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* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2015-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.shared.debug.file.impl;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.DebugConstants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.file.DebugConfiguration;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.IOUtils;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Properties;
* Read debug configuration from a properties file.
public class DebugConfigurationFromProperties implements DebugConfiguration {
private String debugPrefix = "";
private String debugSuffix = "";
private int rotationInterval = -1;
private long maxFileSizeInByte = -1;
* initialize the properties
* It will reset the current properties for every Debug instance
* @param debugFilePropertiesPath path to the debug configuration file
public DebugConfigurationFromProperties(String debugFilePropertiesPath) throws InvalidDebugConfigurationException {
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = DebugConfigurationFromProperties.class.getResourceAsStream(debugFilePropertiesPath);
if(is == null) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Can't find the configuration file '" +
debugFilePropertiesPath + "'.");
Properties rotationConfig = new Properties();
debugPrefix = rotationConfig.getProperty(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_PREFIX);
debugSuffix = rotationConfig.getProperty(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_SUFFIX);
String maxFileSizedInMb = rotationConfig.getProperty(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_MAX_SIZE);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(maxFileSizedInMb)) {
try {
maxFileSizeInByte = Integer.parseInt(maxFileSizedInMb);
//Convert MaxFileSize to byte
maxFileSizeInByte <<= 20;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//Can't parse the number
String message = "The '" + DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_MAX_SIZE + "' value : "
+ maxFileSizedInMb + "' cannot be parsed. Please check the configuration file '"
+ DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_PROPERTIES + "'.";
StdDebugFile.printError(DebugConfigurationFromProperties.class.getSimpleName(), message, e);
String rotation = rotationConfig.getProperty(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_ROTATION);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(rotation)) {
try {
rotationInterval = Integer.parseInt(rotation);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//Can't parse the number
String message = "'" + DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_ROTATION + "' value can't be parsed: '" +
rotation + "'. Please check the configuration file '" +
DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_PROPERTIES + "'.";
StdDebugFile.printError(DebugConfigurationFromProperties.class.getSimpleName(), message, e);
rotationInterval = -1;
} catch (IOException ex) {
//it's possible, that we don't have the config file
String message = "Can't load debug file properties. Please check the configuration file '" +
debugFilePropertiesPath + "'.";
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException(message);
} finally {
public String getDebugPrefix() {
return debugPrefix;
public String getDebugSuffix() {
return debugSuffix;
public int getRotationInterval() {
return rotationInterval;
public long getRotationFileSizeInByte() {
return maxFileSizeInByte;
* Check if the configuration properties is valid
* @throws InvalidDebugConfigurationException
private void validate() throws InvalidDebugConfigurationException {
if (getRotationFileSizeInByte() != -1) {
if (getRotationFileSizeInByte() <= 0) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("File size rotation needs to be greater than " +
"zero. File size rotation = '" + getRotationFileSizeInByte() + "'", null);
if (getDebugSuffix().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Log size rotation is enabled (File size rotation = " +
getRotationFileSizeInByte() + ") but the debug suffix is empty");
// Check the rotation and suffix consistency
try {
if (validateSuffix(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1)) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("This suffix '" + getDebugSuffix() + "' isn't " +
"compatible with the file size rotation enable.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Suffix '" + getDebugSuffix() + "' can't be parsed.");
if (getRotationInterval() != -1) {
if (getRotationInterval() <= 0) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Rotation interval needs to be greater than zero. " +
"rotationInterval = '" + rotationInterval + "'", null);
if (getDebugSuffix().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Log time rotation is enabled (rotation interval = " +
getRotationInterval() + ") but the debug suffix is empty");
// Check the rotation and suffix consistency
try {
if (validateSuffix(Calendar.MINUTE, getRotationInterval())) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Suffix '" + getDebugSuffix() + "' isn't compatible" +
" with the rotation interval requested '" + getRotationInterval() + "'.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidDebugConfigurationException("Suffix '" + getDebugSuffix() + "' can't be parsed.");
* Validate Suffix
* Suffix need to be parse. This function check that the suffix is compatible with the rotation period.
* @param field Calendar field
* @param amount number of unit
* @return true if the suffix generated are different
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
private boolean validateSuffix(int field, int amount) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Check the rotation and suffix consistency
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getDebugSuffix());
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
String initialSuffix = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
cal.add(field, amount);
String suffixAfterOneRotation = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
return suffixAfterOneRotation.equals(initialSuffix);
public String toString() {
return "DebugConfigurationFromProperties{" +
"debugPrefix='" + debugPrefix + '\'' +
", debugSuffix='" + debugSuffix + '\'' +
", rotationInterval=" + rotationInterval +