revision 6870993d12bf8a2b9d5cd103dc5ccabc42f9bf5d
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011 ForgeRock AS
package org.forgerock.opendj.config;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.client.RootCfgClient;
import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.meta.RootCfgDefn;
import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.server.RootCfg;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.RDN;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.AttributeType;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Schema;
* A path which can be used to determine the location of a managed object
* instance.
* <p>
* A path is made up of zero or more elements each of which represents a managed
* object. Managed objects are arranged hierarchically with the root
* configuration being the top-most managed object. Elements are ordered such
* that the root configuration managed object is the first element and
* subsequent elements representing managed objects further down the hierarchy.
* <p>
* A path can be encoded into a string representation using the
* {@link #toString()} and {@link #toString(StringBuilder)} methods. Conversely,
* this string representation can be parsed using the {@link #valueOf(String)}
* method.
* <p>
* The string representation of a managed object path is similar in principle to
* a UNIX file-system path and is defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>the root element is represented by the string <code>/</code>
* <li>subordinate elements are arranged in big-endian order separated by a
* forward slash <code>/</code> character
* <li>an element representing a managed object associated with a one-to-one
* (singleton) or one-to-zero-or-one (optional) relation has the form
* <code>relation=</code><i>relation</i> <code>[+type=</code><i>definition</i>
* <code>]</code>, where <i>relation</i> is the name of the relation and
* <i>definition</i> is the name of the referenced managed object's definition
* if required (usually this is implied by the relation itself)
* <li>an element representing a managed object associated with a one-to-many
* (instantiable) relation has the form <code>relation=</code><i>relation</i>
* <code>[+type=</code> <i>definition</i><code>]</code><code>+name=</code>
* <i>name</i>, where <i>relation</i> is the name of the relation and
* <i>definition</i> is the name of the referenced managed object's definition
* if required (usually this is implied by the relation itself), and <i>name</i>
* is the name of the managed object instance
* <li>an element representing a managed object associated with a one-to-many
* (set) relation has the form <code>relation=</code><i>relation</i>
* <code>[+type=</code> <i>definition</i><code>]</code>, where <i>relation</i>
* is the name of the relation and <i>definition</i> is the name of the
* referenced managed object's definition.
* </ul>
* The following path string representation identifies a connection handler
* instance (note that the <code>type</code> is not specified indicating that
* the path identifies a connection handler called <i>my handler</i> which can
* be any type of connection handler):
* <pre>
* /relation=connection-handler+name=my handler
* </pre>
* If the identified connection handler must be an LDAP connection handler then
* the above path should include the <code>type</code>:
* <pre>
* /relation=connection-handler+type=ldap-connection-handler+name=my handler
* </pre>
* The final example identifies the global configuration:
* <pre>
* /relation=global-configuration
* </pre>
* @param <C>
* The type of client managed object configuration that this path
* references.
* @param <S>
* The type of server managed object configuration that this path
* references.
public final class ManagedObjectPath<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> {
* A serialize which is used to generate the toDN representation.
private static final class DNSerializer implements ManagedObjectPathSerializer {
/** The current DN. */
private DN dn;
/** The LDAP profile. */
private final LDAPProfile profile;
/** Create a new DN builder. */
private DNSerializer() {
this.dn = DN.rootDN();
this.profile = LDAPProfile.getInstance();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d,
String name) {
// Add the RDN sequence representing the relation.
// Now add the single RDN representing the named instance.
String type = profile.getRelationChildRDNType(r);
AttributeType attrType = Schema.getDefaultSchema().getAttributeType(type);
dn = dn.child(new RDN(attrType, name));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
// Add the RDN sequence representing the relation.
// Now add the single RDN representing the instance.
String type = profile.getRelationChildRDNType(r);
AttributeType attrType = Schema.getDefaultSchema().getAttributeType(type);
dn = dn.child(new RDN(attrType, d.getName()));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
// Add the RDN sequence representing the relation.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
// Add the RDN sequence representing the relation.
/** Appends the RDN sequence representing the provided relation. */
private void appendManagedObjectPathElement(RelationDefinition<?, ?> r) {
DN localName = DN.valueOf(profile.getRelationRDNSequence(r));
dn = dn.child(localName);
/** Gets the serialized DN value. */
private DN toDN() {
return dn;
* Abstract path element.
private static abstract class Element<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> {
/** The type of managed object referenced by this element. */
private final AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> definition;
* Protected constructor.
