AMConfig.js revision d076ce3fc78f13edd965fcd26cf332a729f2e8c8
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Portions copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS.
define("config/process/AMConfig", [
], function ($, _, Constants, EventManager, Router, URIUtils) {
return [{
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_LOGOUT,
description: "used to override common logout event",
override: true,
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, router, conf, sessionManager) {
var argsURLFragment = event ? (event.args ? event.args[0] : "") : "",
urlParams = URIUtils.parseQueryString(argsURLFragment),
gotoURL = urlParams.goto;
sessionManager.logout(function (response) {
conf.setProperty("loggedUser", null);
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_CHANGED, { anonymousMode: true });
delete conf.gotoURL;
if (!gotoURL && response) {
gotoURL = response.goto;
if (gotoURL) {
} else {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: router.configuration.routes.loggedOut
}, function () {
conf.setProperty("loggedUser", null);
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_CHANGED, { anonymousMode: true });
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, "unauthorized");
if (gotoURL) {
} else {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: router.configuration.routes.login
}, {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_INVALID_REALM,
override: true,
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, router, conf) {
if (event.error.responseJSON.message.indexOf("Invalid realm") > -1) {
if (conf.baseTemplate) {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, "invalidRealm");
} else {
router.navigate("login", { trigger: true });
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, "invalidRealm");
}, {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_ADD_NEW_REALM_DIALOG,
override: true,
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, Router, CreateUpdateRealmDialog, RealmsListView, SMSGlobalDelegate) {
Router.routeTo(Router.configuration.routes.realms, {
args: [],
trigger: true
SMSGlobalDelegate.realms.all().done(function (data) {
var allRealmPaths = [];
_.each(data.result, function (realm) {
allRealmPaths : allRealmPaths,
callback : function () {
}, {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_RETURN_TO_AM_CONSOLE,
description: "",
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, conf) {
var subRealm = conf.globalData.auth.subRealm || "/";
window.location.href = "/" + Constants.context + "/realm/RMRealm?RMRealm.tblDataActionHref=" +
}, {
description: "",
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, Configuration, Router) {
if (!Configuration.loggedUser) {
Router.routeTo(Router.configuration.routes.login, { trigger: true });
} else if (_.contains(Configuration.loggedUser.uiroles, "ui-realm-admin")) {
Router.routeTo(Router.configuration.routes.realms, {
args: [],
trigger: true
} else {
Router.routeTo(Router.configuration.routes.profile, { trigger: true });
}, {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_THEME_CHANGED,
description: "",
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, Footer, LoginHeader) {
}, {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_AUTHENTICATED,
description: "",
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, _, Configuration, NavigationHelper) {
if (_.contains(Configuration.loggedUser.uiroles, "ui-realm-admin")) {
startEvent: Constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED,
description: "",
override: true,
dependencies: [
processDescription: function (event, Router, Configuration, SessionManager) {
var loggedIn = Configuration.loggedUser,
setGoToUrlProperty = function () {
var hash = Router.getCurrentHash();
if (!Configuration.gotoURL && !hash.match(Router.configuration.routes.login.url)) {
Configuration.setProperty("gotoURL", "#" + hash);
forbiddenPage = function () {
delete Configuration.globalData.authorizationFailurePending;
return EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: {
view: "org/forgerock/openam/ui/common/views/error/ForbiddenView",
url: /.*/
fromRouter: true
forbiddenError = function () {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, "unauthorized");
logout = function () {
return SessionManager.logout().then(function () {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_CHANGED, {
anonymousMode: true
return EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: Router.configuration.routes.login
loginDialog = function () {
return EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_SHOW_LOGIN_DIALOG);
// Multiple rest calls that all return authz failures will cause this event to be called multiple times
if (Configuration.globalData.authorizationFailurePending !== undefined) {
Configuration.globalData.authorizationFailurePending = true;
if (!loggedIn) {
// 401 no session
return logout();
} else if (_.get(event, "error.status") === 401) {
// 401 session timeout
return loginDialog();
} else if (event.fromRouter) {
// 403 route change
return forbiddenPage();
} else {
// 403 rest call
return forbiddenError();