1008N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1008N/A<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.opends.org/admin-preprocessor"
1008N/A xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
1008N/A xmlns:admin="http://www.opends.org/admin"
1008N/A elementFormDefault="qualified"
1008N/A xmlns:tns="http://www.opends.org/admin-preprocessor">
1008N/A <xsd:import namespace="http://www.opends.org/admin"
1008N/A schemaLocation="admin.xsd" />
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A This schema defines the elements and attributes which are added to
1008N/A managed object definitions and property definitions in the
1008N/A "preprocessor" profile.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A Managed object definitions are annotated by listing the parent
1008N/A managed objects which the definition inherits from. This can be
1008N/A used to enforce a simple managed object naming scheme where
1008N/A sub-definitions use the uppermost definition's name as a suffix.
1008N/A For example, "ldap-connection-handler" is derived from
1008N/A "connection-handler", and therefore has the suffix
1008N/A "-connection-handler". Applications can take advantage of this
1008N/A naming schema to shorten sub-definition names where appropriate.
1008N/A For example, a CLI which supports creation of connection handlers,
1008N/A can use remove the suffix from "ldap-connection-handler" in order
1008N/A to derive a "type", in this case "ldap".
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A Each property definition is annotated as follows: firstly a
1008N/A "managed-object" element is added defining the name and package of
1008N/A the managed object which defines the property (i.e. this will be a
1008N/A parent managed object for inherited properties). Secondly, if the
1008N/A property is referenced from a Property.xml file, an additional
1008N/A "package" element is appended identifying the referenced package.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
2345N/A <xsd:element name="last-defined-in">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
2345N/A Specifies the name and package of the last managed object
2345N/A definition which defined or overrides this property definition.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:complexType>
1008N/A <xsd:attribute name="name" type="admin:name-type"
1008N/A use="required">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the managed object.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:attribute>
1008N/A <xsd:attribute name="package" type="admin:package-type"
1008N/A use="required">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the package containing the managed object.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:attribute>
1008N/A </xsd:complexType>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
2345N/A <xsd:element name="first-defined-in">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
2345N/A This optional element specifies the location where the property
2345N/A was first defined. This may be in a referenced Package.xml
2345N/A definition, or in an overridden parent definition. This element
2345N/A is only present when the package/name attributes would differ
2345N/A from those specified in the last-defined-in element.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:complexType>
2345N/A <xsd:attribute name="name" type="admin:name-type"
2345N/A use="optional">
2345N/A <xsd:annotation>
2345N/A <xsd:documentation>
2345N/A The name of the managed object if applicable.
2345N/A </xsd:documentation>
2345N/A </xsd:annotation>
2345N/A </xsd:attribute>
2345N/A <xsd:attribute name="package" type="admin:package-type"
1008N/A use="required">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the package.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:attribute>
1008N/A </xsd:complexType>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="parent-managed-object">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A Specifies the name and package of a parent managed object
1008N/A definition. Elements are order such that the immediate parent is
1008N/A the first node in document order and the last element represents
1008N/A the uppermost definition in the inheritance hierarchy.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:complexType>
1008N/A <xsd:attribute name="name" type="admin:name-type"
1008N/A use="required">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the parent managed object.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:attribute>
1008N/A <xsd:attribute name="package" type="admin:package-type"
1008N/A use="required">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the package containing the parent managed
1008N/A object.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:attribute>
1008N/A </xsd:complexType>
1008N/A </xsd:element>