* @param definition
* The type of managed object referenced by this element.
protected Element(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> definition) {
this.definition = definition;
* Get the managed object definition associated with this element.
* @return Returns the managed object definition associated with this
* element.
public final AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> getManagedObjectDefinition() {
return definition;
* Get the name associated with this element if applicable.
* @return Returns the name associated with this element if applicable.
public String getName() {
return null;
* Get the relation definition associated with this element.
* @return Returns the relation definition associated with this element.
public abstract RelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition();
* Serialize this path element using the provided serialization
* strategy.
* @param serializer
* The managed object path serialization strategy.
public abstract void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer);
* A path element representing an instantiable managed object.
private static final class InstantiableElement<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> extends
Element<C, S> {
/** Factory method. */
private static final <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> InstantiableElement<C, S> create(
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d,
String name) {
return new InstantiableElement<C, S>(r, d, name);
/** The name of the managed object. */
private final String name;
/** The instantiable relation. */
private final InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r;
/** Private constructor. */
private InstantiableElement(InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r,
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d, String name) {
this.r = r; = name;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() {
return name;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition() {
return r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer) {
serializer.appendManagedObjectPathElement(r, getManagedObjectDefinition(), name);
* A path element representing an optional managed object.
private static final class OptionalElement<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> extends
Element<C, S> {
/** Factory method. */
private static final <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> OptionalElement<C, S> create(
OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
return new OptionalElement<C, S>(r, d);
/** The optional relation. */
private final OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r;
/** Private constructor. */
private OptionalElement(OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r,
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
this.r = r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition() {
return r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer) {
serializer.appendManagedObjectPathElement(r, getManagedObjectDefinition());
* A path element representing an set managed object.
private static final class SetElement<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> extends
Element<C, S> {
/** Factory method. */
private static final <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> SetElement<C, S> create(
SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
return new SetElement<C, S>(r, d);
/** The set relation. */
private final SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r;
/** Private constructor. */
private SetElement(SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
this.r = r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition() {
return r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer) {
serializer.appendManagedObjectPathElement(r, getManagedObjectDefinition());
* A path element representing a singleton managed object.
private static final class SingletonElement<C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> extends
Element<C, S> {
/** Factory method. */
private static final <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> SingletonElement<C, S> create(
SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
return new SingletonElement<C, S>(r, d);
/** The singleton relation. */
private final SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r;
/** Private constructor. */
private SingletonElement(SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r,
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
this.r = r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition() {
return r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer) {
serializer.appendManagedObjectPathElement(r, getManagedObjectDefinition());
* A serialize which is used to generate the toString representation.
private static final class StringSerializer implements ManagedObjectPathSerializer {
/** Serialize to this string builder. */
private final StringBuilder builder;
/** Private constructor. */
private StringSerializer(StringBuilder builder) {
this.builder = builder;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d,
String name) {
serializeElement(r, d);
// Be careful to escape any forward slashes in the name.
builder.append(name.replace("/", "//"));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
OptionalRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
serializeElement(r, d);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
SingletonRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
serializeElement(r, d);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement(
SetRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
serializeElement(r, d);
/** Common element serialization. */
private <M, N> void serializeElement(RelationDefinition<?, ?> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> d) {
// Always specify the relation name.
// Only specify the type if it is a sub-type of the relation's
// type.
if (r.getChildDefinition() != d) {
/** Single instance of a root path. */
private static final ManagedObjectPath<RootCfgClient, RootCfg> EMPTY_PATH =
new ManagedObjectPath<RootCfgClient, RootCfg>(new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(), null,
/** A regular expression used to parse path elements. */
private static final Pattern PE_REGEXP = Pattern.compile("^\\s*relation=\\s*([^+]+)\\s*"
+ "(\\+\\s*type=\\s*([^+]+)\\s*)?" + "(\\+\\s*name=\\s*([^+]+)\\s*)?$");
* Creates a new managed object path representing the configuration root.
* @return Returns a new managed object path representing the configuration
* root.
public static ManagedObjectPath<RootCfgClient, RootCfg> emptyPath() {
return EMPTY_PATH;
* Returns a managed object path holding the value of the specified string.
