961N/A# trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
5636N/A# winlauncher.exe and opendj_service.exe that are used by OpenDS in
961N/A# The compilation of winlauncher.exe is straightforward but in the case of
5636N/A# opendj_service.exe uses a Message File called EventLogMsg.mc which
961N/A# During compilation the first step is to generate EventLogMsg.h and
961N/A# EventLogMsg.res using the rc.exe and mc.exe utilities.
961N/A# EventLogMsg.h contains some references to the message IDs that are sent to
961N/A# Once the EvenLogMsg.h file is generated we can compile the service.c and
961N/A# common.c and finally we link the service.obj, common.obj and
5636N/A# EventLogMsg.res files and we generate the opendj_service.exe executable.