1008N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1008N/A<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.opends.org/admin-ldap"
1008N/A xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
1008N/A elementFormDefault="qualified"
1008N/A xmlns:tns="http://www.opends.org/admin-ldap">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A This schema defines the elements and attributes of the "ldap"
1008N/A profile. This profile specifies the relationship between managed
1008N/A objects and their representation in LDAP. For example, each
1008N/A managed object is associated with an LDAP object class and each
1008N/A property is associated with an LDAP attribute. Using this profile
1008N/A it should also be possible to generate the LDAP configuration
1008N/A schema.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:simpleType name="name-type">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A A LDAP attribute type or object class name.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
1008N/A <xsd:pattern value="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*" />
1008N/A </xsd:restriction>
1008N/A </xsd:simpleType>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="object-class">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A Defines which LDAP object class a managed object should be
1008N/A mapped to.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:complexType>
1008N/A <xsd:sequence>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="name" type="tns:name-type">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the LDAP object class.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="superior" type="tns:name-type">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the parent LDAP object class.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A </xsd:sequence>
1008N/A </xsd:complexType>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="attribute">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A Defines which LDAP attribute a managed object property should be
1008N/A mapped to.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:complexType>
1008N/A <xsd:sequence>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="name" type="tns:name-type">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>
1008N/A The name of the LDAP attribute.
1008N/A </xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A </xsd:sequence>
1008N/A </xsd:complexType>
1008N/A </xsd:element>
1128N/A <xsd:element name="naming-attribute" type="tns:name-type">
1128N/A <xsd:annotation>
1128N/A <xsd:documentation>
1128N/A Defines which LDAP attribute should be used to name child
1128N/A managed objects referenced by a relation. When not specified,
1884N/A "cn" is used by default. When the relation uses a naming
1884N/A property this element is not required, instead the LDAP
1884N/A attribute associated with the naming property will be used.
1128N/A </xsd:documentation>
1128N/A </xsd:annotation>
1128N/A </xsd:element>
1008N/A <xsd:element name="rdn-sequence" type="xsd:token">
1008N/A <xsd:annotation>
1008N/A <xsd:documentation>A sequence of RDNs.</xsd:documentation>
1008N/A </xsd:annotation>
1008N/A </xsd:element>