ConditionAttrDayView.js revision 04b85bef6dff6130a273a91f6f4e64bbe84895d2
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* Copyright 2015-2016 ForgeRock AS.
define("org/forgerock/openam/ui/admin/views/realms/authorization/policies/conditions/ConditionAttrDayView", [
], function ($, _, ConditionAttrBaseView) {
return ConditionAttrBaseView.extend({
template: "templates/admin/views/realms/authorization/policies/conditions/ConditionAttrDay.html",
i18n: {
"weekdays": { "key": "console.authorization.common.weekdays.", "full": ".full", "short": ".short" }
days: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"],
render: function (data, element, callback) {
this.initBasic(data, element, "pull-left attr-group"); = this.getWeekDays();
this.parentRender(function () {
if (callback) {
getWeekDays: function () {
var weekdays = [], i = 0, self = this;
_.invoke(self.days, function () {
weekdays[i] = {};
weekdays[i].title = $.t(self.i18n.weekdays.key + this + self.i18n.weekdays.full);
weekdays[i].value = $.t(self.i18n.weekdays.key + this + self.i18n.weekdays.short);
return weekdays;