2788N/A * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
2788N/AThe following is an example for the test group, functional-tests/testcases/security/pwd_storage,
2788N/AEach xml file will be treated as a test suite. Each file should contain the following tags......
2788N/AThe #@TestIssue should be the number in IssueTracker that corresponds to the feature or defect
2788N/AThree parameters are required to run the parsing tool from the command line, directory-to-testcase-files,
2788N/Ajava -cp [path-to-class-files] GenerateOpenDSTestSpecs [directory-to-testcase-files] [directory-for-output-files] [file format]
2788N/AThe directory-to-testcase-files is the directory from where the parsing tool will begin searching
2788N/Afor functional test files to parse. The parsing tool will only search one or two levels below
2788N/AThe file format is necessary because the same code is used for the unit-integration tests where