* @param s
* The string to be parsed.
* @return Returns a managed object path holding the value of the specified
* string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the string could not be parsed.
public static ManagedObjectPath<?, ?> valueOf(String s) {
String ns = s.trim();
// Check for root special case.
if (ns.equals("/")) {
return EMPTY_PATH;
// Parse the elements.
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> elements = new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>();
Element<?, ?> lastElement = null;
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> definition = RootCfgDefn.getInstance();
if (!ns.startsWith("/")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path \"" + ns + "\": must begin with a \"/\"");
int start = 1;
while (true) {
// Get the next path element.
int end;
for (end = start; end < ns.length(); end++) {
char c = ns.charAt(end);
if (c == '/') {
if (end == (ns.length() - 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path \"" + ns
+ "\": must not end with a trailing \"/\"");
if (ns.charAt(end + 1) == '/') {
// Found an escaped forward slash.
} else {
// Found the end of this path element.
// Get the next element.
String es = ns.substring(start, end);
Matcher m = PE_REGEXP.matcher(es);
if (!m.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + es + "\" in path \"" + ns + "\"");
// Mandatory.
String relation =;
// Optional.
String type =;
// Mandatory if relation is instantiable.
String name =;
// Get the relation definition.
RelationDefinition<?, ?> r;
try {
r = definition.getRelationDefinition(relation);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + es + "\" in path \"" + ns
+ "\": unknown relation \"" + relation + "\"");
// Append the next element.
lastElement = createElement(r, ns, es, type, name);
definition = lastElement.getManagedObjectDefinition();
// Update start to point to the beginning of the next element.
if (end < ns.length()) {
// Skip to the beginning of the next element
start = end + 1;
} else {
// We reached the end of the string.
// Construct the new path.
return create(elements, lastElement);
* Factory method required in order to allow generic wild-card
* construction of new paths.
private static <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<C, S> create(
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> elements, Element<C, S> lastElement) {
return new ManagedObjectPath<C, S>(elements, lastElement.getRelationDefinition(),
// Decode an element.
// @Checkstyle:ignore
private static <C extends ConfigurationClient, S extends Configuration> Element<? extends C, ? extends S> createElement(
RelationDefinition<C, S> r, String path, String element, String type, String name) {
// First determine the managed object definition.
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C, ? extends S> d = null;
if (type != null) {
for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C, ? extends S> child : r.getChildDefinition()
.getAllChildren()) {
if (child.getName().equals(type)) {
d = child;
if (d == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": unknown sub-type \"" + type + "\"");
} else {
d = r.getChildDefinition();
if (r instanceof InstantiableRelationDefinition) {
InstantiableRelationDefinition<C, S> ir = (InstantiableRelationDefinition<C, S>) r;
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": no instance name for instantiable relation");
return InstantiableElement.create(ir, d, name);
} else if (r instanceof SetRelationDefinition) {
SetRelationDefinition<C, S> ir = (SetRelationDefinition<C, S>) r;
if (name != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": instance name specified for set relation");
return SetElement.create(ir, d);
} else if (r instanceof OptionalRelationDefinition) {
OptionalRelationDefinition<C, S> or = (OptionalRelationDefinition<C, S>) r;
if (name != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": instance name specified for optional relation");
return OptionalElement.create(or, d);
} else if (r instanceof SingletonRelationDefinition) {
SingletonRelationDefinition<C, S> sr = (SingletonRelationDefinition<C, S>) r;
if (name != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": instance name specified for singleton relation");
return SingletonElement.create(sr, d);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path element \"" + element + "\" in path \"" + path
+ "\": unsupported relation type");
/** The managed object definition in this path. */
private final AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d;
/** The list of path elements in this path. */
private final List<Element<?, ?>> elements;
/** The last relation definition in this path. */
private final RelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r;
/** Private constructor. */
private ManagedObjectPath(LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> elements, RelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> r,
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> d) {
this.elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(elements);
this.r = r;
this.d = d;
* Creates a new managed object path which has the same structure as this
* path except that the final path element is associated with the specified
* managed object definition.
* @param
* The type of client managed object configuration that this path
* will reference.
