!(control == null) && !(control.getWarningType() == null)) {
* // Password policy warning, use control.getWarningType(),
* // and control.getWarningValue().
* }
* } catch (LdapException e) {
* Result result = e.getResult();
* try {
* PasswordPolicyResponseControl control =
* result.getControl(PasswordPolicyResponseControl.DECODER,
* new DecodeOptions());
* if (!(control == null)) {
* // Password policy error, use control.getErrorType().
* }
* } catch (DecodeException de) {
* // Failed to decode the response control.
* }
* } catch (DecodeException e) {
* // Failed to decode the response control.
* }
* </pre>
* If the client has sent a passwordPolicyRequest control, the server (when
* solicited by the inclusion of the request control) sends this control with
* the following operation responses: bindResponse, modifyResponse, addResponse,
* compareResponse and possibly extendedResponse, to inform of various
* conditions, and MAY be sent with other operations (in the case of the
* changeAfterReset error).
* @see PasswordPolicyRequestControl
* @see PasswordPolicyWarningType
* @see PasswordPolicyErrorType
* @see <a href="">
* draft-behera-ldap-password-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories
* </a>
public final class PasswordPolicyResponseControl implements Control {
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* The OID for the password policy control from
* draft-behera-ldap-password-policy.
public static final String OID = PasswordPolicyRequestControl.OID;
private final int warningValue;
private final PasswordPolicyErrorType errorType;
private final PasswordPolicyWarningType warningType;
* A decoder which can be used for decoding the password policy response
* control.
public static final ControlDecoder<PasswordPolicyResponseControl> DECODER =
new ControlDecoder<PasswordPolicyResponseControl>() {
public PasswordPolicyResponseControl decodeControl(final Control control,
final DecodeOptions options) throws DecodeException {
if (control instanceof PasswordPolicyResponseControl) {
return (PasswordPolicyResponseControl) control;
if (!control.getOID().equals(OID)) {
final LocalizableMessage message =
throw DecodeException.error(message);
if (!control.hasValue()) {
// The response control must always have a value.
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_PWPOLICYRES_NO_CONTROL_VALUE.get();
throw DecodeException.error(message);
final ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(control.getValue());
try {
PasswordPolicyWarningType warningType = null;
PasswordPolicyErrorType errorType = null;
int warningValue = -1;
if (reader.hasNextElement() && (reader.peekType() == TYPE_WARNING_ELEMENT)) {
// Its a CHOICE element. Read as sequence to
// retrieve
// nested element.
final int warningChoiceValue = (0x7F & reader.peekType());
if (warningChoiceValue < 0
|| warningChoiceValue >= PasswordPolicyWarningType.values().length) {
final LocalizableMessage message =
throw DecodeException.error(message);
} else {
warningType =
warningValue = (int) reader.readInteger();
if (reader.hasNextElement() && (reader.peekType() == TYPE_ERROR_ELEMENT)) {
final int errorValue = reader.readEnumerated();
if (errorValue < 0
|| errorValue >= PasswordPolicyErrorType.values().length) {
final LocalizableMessage message =
throw DecodeException.error(message);
} else {
errorType = PasswordPolicyErrorType.values()[errorValue];
return new PasswordPolicyResponseControl(control.isCritical(), warningType,
warningValue, errorType);
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.debug(LocalizableMessage.raw("%s", e));
final LocalizableMessage message =
throw DecodeException.error(message);
public String getOID() {
return OID;
* Creates a new password policy response control with the provided error.
* @param errorType
* The password policy error type.
* @return The new control.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If {@code errorType} was {@code null}.
public static PasswordPolicyResponseControl newControl(final PasswordPolicyErrorType errorType) {
return new PasswordPolicyResponseControl(false, null, -1, errorType);
* Creates a new password policy response control with the provided warning.
* @param warningType
* The password policy warning type.
* @param warningValue
* The password policy warning value.
* @return The new control.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code warningValue} was negative.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If {@code warningType} was {@code null}.
public static PasswordPolicyResponseControl newControl(
final PasswordPolicyWarningType warningType, final int warningValue) {
Reject.ifFalse(warningValue >= 0, "warningValue is negative");
return new PasswordPolicyResponseControl(false, warningType, warningValue, null);
* Creates a new password policy response control with the provided warning
* and error.
* @param warningType
* The password policy warning type.
* @param warningValue
* The password policy warning value.
* @param errorType
* The password policy error type.
* @return The new control.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code warningValue} was negative.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If {@code warningType} or {@code errorType} was {@code null}.
public static PasswordPolicyResponseControl newControl(
final PasswordPolicyWarningType warningType, final int warningValue,
final PasswordPolicyErrorType errorType) {
Reject.ifFalse(warningValue >= 0, "warningValue is negative");
return new PasswordPolicyResponseControl(false, warningType, warningValue, errorType);
private final boolean isCritical;
* The BER type value for the warning element of the control value.
private static final byte TYPE_WARNING_ELEMENT = (byte) 0xA0;
* The BER type value for the error element of the control value.
private static final byte TYPE_ERROR_ELEMENT = (byte) 0x81;
private PasswordPolicyResponseControl(final boolean isCritical,
final PasswordPolicyWarningType warningType, final int warningValue,
final PasswordPolicyErrorType errorType) {
this.isCritical = isCritical;
this.warningType = warningType;
this.warningValue = warningValue;
this.errorType = errorType;
* Returns the password policy error type, if available.
* @return The password policy error type, or {@code null} if this control
* does not contain a error.
public PasswordPolicyErrorType getErrorType() {
return errorType;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getOID() {
return OID;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteString getValue() {
final ByteStringBuilder buffer = new ByteStringBuilder();
final ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(buffer);
try {
if (warningType != null) {
// Just write the CHOICE element as a single element SEQUENCE.
writer.writeInteger((byte) (0x80 | warningType.intValue()), warningValue);
if (errorType != null) {
writer.writeInteger(TYPE_ERROR_ELEMENT, errorType.intValue());
return buffer.toByteString();
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
// This should never happen unless there is a bug somewhere.
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
* Returns the password policy warning type, if available.
* @return The password policy warning type, or {@code null} if this control
* does not contain a warning.
public PasswordPolicyWarningType getWarningType() {
return warningType;
* Returns the password policy warning value, if available. The value is
* undefined if this control does not contain a warning.
* @return The password policy warning value, or {@code -1} if this control
* does not contain a warning.
public int getWarningValue() {
return warningValue;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean hasValue() {
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isCritical() {
return isCritical;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(", criticality=");
if (warningType != null) {
builder.append(", warningType=");
builder.append(", warningValue=");
if (errorType != null) {
builder.append(", errorType=");
return builder.toString();