1280N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2868N/A !
2868N/A ! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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2868N/A ! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
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2868N/A !
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2868N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
2868N/A ! or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
2868N/A ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
2868N/A ! and limitations under the License.
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3215N/A ! Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
6209N/A ! Portions copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS
2868N/A ! -->
1280N/A<adm:managed-object name="debug-log-publisher"
2868N/A plural-name="debug-log-publishers"
2868N/A package="org.opends.server.admin.std" extends="log-publisher"
2868N/A xmlns:adm="http://www.opends.org/admin"
2868N/A xmlns:ldap="http://www.opends.org/admin-ldap"
2868N/A xmlns:cli="http://www.opends.org/admin-cli">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:user-friendly-plural-name />
2028N/A are responsible for distributing debug log messages from the debug
1530N/A logger to a destination.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
3157N/A <adm:description>
3157N/A Debug log messages provide information that can be used for debugging
3157N/A or troubleshooting problems in the server, or for providing more
3157N/A detailed information about the processing that the server performs.
3157N/A </adm:description>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:object-class>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-debug-log-publisher</ldap:name>
2624N/A <ldap:superior>ds-cfg-log-publisher</ldap:superior>
1280N/A </ldap:object-class>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
2874N/A <adm:profile name="cli">
2874N/A <cli:managed-object custom="true" />
2874N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A <adm:relation name="debug-target">
2868N/A <adm:one-to-many naming-property="debug-scope" />
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1530N/A <ldap:rdn-sequence>cn=Debug Targets</ldap:rdn-sequence>
1530N/A </adm:profile>
1530N/A <adm:profile name="cli">
1530N/A <cli:relation>
1530N/A <cli:default-property name="debug-level" />
1530N/A <cli:default-property name="debug-category" />
1530N/A </cli:relation>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:relation>
6209N/A <adm:property-override name="java-class">
6209N/A <adm:default-behavior>
6209N/A <adm:defined>
6209N/A <adm:value>org.opends.server.api.DebugLogPublisher</adm:value>
6209N/A </adm:defined>
6209N/A </adm:default-behavior>
6209N/A </adm:property-override>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-debug-level" mandatory="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1530N/A The lowest severity level of debug messages to log when none of
1530N/A the defined targets match the message.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:default-behavior>
2868N/A <adm:defined>
2868N/A <adm:value>error</adm:value>
2868N/A </adm:defined>
2868N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:enumeration>
1280N/A <adm:value name="disabled">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>No messages will be logged.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="error">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1530N/A Messages with severity level of ERROR or higher will be
1530N/A logged.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="warning">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1530N/A Messages with severity level of WARNING or higher will be
1530N/A logged.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="info">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1530N/A Messages with severity level of INFO or higher will be
1530N/A logged.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="verbose">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1530N/A Messages with severity level of VERBOSE or higher will be
1530N/A logged.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="all">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
1280N/A Messages with any severity level will be logged.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:enumeration>
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-default-debug-level</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-debug-category" multi-valued="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A The debug message categories to be logged when none of the defined
2868N/A targets match the message.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:alias>
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A Messages with any category will be logged if they have a
2868N/A sufficient debug level.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:alias>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:enumeration>
1280N/A <adm:value name="caught">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Exception caught.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="constructor">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Constructor entry.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="data">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Raw data dump.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="database-access">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Access to a backend database.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="enter">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Method entry.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="exit">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Method exit.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="message">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Arbitrary debug message.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="protocol">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Protocol element dump.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A <adm:value name="thrown">
1530N/A <adm:synopsis>Exception throw from method.</adm:synopsis>
1280N/A </adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:enumeration>
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-default-debug-category</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-omit-method-entry-arguments">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Indicates whether to include method arguments in debug
1530N/A messages logged by default.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
1530N/A <adm:value>false</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1530N/A <ldap:name>
1530N/A ds-cfg-default-omit-method-entry-arguments
1530N/A </ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-omit-method-return-value">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Indicates whether to include the return value in debug
1530N/A messages logged by default.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
1530N/A <adm:value>false</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-default-omit-method-return-value</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-include-throwable-cause">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Indicates whether to include the cause of exceptions in
1280N/A exception thrown and caught messages logged by default.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
3589N/A <adm:value>true</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:boolean />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-default-include-throwable-cause</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>
1280N/A <adm:property name="default-throwable-stack-frames">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3157N/A Indicates the number of stack frames to include in the
1530N/A stack trace for method entry and exception thrown messages.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:defined>
3589N/A <adm:value>2147483647</adm:value>
1280N/A </adm:defined>
1280N/A </adm:default-behavior>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
3589N/A <adm:integer lower-limit="0" upper-limit="2147483647" />
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-default-throwable-stack-frames</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>