* @param
* The type of server managed object configuration that this path
* will reference.
* @param nd
* The new managed object definition.
* @return Returns a new managed object path which has the same structure as
* this path except that the final path element is associated with
* the specified managed object definition.
// @Checkstyle:ignore
public <C1 extends C, S1 extends S> ManagedObjectPath<C1, S1> asSubType(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C1, S1> nd) {
if (r instanceof InstantiableRelationDefinition) {
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> ir =
(InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S>) r;
if (elements.size() == 0) {
return parent().child(ir, nd, "null");
} else {
return parent().child(ir, nd, elements.get(elements.size() - 1).getName());
} else if (r instanceof SetRelationDefinition) {
SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> sr = (SetRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S>) r;
return parent().child(sr, nd);
} else if (r instanceof OptionalRelationDefinition) {
OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> or =
(OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S>) r;
return parent().child(or, nd);
} else {
SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> sr =
(SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S>) r;
return parent().child(sr, nd);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* having the specified managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The instantiable relation referencing the child.
* @param d
* The managed object definition associated with the child (must
* be a sub-type of the relation).
* @param name
* The relative name of the child managed object.
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the provided name is empty or blank.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d, String name) {
if (name.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty or blank managed object names are not allowed");
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> celements = new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(elements);
celements.add(new InstantiableElement<M, N>(r, d, name));
return new ManagedObjectPath<M, N>(celements, r, d);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* using the relation's child managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The instantiable relation referencing the child.
* @param name
* The relative name of the child managed object.
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the provided name is empty or blank.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
InstantiableRelationDefinition<M, N> r, String name) {
return child(r, r.getChildDefinition(), name);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* having the specified managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The optional relation referencing the child.
* @param d
* The managed object definition associated with the child (must
* be a sub-type of the relation).
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
OptionalRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> celements = new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(elements);
celements.add(new OptionalElement<M, N>(r, d));
return new ManagedObjectPath<M, N>(celements, r, d);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* using the relation's child managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The optional relation referencing the child.
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
OptionalRelationDefinition<M, N> r) {
return child(r, r.getChildDefinition());
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* having the specified managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The singleton relation referencing the child.
* @param d
* The managed object definition associated with the child (must
* be a sub-type of the relation).
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
SingletonRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> celements = new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(elements);
celements.add(new SingletonElement<M, N>(r, d));
return new ManagedObjectPath<M, N>(celements, r, d);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* using the relation's child managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The singleton relation referencing the child.
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
SingletonRelationDefinition<M, N> r) {
return child(r, r.getChildDefinition());
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* having the specified managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The set relation referencing the child.
* @param d
* The managed object definition associated with the child (must
* be a sub-type of the relation).
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the provided name is empty or blank.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
SetRelationDefinition<? super M, ? super N> r, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d) {
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> celements = new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(elements);
celements.add(new SetElement<M, N>(r, d));
return new ManagedObjectPath<M, N>(celements, r, d);
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* having the managed object definition indicated by <code>name</code>.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the path
* references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the path
* references.
* @param r
* The set relation referencing the child.
* @param name
* The name of the managed object definition associated with the
* child (must be a sub-type of the relation).
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the provided name is empty or blank or specifies a managed
* object definition which is not a sub-type of the relation's
* child definition.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<? extends M, ? extends N> child(
SetRelationDefinition<M, N> r, String name) {
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<M, N> d = r.getChildDefinition();
return child(r, d.getChild(name));
* Creates a new child managed object path beneath the provided parent path
* using the relation's child managed object definition.
* @param <M>
* The type of client managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param <N>
* The type of server managed object configuration that the child
* path references.
* @param r
* The set relation referencing the child.
* @return Returns a new child managed object path beneath the provided
* parent path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the provided name is empty or blank.
public <M extends ConfigurationClient, N extends Configuration> ManagedObjectPath<M, N> child(
SetRelationDefinition<M, N> r) {
return child(r, r.getChildDefinition());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else if (obj instanceof ManagedObjectPath) {
ManagedObjectPath<?, ?> other = (ManagedObjectPath<?, ?>) obj;
return toString().equals(other.toString());
} else {
return false;
* Get the definition of the managed object referred to by this path.
