Time.java revision adc14d0be45af50dbde99eb71c21de3bc1ddb1c6
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.utils;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.forgerock.util.time.TimeService;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The source of all time-based information in OpenAM.
* <p>
* Use the methods on this class where you would have otherwise used {@code System.currentTimeMillis()},
* {@code new Date()}, {@code Calendar.getInstance()} or the various constructors and {@code now} methods
* in {@code org.joda.time.DateTime}.
* <p>
public enum Time implements DateTimeUtils.MillisProvider {
/** Singleton Instance. */
private final TimeService timeService;
Time() {
Iterator<TimeService> services = ServiceLoader.load(TimeService.class).iterator();
if (services.hasNext()) {
TimeService service = services.next();
if (services.hasNext()) {
error("More than one TimeService configured in META-INF/services."
+ " Defaulting to TimeService.SYSTEM");
timeService = TimeService.SYSTEM;
} else {
timeService = service;
} else {
timeService = TimeService.SYSTEM;
public long getMillis() {
return timeService.now();
* Get the current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code System.currentTimeMillis()}.
* @return The current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see System#currentTimeMillis()
public static long currentTimeMillis() {
return INSTANCE.timeService.now();
* Get a {@code Date} with current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code new Date()}.
* @return A date with the current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Date#Date()
public static Date newDate() {
return new Date(currentTimeMillis());
* Get a {@code Date} with the specified time in milliseconds - this replaces {@code new Date(long)}.
* @param time The time in milliseconds.
* @return A date with the time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Date#Date()
public static Date newDate(long time) {
return new Date(time);
* Get a {@code Calendar} with current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code Calendar.getInstance()}.
* @return A date with the current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Calendar#getInstance()
public static Calendar getCalendarInstance() {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
return setCalendarTime(calendar);
* Get a {@code Calendar} with current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code Calendar.getInstance(Locale)}.
* @param locale The locale to use for the calendar instance.
* @return A date with the current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Calendar#getInstance(Locale)
public static Calendar getCalendarInstance(Locale locale) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
return setCalendarTime(calendar);
* Get a {@code Calendar} with current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone)}.
* @param tz The timezone to use for the calendar instance.
* @return A date with the current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Calendar#getInstance(TimeZone)
public static Calendar getCalendarInstance(TimeZone tz) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
return setCalendarTime(calendar);
* Get a {@code Calendar} with current time in milliseconds from the {@code TimeService} - this replaces
* {@code Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone, Locale)}.
* @param tz The timezone to use for the calendar instance.
* @param locale The locale to use for the calendar instance.
* @return A date with the current time since the epoch in milliseconds.
* @see Calendar#getInstance(TimeZone, Locale)
public static Calendar getCalendarInstance(TimeZone tz, Locale locale) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(tz, locale);
return setCalendarTime(calendar);
private static Calendar setCalendarTime(Calendar calendar) {
return calendar;