_AutoCompleteOffFix.html revision ceb87e4ea16cb739b18f8bebeb3e0f01c58c9575
<!-- Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
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{{!-- There is a bug in Firefox where it assumes an input above a password field is the username field. It then goes on
to pre-populate these assumed fields if you have previously set the browser to remember them.
The markup below fools firefox into pre-populating hidden inputs instead, without effecting any other browsers
or their autocomplete functionality which is often required --}}
<input type="text" class="hidden" aria-hidden="true" id="badFireFoxBad" name="badFireFoxBad" value="" />
<input type="password" class="hidden" aria-hidden="true" id="fakePassword" name="fakePassword" value="" />