* <p>
* When the path is empty, the {@link RootCfgDefn} is returned.
* @return Returns the definition of the managed object referred to by this
* path, or the {@link RootCfgDefn} if the path is empty.
public AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C, S> getManagedObjectDefinition() {
return d;
* Get the name of the managed object referred to by this path if
* applicable.
* <p>
* If there path does not refer to an instantiable managed object
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @return Returns the name of the managed object referred to by this path,
* or <code>null</code> if the managed object does not have a name.
public String getName() {
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return elements.get(elements.size() - 1).getName();
* Get the relation definition of the managed object referred to by this
* path.
* <p>
* When the path is empty, the <code>null</code> is returned.
* @return Returns the relation definition of the managed object referred to
* by this path, or the <code>null</code> if the path is empty.
public RelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> getRelationDefinition() {
return r;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
* Determine whether or not this path contains any path elements.
* @return Returns <code>true</code> if this path does not contain any path
* elements.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return elements.isEmpty();
* Determines whether this managed object path references the same location
* as the provided managed object path.
* <p>
* This method differs from <code>equals</code> in that it ignores sub-type
* definitions.
* @param other
* The managed object path to be compared.
* @return Returns <code>true</code> if this managed object path references
* the same location as the provided managed object path.
public boolean matches(ManagedObjectPath<?, ?> other) {
DN thisDN = toDN();
DN otherDN = other.toDN();
return thisDN.equals(otherDN);
* Creates a new parent managed object path representing the immediate
* parent of this path. This method is a short-hand for
* <code>parent(1)</code>.
* @return Returns a new parent managed object path representing the
* immediate parent of this path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If this path does not have a parent (i.e. it is the empty
* path).
public ManagedObjectPath<?, ?> parent() {
return parent(1);
* Creates a new parent managed object path the specified number of path
* elements above this path.
* @param offset
* The number of path elements (0 - means no offset, 1 means the
* parent, and 2 means the grand-parent).
* @return Returns a new parent managed object path the specified number of
* path elements above this path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the offset is less than 0, or greater than the number of
* path elements in this path.
public ManagedObjectPath<?, ?> parent(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative offset");
if (offset > elements.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset is greater than the number of path elements");
// An offset of 0 leaves the path unchanged.
if (offset == 0) {
return this;
// Return the empty path if the parent has zero elements.
if (elements.size() == offset) {
return emptyPath();
LinkedList<Element<?, ?>> celements =
new LinkedList<Element<?, ?>>(elements.subList(0, elements.size() - offset));
return create(celements, celements.getLast());
* Creates a new managed object path which has the same structure as this
* path except that the final path element is renamed. The final path
* element must comprise of an instantiable relation.
* @param newName
* The new name of the final path element.
* @return Returns a new managed object path which has the same structure as
* this path except that the final path element is renamed.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If this managed object path is empty or if its final path
* element does not comprise of an instantiable relation.
public ManagedObjectPath<C, S> rename(String newName) {
if (elements.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot rename an empty path");
if (r instanceof InstantiableRelationDefinition) {
InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S> ir =
(InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C, ? super S>) r;
return parent().child(ir, d, newName);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not an instantiable relation");
* Serialize this managed object path using the provided serialization
* strategy.
* <p>
* The path elements will be passed to the serializer in big-endian order:
* starting from the root element and proceeding down to the leaf.
* @param serializer
* The managed object path serialization strategy.
public void serialize(ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer) {
for (Element<?, ?> element : elements) {
* Get the number of path elements in this managed object path.
* @return Returns the number of path elements (0 - means no offset, 1 means
* the parent, and 2 means the grand-parent).
public int size() {
return elements.size();
* Creates a DN representation of this managed object path.
* @return Returns a DN representation of this managed object path.
public DN toDN() {
// Use a simple serializer to create the contents.
DNSerializer serializer = new DNSerializer();
return serializer.toDN();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return builder.toString();
* Appends a string representation of this managed object path to the
* provided string builder.
* @param builder
* Append the string representation to this builder.
* @see #toString()
public void toString(final StringBuilder builder) {
if (isEmpty()) {
// Special treatment of root configuration paths.
} else {
// Use a simple serializer to create the contents.
ManagedObjectPathSerializer serializer = new StringSerializer(builder);