CommonTests.js revision 89092dc10fe08b037266c0b4efb94b221f6fffb3
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global require, define, QUnit, $ */
], function (Configuration, EventManager, Router, Constants) {
return {
executeAll: function () {
QUnit.asyncTest('Unauthorized GET Request', function () {
var viewManager = require('org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/ViewManager');
Configuration.loggedUser = {"roles": ["ui-admin"]};
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: Router.configuration.routes.manageApps,
callback: function () {
sinon.stub(viewManager, 'showDialog', function () {
QUnit.ok(true, "Login dialog is shown");
delete Configuration.globalData.authorizationFailurePending;
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED, {error: {type: "GET"} });
QUnit.asyncTest('Unauthorized POST Request', function () {
var viewManager = require('org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/ViewManager');
sinon.stub(viewManager, 'showDialog', function () {
QUnit.ok(true, "Login dialog is shown");
delete Configuration.globalData.authorizationFailurePending;
QUnit.ok(!viewManager.showDialog.called, "Login Dialog render function has not yet been called");
Configuration.loggedUser = {"roles": ["ui-admin"]};
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED, {error: {type: "POST"} });
QUnit.ok(Configuration.loggedUser !== null, "User info should be retained after UNAUTHORIZED POST error");
QUnit.test('Add/Edit routes with different input', function () {
QUnit.equal(Router.getLink(Router.configuration.routes.editApp, [null]), "app/", "Add App - no arguments provided");
QUnit.equal(Router.getLink(Router.configuration.routes.editApp, ["calendar"]), "app/calendar", "Edit App with one argument provided");
QUnit.equal(Router.getLink(Router.configuration.routes.editApp, ["test spaces"]), "app/test spaces", "Edit App with space in the name");
QUnit.equal(Router.getLink(Router.configuration.routes.editPolicy, ["calendar", null]), "app/calendar/policy/", "Add policy with one argument provided");
QUnit.equal(Router.getLink(Router.configuration.routes.editPolicy, ["calendar", "testPolicy"]), "app/calendar/policy/testPolicy", "Edit policy with two arguments provided");