revision d8ac394e3e261976019fec0d194294a9bee3dfc5
# OpenAM XUI
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 depthTo:6 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Updating](#updating)
- [Building](#building)
- [Development](#development)
- [ES6 Support](#es6-support)
- [Unit Tests](#unit-tests)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Dependencies
NPM dependencies for this project are "locked" to specific versions through two mechanisms:
* Explicit version expressions (e.g. `"lodash": "4.1.0"` n.b. no `"^"`) in `package.json`
* Shrink-wrapping of deeper dependencies using `npm shrinkwrap --dev` (e.g. `npm-shrinkwrap.json` contains a full set of explicit dependency versions for the entire dependency tree)
Updates to dependency versions are performed manually in a periodic manner. Interim version updates are allowed but must still follow the update process described below.
### Updating
1. Ensure you have [npm-check-updates]( installed globally. e.g. `npm i -g npm-check-updates`
2. Run `ncu` and observe the updates availalble
* ***Be mindful of breaking changes!***. Major version changes will most likely require code changes to align with changes in a dependency's API. A major dependency version update should be performed in a separate task.
3. Run `npm run deps` to automatically update ***all*** dependencies
* Using this automated process, ***all dependencies will be updated***. If you wish to update only a subset of the dependencies, perform the automated steps manually instead (as listed in `package.json`).
4. Commit it!
## Building
You can build the package using Maven:
$ maven install
This will output a zip file in the build artifact directory. For example, `target/openam-ui-ria-<version>`.
## Development
We use [Grunt]( to build the project. Build dependencies are installed via
If you want to develop the UI, we strongly recommend running Grunt to perform the syncing of the source code with your
running application server. To do this, there are a few prerequisites:
* Ensure you have [Node.js]( installed.
* Add an environment variable, `OPENAM_HOME`, that points to an expanded OpenAM install in your application server's
webapp directory. For example, `OPENAM_HOME=~/tomcat/webapps/openam`.
then do:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Grunt will then start watching the source and sync any changed files over to your server's webapp directory.
### ES6 Support
ES6 is supported via [Babel]( transpiling. All `.js` and `.jsm` files are transpiled *except* for `libs` and any commons source (layer on afterwards at build time).
Ensure you have `Enable JavaScript source maps` enabled in Chrome or your preferred browser so see the original source before it was transpiled.
### Unit Tests
To get the unit tests to run automatically when you change source files, do:
npm test
This will run karma and show test output as tests are run. _You should run this in addition to running `npm start` as shown
If you need to debug test failures, open [http://localhost:9876/debug.html](http://localhost:9876/debug.html) in your
browser of choice and open the development tools. Test failures will be reported in the console.