1280N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2868N/A !
2868N/A ! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
2868N/A ! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
2868N/A ! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
2868N/A ! with the License.
2868N/A !
2868N/A ! You can obtain a copy of the license at
2868N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
2868N/A ! or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
2868N/A ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
2868N/A ! and limitations under the License.
2868N/A !
2868N/A ! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
2868N/A ! file and include the License file at
2868N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
2868N/A ! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
2868N/A ! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
2868N/A ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
2868N/A !
2868N/A !
2868N/A !
4816N/A ! Copyright 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
5595N/A ! Portions copyright 2011 ForgeRock AS.
2868N/A ! -->
1280N/A<adm:managed-object name="file-based-access-log-publisher"
1280N/A plural-name="file-based-access-log-publishers"
1280N/A package="org.opends.server.admin.std" extends="access-log-publisher"
1280N/A xmlns:adm="http://www.opends.org/admin"
1280N/A xmlns:ldap="http://www.opends.org/admin-ldap">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:user-friendly-plural-name />
1280N/A publish access messages to the file system.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:object-class>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-file-based-access-log-publisher</ldap:name>
2624N/A <ldap:superior>ds-cfg-access-log-publisher</ldap:superior>
1280N/A </ldap:object-class>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
2868N/A <adm:property-override name="java-class" advanced="true">
1433N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1433N/A <adm:defined>
1433N/A <adm:value>
1433N/A org.opends.server.loggers.TextAccessLogPublisher
1433N/A </adm:value>
1433N/A </adm:defined>
1433N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1433N/A </adm:property-override>
2868N/A <adm:property name="asynchronous" mandatory="true" advanced="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Indicates whether the
1280N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />
2341N/A will publish records asynchronously.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:default-behavior>
2868N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>true</adm:value>
2868N/A </adm:defined>
2868N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-asynchronous</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2868N/A <adm:property name="queue-size" advanced="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A The maximum number of log records that can be stored in the
1280N/A asynchronous queue.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
4816N/A <adm:description>
4816N/A Setting the queue size to zero activates parallel log writer
4816N/A implementation which has no queue size limit and as such the
4816N/A parallel log writer should only be used on a very well tuned
4816N/A server configuration to avoid potential out of memory errors.
4816N/A </adm:description>
3157N/A <adm:requires-admin-action>
3157N/A <adm:other>
3157N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A The <adm:user-friendly-name /> must be restarted if this property
3157N/A is changed and the asynchronous property is set to true.
3157N/A </adm:synopsis>
3157N/A </adm:other>
3157N/A </adm:requires-admin-action>
3157N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>5000</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
4816N/A <adm:integer lower-limit="0" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-queue-size</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="log-file" mandatory="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A The file name to use for the log files generated by the
3157N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />.
3157N/A The path to the file is relative to the server root.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2856N/A <adm:requires-admin-action>
2856N/A <adm:component-restart />
2856N/A </adm:requires-admin-action>
3157N/A <adm:syntax>
3157N/A <adm:string>
3157N/A <adm:pattern>
3157N/A <adm:regex>.*</adm:regex>
3157N/A <adm:usage>FILE</adm:usage>
3157N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A A path to an existing file that is readable by the server.
3157N/A </adm:synopsis>
3157N/A </adm:pattern>
3157N/A </adm:string>
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-file</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2624N/A <adm:property name="log-file-permissions" mandatory="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A The UNIX permissions of the log files created by this
3157N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:default-behavior>
2868N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>640</adm:value>
2868N/A </adm:defined>
2868N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:string>
1280N/A <adm:pattern>
2868N/A <adm:regex>^([0-7][0-7][0-7])$</adm:regex>
1528N/A <adm:usage>MODE</adm:usage>
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A A valid UNIX mode string. The mode string must contain
2868N/A three digits between zero and seven.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:pattern>
1280N/A </adm:string>
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-file-permissions</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2868N/A <adm:property name="time-interval" advanced="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Specifies the interval at which to check whether the log files
3157N/A need to be rotated.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>5s</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
2868N/A <adm:duration base-unit="ms" lower-limit="1" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-time-interval</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2868N/A <adm:property name="buffer-size" advanced="true">
2868N/A <adm:synopsis>Specifies the log file buffer size.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>64kb</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:size lower-limit="1" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-buffer-size</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2868N/A <adm:property name="auto-flush" advanced="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A Specifies whether to flush the writer after every log record.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:description>
3157N/A If the asynchronous writes option is used, the writer is
2868N/A flushed after all the log records in the queue are written.
2868N/A </adm:description>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>true</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-auto-flush</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="append">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A Specifies whether to append to existing log files.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>true</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-append</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2624N/A <adm:property name="rotation-policy" multi-valued="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A The rotation policy to use for the
2868N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />
2868N/A .
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:description>
2868N/A When multiple policies are used, rotation will occur if any
2868N/A policy's conditions are met.
2868N/A </adm:description>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:alias>
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A No rotation policy is used and log rotation will not occur.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:alias>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
2624N/A <adm:aggregation parent-path="/"
2624N/A relation-name="log-rotation-policy" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-rotation-policy</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
2624N/A <adm:property name="retention-policy" multi-valued="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A The retention policy to use for the
2868N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />
2868N/A .
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:description>
3157N/A When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when
2868N/A any of the policy's conditions are met.
2868N/A </adm:description>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:alias>
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A No retention policy is used and log files are never cleaned.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:alias>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
2624N/A <adm:aggregation parent-path="/"
2624N/A relation-name="log-retention-policy" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-retention-policy</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
5602N/A <adm:property name="log-format">
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Specifies how log records should be formatted and written to the access log.
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A <adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:defined>
5602N/A <adm:value>multi-line</adm:value>
5602N/A </adm:defined>
5602N/A </adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:enumeration>
5602N/A <adm:value name="combined">
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Combine log records for operation requests and responses into a
5602N/A single record. This format should be used when log records are to
5602N/A be filtered based on response criteria (e.g. result code).
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A </adm:value>
5602N/A <adm:value name="multi-line">
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Outputs separate log records for operation requests and responses.
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A </adm:value>
5602N/A </adm:enumeration>
5602N/A </adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
5602N/A <ldap:attribute>
5602N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-format</ldap:name>
5602N/A </ldap:attribute>
5602N/A </adm:profile>
5602N/A </adm:property>
5602N/A <adm:property name="log-record-time-format">
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Specifies the format string that is used to generate log record
5602N/A timestamps.
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A <adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:defined>
5602N/A <adm:value>dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z</adm:value>
5602N/A </adm:defined>
5602N/A </adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:string>
5602N/A <adm:pattern>
5602N/A <adm:regex>.*</adm:regex>
5602N/A <adm:usage>STRING</adm:usage>
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Any valid format string that can be used with the
5602N/A java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A </adm:pattern>
5602N/A </adm:string>
5602N/A </adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
5602N/A <ldap:attribute>
5602N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-record-time-format</ldap:name>
5602N/A </ldap:attribute>
5602N/A </adm:profile>
5602N/A </adm:property>
5602N/A <adm:property name="log-control-oids">
5602N/A <adm:synopsis>
5602N/A Specifies whether control OIDs will be included in operation log records.
5602N/A </adm:synopsis>
5602N/A <adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:defined>
5602N/A <adm:value>false</adm:value>
5602N/A </adm:defined>
5602N/A </adm:default-behavior>
5602N/A <adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:boolean />
5602N/A </adm:syntax>
5602N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
5602N/A <ldap:attribute>
5602N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-control-oids</ldap:name>
5602N/A </ldap:attribute>
5602N/A </adm:profile>
5602N/A </adm:property>