EnumPropertyDefinition.java revision a94c41b1759c23f849376a5f5448bc6e819f1c11
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package org.forgerock.opendj.config;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
* Enumeration property definition.
* @param <E>
* The enumeration that should be used for values of this property
* definition.
public final class EnumPropertyDefinition<E extends Enum<E>> extends PropertyDefinition<E> {
* An interface for incrementally constructing enumeration property
* definitions.
* @param <E>
* The enumeration that should be used for values of this
* property definition.
public final static class Builder<E extends Enum<E>> extends AbstractBuilder<E, EnumPropertyDefinition<E>> {
// The enumeration class.
private Class<E> enumClass;
// Private constructor
private Builder(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> d, String propertyName) {
super(d, propertyName);
this.enumClass = null;
* Set the enumeration class which should be used for values of this
* property definition.
* @param enumClass
* The enumeration class which should be used for values of
* this property definition.
public final void setEnumClass(Class<E> enumClass) {
this.enumClass = enumClass;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected EnumPropertyDefinition<E> buildInstance(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> d,
String propertyName, EnumSet<PropertyOption> options, AdministratorAction adminAction,
DefaultBehaviorProvider<E> defaultBehavior) {
// Make sure that the enumeration class has been defined.
if (enumClass == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Enumeration class undefined");
return new EnumPropertyDefinition<E>(d, propertyName, options, adminAction, defaultBehavior, enumClass);
* Create an enumeration property definition builder.
* @param <E>
* The enumeration that should be used for values of this
* property definition.
* @param d
* The managed object definition associated with this property
* definition.
* @param propertyName
* The property name.
* @return Returns the new enumeration property definition builder.
public static <E extends Enum<E>> Builder<E> createBuilder(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> d,
String propertyName) {
return new Builder<E>(d, propertyName);
// The enumeration class.
private final Class<E> enumClass;
// Map used for decoding values.
private final Map<String, E> decodeMap;
// Private constructor.
private EnumPropertyDefinition(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?, ?> d, String propertyName,
EnumSet<PropertyOption> options, AdministratorAction adminAction, DefaultBehaviorProvider<E> defaultBehavior,
Class<E> enumClass) {
super(d, enumClass, propertyName, options, adminAction, defaultBehavior);
this.enumClass = enumClass;
// Initialize the decoding map.
this.decodeMap = new HashMap<String, E>();
for (E value : EnumSet.<E> allOf(enumClass)) {
String s = value.toString().trim().toLowerCase();
this.decodeMap.put(s, value);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <R, P> R accept(PropertyDefinitionVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitEnum(this, p);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <R, P> R accept(PropertyValueVisitor<R, P> v, E value, P p) {
return v.visitEnum(this, value, p);
* {@inheritDoc}
public E decodeValue(String value, PropertyDefinitionsOptions options) {
String nvalue = value.trim().toLowerCase();
E eValue = decodeMap.get(nvalue);
if (eValue == null) {
throw PropertyException.illegalPropertyValueException(this, value);
} else {
return eValue;
* Get the enumeration class used for values of this property.
* @return Returns the enumeration class used for values of this property.
public Class<E> getEnumClass() {
return enumClass;
* Gets the synopsis of the specified enumeration value of this enumeration
* property definition in the default locale.
* @param value
* The enumeration value.
* @return Returns the synopsis of the specified enumeration value of this
* enumeration property definition in the default locale.
public final LocalizableMessage getValueSynopsis(E value) {
return getValueSynopsis(Locale.getDefault(), value);
* Gets the synopsis of the specified enumeration value of this enumeration
* property definition in the specified locale.
* @param value
* The enumeration value.
* @param locale
* The locale.
* @return Returns the synopsis of the specified enumeration value of this
* enumeration property definition in the specified locale.
public final LocalizableMessage getValueSynopsis(Locale locale, E value) {
ManagedObjectDefinitionI18NResource resource = ManagedObjectDefinitionI18NResource.getInstance();
String property = "property." + getName() + ".syntax.enumeration.value." + value.toString() + ".synopsis";
try {
return resource.getMessage(getManagedObjectDefinition(), property, locale);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String normalizeValue(E value) {
return value.toString().trim().toLowerCase();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void validateValue(E value, PropertyDefinitionsOptions options) {
// No additional validation required.