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* Copyright 2015-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.uma;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.http.HttpContext;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.OAuth2Request;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.OAuth2Uris;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.OAuth2UrisFactory;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.ServerException;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.restlet.RestletOAuth2Request;
import org.forgerock.openam.core.RealmInfo;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.ext.servlet.ServletUtils;
* <p>A factory for creating/retrieving UmaUris instances.</p>
* @since 13.0.0
public class UmaUrisFactory {
private final Map<String, UmaUris> urisMap = new HashMap<>();
private final OAuth2UrisFactory<RealmInfo> oAuth2UriFactory;
private final UmaProviderSettingsFactory umaProviderSettingsFactory;
private final BaseURLProviderFactory baseURLProviderFactory;
private final JacksonRepresentationFactory jacksonRepresentationFactory;
* Constructs a new UmaUrisFactory.
* @param oAuth2UriFactory An instance of the OAuth2UrisFactory.
* @param umaProviderSettingsFactory An instance of the UmaProviderSettingsFactory.
* @param baseURLProviderFactory An instance of the BaseURLProviderFactory.
UmaUrisFactory(OAuth2UrisFactory<RealmInfo> oAuth2UriFactory, UmaProviderSettingsFactory umaProviderSettingsFactory,
BaseURLProviderFactory baseURLProviderFactory, JacksonRepresentationFactory jacksonRepresentationFactory) {
this.oAuth2UriFactory = oAuth2UriFactory;
this.umaProviderSettingsFactory = umaProviderSettingsFactory;
this.baseURLProviderFactory = baseURLProviderFactory;
this.jacksonRepresentationFactory = jacksonRepresentationFactory;
* Gets a UmaUris instance.
* @param req The Restlet request.
* @return A UmaProviderSettings instance.
UmaUris get(Request req) throws NotFoundException, ServerException {
return get(new RestletOAuth2Request(jacksonRepresentationFactory, req));
public UmaUris get(OAuth2Request request) throws NotFoundException, ServerException {
RealmInfo realmInfo = request.getParameter(RestletRealmRouter.REALM_INFO);
return get(ServletUtils.getRequest(request.<Request>getRequest()), realmInfo);
* <p>Gets the instance of the UmaUris.</p>
* <p>Cache each provider settings on the realm it was created for.</p>
* @param request The request instance from which the base URL can be deduced.
* @param realmInfo The realm.
* @return The OAuth2ProviderSettings instance.
public UmaUris get(HttpServletRequest request, RealmInfo realmInfo) throws NotFoundException, ServerException {
String absoluteRealm = realmInfo.getAbsoluteRealm();
String baseUrl;
try {
baseUrl = baseURLProviderFactory.get(absoluteRealm).getRealmURL(request, "/uma", absoluteRealm);
} catch (InvalidBaseUrlException e) {
throw new ServerException("Configuration error");
UmaUris uris = urisMap.get(baseUrl);
if (uris == null) {
OAuth2Uris oAuth2Uris = oAuth2UriFactory.get(request, realmInfo);
uris = getUmaUris(absoluteRealm, oAuth2Uris, baseUrl);
return uris;
* <p>Gets the instance of the UmaProviderSettings.</p>
* <p>Cache each provider settings on the realm it was created for.</p>
* @param context The context instance from which the base URL can be deduced.
* @param realmInfo The realm.
* @return The OAuth2ProviderSettings instance.
public UmaUris get(Context context, RealmInfo realmInfo) throws NotFoundException, ServerException {
String absoluteRealm = realmInfo.getAbsoluteRealm();
HttpContext httpContext = context.asContext(HttpContext.class);
String baseUrl;
try {
baseUrl = baseURLProviderFactory.get(absoluteRealm).getRealmURL(httpContext, "/uma", absoluteRealm);
} catch (InvalidBaseUrlException e) {
throw new ServerException("Configuration error");
UmaUris uris = urisMap.get(baseUrl);
if (uris == null) {
OAuth2Uris oAuth2Uris = oAuth2UriFactory.get(context, realmInfo);
uris = get(absoluteRealm, oAuth2Uris, baseUrl);
return uris;
private UmaUris get(String absoluteRealm, OAuth2Uris oAuth2Uris, String baseUrlPattern) throws NotFoundException {
UmaUris uris = urisMap.get(baseUrlPattern);
if (uris == null) {
uris = getUmaUris(absoluteRealm, oAuth2Uris, baseUrlPattern);
return uris;
private synchronized UmaUris getUmaUris(String absoluteRealm, OAuth2Uris oAuth2Uris, String baseUrlPattern)
throws NotFoundException {
UmaUris uris = urisMap.get(baseUrlPattern);
if (uris != null) {
return uris;
UmaProviderSettings umaProviderSettings = umaProviderSettingsFactory.get(absoluteRealm);
UmaUris providerSettings = new UmaUrisImpl(baseUrlPattern, umaProviderSettings, oAuth2Uris);
urisMap.put(baseUrlPattern, providerSettings);
return providerSettings;
static final class UmaUrisImpl implements UmaUris {
private final UmaProviderSettings umaProviderSettings;
private final OAuth2Uris oauth2Uris;
private final String baseUrl;
UmaUrisImpl(String deploymentUrl, UmaProviderSettings umaProviderSettings,
OAuth2Uris oauth2Uris) throws NotFoundException {
this.umaProviderSettings = umaProviderSettings;
this.oauth2Uris = oauth2Uris;
this.baseUrl = deploymentUrl;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return umaProviderSettings.isEnabled();
public URI getIssuer() throws ServerException {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getIssuer());
public URI getTokenEndpoint() {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getTokenEndpoint());
public URI getAuthorizationEndpoint() {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getAuthorizationEndpoint());
public URI getTokenIntrospectionEndpoint() {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getIntrospectionEndpoint());
public URI getResourceSetRegistrationEndpoint() {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getResourceSetRegistrationEndpoint());
public URI getPermissionRegistrationEndpoint() {
return URI.create(baseUrl + "/permission_request");
public URI getRPTEndpoint() {
return URI.create(baseUrl + "/authz_request");
public URI getDynamicClientEndpoint() {
return URI.create(oauth2Uris.getClientRegistrationEndpoint());
* OpenAM currently does not support requesting party claims so no endpoint isEnabled.
* @return {@code null}.
public URI getRequestingPartyClaimsEndpoint() {
return null;