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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Test the RESTEndpoint class.
public class RESTEndpointTest {
public void shouldTestSimplePath() {
final String path = "<path>";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
String toPathValue = endpoint.getPath();
assertThat(toStringValue).startsWith("path+params=" + path);
public void shouldAppendTwoPaths() {
final String path = "<path>";
final String append = "<append>";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
String toPathValue = endpoint.getPath();
assertThat(toStringValue).startsWith("path+params=" + path + "/" + append);
assertThat(toPathValue).startsWith(path + "/" + append);
public void shouldAppendTwoPathsWithExtraSeparators() {
final String path = "<path>";
final String append = "<append>";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
.path(path + "/")
.path("/" + append)
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
String toPathValue = endpoint.getPath();
assertThat(toStringValue).startsWith("path+params=" + path + "/" + append);
assertThat(toPathValue).startsWith(path + "/" + append);
public void shouldAppendThreePathsWithExtraSeparators() {
final String path = "<path>";
final String append = "<append>";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
.path(path + "/")
.path("/" + append + "/")
.path("/" + append + "/")
String toPathValue = endpoint.getPath();
public void shouldHandleMultipleParametersInCorrectOrder() {
final String param1name = "param1";
final String param1value = "value1";
final String param2name = "param2";
final String param2value = "value2";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
.parameter(param1name, param1value)
.parameter(param2name, param2value)
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
String toPathValue = endpoint.getPath();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains("?" + param1name + "=" + param1value);
assertThat(toPathValue).contains("?" + param1name + "=" + param1value);
assertThat(toStringValue).contains("&" + param2name + "=" + param2value);
assertThat(toPathValue).contains("&" + param2name + "=" + param2value);
// Ordering should be preserved with the parameters, even though it probably doesn't make a difference
// in real life.
* Note that this actually checks the output of the toString function, which could be made to lie without effecting
* the remainder of the functionality within the class. However, using toString means we don't have to introduce
* any other functions to access the http method.
public void checkGetAndPost() {
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder().build();
// Check the default is POST
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains("method: POST");
assertThat(toStringValue).doesNotContain("method: GET");
endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains("method: GET");
assertThat(toStringValue).doesNotContain("method: POST");
endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains("method: POST");
assertThat(toStringValue).doesNotContain("method: GET");
public void checkToStringHidesPasswordsInPostData() {
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
// Check there is no post data
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).doesNotContain(" post data ");
String postData = "hello world";
endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains(" post data " + postData);
postData = "Password: secret";
endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).doesNotContain(" post data " + postData);
public void checkHeaders() {
final String name1 = "<header-name1>";
final String value1 = "<header-value1>";
final String name2 = "<header-name2>";
final String value2 = "<header-value2>";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
.headers(name1, value1)
.headers(name2, value2)
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
int indexHeaders = toStringValue.indexOf("headers:");
int indexName1 = toStringValue.indexOf(name1);
int indexValue1 = toStringValue.indexOf(value1);
int indexName2 = toStringValue.indexOf(name2);
int indexValue2 = toStringValue.indexOf(value2);
assertThat(toStringValue).contains(name1 + ": " + value1);
assertThat(toStringValue).contains(name2 + ": " + value2);
public void shouldHidePasswordsInHeaders() {
final String name1 = "<header-name1>";
final String value1 = "<header-value1>";
final String name2 = "<userPasswordValue>";
final String value2 = "should-not-appear";
RESTEndpoint endpoint = new RESTEndpoint.RESTEndpointBuilder()
.headers(name1, value1)
.headers(name2, value2)
String toStringValue = endpoint.toString();
assertThat(toStringValue).contains(name1 + ": " + value1);