revision 984ea967792540448d05fba2ac6fad5dadf91fd6
0N/A# Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
0N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms
2362N/A# of the Common Development and Distribution License
0N/A# (the License). You may not use this file except in
2362N/A# compliance with the License.
0N/A# You can obtain a copy of the License at
0N/A# or
0N/A# opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
0N/A# See the License for the specific language governing
0N/A# permission and limitations under the License.
0N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
0N/A# Header Notice in each file and include the License file
0N/A# at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
0N/A# If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
2362N/A# with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
2362N/A# your own identifying information:
2362N/A# "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0N/A# $Id:,v 1.29 2009/12/16 05:35:21 ericow Exp $
0N/A# Portions Copyrighted 2010-2011 ForgeRock AS
0N/AerrorObtainingElement=Error occured while obtaining DOM element.
0N/AobjectImmutable=Cannot modify the object as the object is immutable.
0N/AemptyElementValue=Value of this element is empty.
0N/AnullInput=Null input.
0N/AwrongInput=Wrong input.
0N/AmissingElementValue=Value of this element is missing.
0N/AmissingAttribute=Missing attribute.
0N/AschemaViolation=Data does not conform to schema.
0N/AmissingElement=Element is missing.
0N/AmissingElementValue=Value of this element is missing.
0N/AinvalidElement=Input has invalid element.
0N/AmoreElement=More than allowed number of elements are included.
0N/AerrorCreateArtifact=Couldn't create Artifact.
0N/AnullLogoutRequest=Null logout request.
0N/AnullHostEntityID=Null host entityid.
0N/AnullRemoteEntityID=Null remote entityid.
0N/AnullHostEntityRole=Null host entity role.
0N/AunknownHostEntityRole=Unknown host entity role.
0N/AnullRealm=Null realm.
0N/AnullManageIDRequest=Null manageid request.
0N/AnullNameID=Null name identifier.
0N/AinvalidSSOToken=Invalid single signon token.
0N/AinValidNameIDInfo=NameIDInfo string format is not correct.
0N/AinValidNameIDInfoKey=NameIDInfo key string format is not correct.
0N/AnullSSOToken=Null single signon token
0N/AnullAttributes=Null attributes.
0N/AnullNameIDInfo=Null name identifier information.
0N/AnullUserID=Null userid.
0N/AnullSPMetaAlias=Null MetaAlias for Service Provider.
0N/AnullIDPMetaAlias=Null MetaAlias for Identity Provider.
0N/AidpNotFound=Identity Provider not found.
0N/AmissingVersion=Version is not present in the request.
0N/AincorrectVersion=SAML Version is incorrect.
0N/AmissingIssueInstant=IssueInstant is not present in the request.
0N/AincorrectIssueInstant=IssueInstant format is incorrect.
0N/AmissingIDAttr=ID Attribute is not present in the Authentication Request message.
0N/AmissingStatus=Status Element is not present in the Response message.
0N/AmissingStatusCode=StatusCode Element is not present in the Response message.
0N/AmissingStatusCodeValue=StatusCode Value Element is not present in the Response message.
0N/AmissingNotOnOrAfterStr=NotOnOrAfter attribute is not present in the LogoutRequest message.
0N/AmissingBaseIDorNameIDorEncryptedID=BaseID or NameID or EncryptedID is not present in LogoutRequest message.
0N/AincorrectNotOnOrAfterStr=Incorrect NotOnOrAfter attribute in the LogoutRequest message.
0N/AcannotSignMessage=Error trying to sign Authentication Request message.
0N/AcannotSignResponse=Error trying to sign SAML Response message.
0N/AproviderIDMissing=ProviderID is not present.
0N/AnoIDPEntry=IDPEntry is not present.
0N/AnoAttributes=No Attributes for this element.
0N/AinvalidAssertionConsumerIndex=AssertionConsumerServiceIndex value is invalid.
0N/AinvalidAttributeConsumingSvcIdx=AttributeConsumingServiceIndex value is invalid.
0N/AinvalidProxyCount=ProxyCount should be a non negative integer.
0N/AssoServiceNotFoundIDPProxy=IDP Proxy couldn't find single sign-on service endpoint.
0N/AUnableToRedirectToPreferredIDP=IDP Proxy couldn't find preferred IDP to redirect.
0N/AnullRequestType=Request Type is not specified.
0N/AnullSPEntityID=Service Provider ID is null.
0N/AnullIDPEntityID=Identity Provider ID is null.
0N/AnullSessionIndex=Session Index is null.
0N/AssoServiceNotFound=SingleSignOnService URL not found.
0N/AcannotGenerateID=Failed to generate unique id.
0N/AerrorCreatingAuthnRequest=Error creating AuthnRequest.
0N/AmetaDataError=Error retrieving meta data.
0N/ArequestProcessingError=Error processing AuthnRequest.
0N/ArequestProcessingMNIError=Error processing ManageNameIDRequest.
0N/ALogoutRequestCreationError=Error creating LogoutRequest.
0N/ALogoutRequestProcessingError=Error processing LogoutRequest.
0N/AerrorGettingLogoutRequest=Error getting LogoutRequest.
0N/AmissingLogoutRequest=Missing LogoutRequest.
0N/AmissingLogoutResponse=Missing LogoutResponse.
0N/ALogoutResponseProcessingError=Error processing LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorCreatingLogoutResponse=Error creating LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorRedirectingLogoutResponse=Error redirecting LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorPostingLogoutResponse=Error posting LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorGettingLogoutResponse=Error getting LogoutResponse.
0N/ALogoutResponseNull=LogoutResponse is NULL.
0N/ANameIDNull=NameID is null in LogoutRequest.
0N/AErrorSSOTokenManager=Error retrieving SSOTokenManager.
0N/AerrorCreatingStatus=Error creating Status.
0N/AerrorCreatingStatusCode=Error creating StatusCode.
0N/AerrorCreatingIssuer=Error creating Issuer.
0N/AnullDecodedStrFromSamlResponse=Null decoded string from LogoutResponse.
0N/AnullDecodedStrFromSamlRequest=Null decoded string from LogoutRequest.
0N/AnullInResponseToFromSamlResponse=Null InResponseTo from LogoutResponse.
0N/ALogoutRequestIDandInResponseToDoNotMatch=LogoutRequestID and InResponseTo Do Not Match.
0N/AerrorMetaManager=Error getting instance of Meta Manager.
0N/AmetaAliasError=Error retrieving Service Provider Entity ID from MetaAlias.
0N/Ainvalid_element=The element is not valid
0N/Amissing_local_name=The local name of an element is missing
0N/Ainvalid_local_name=The local name of an element is not valid
0N/Amissing_version=The version attribute in the assertion is missing
0N/Amissing_assertion_id=The id attribute in the assertion is missing
0N/Amissing_assertion_version=The version attribute in the assertion is missing
0N/Amissing_issue_instant=The issue instant attribute in the assertion is missing
0N/Ainvalid_date_format=The date time is invalid
0N/Amissing_subelements=There is no subelement present
0N/Amissing_subelement_issuer=The issuer subelement is missing from the assertion
0N/Aunexpected_subelement=Encounter a unexpected subelement
0N/Ainvalid_count_number=The count number is not valid
0N/Anegative_count_number=The count number is negative
0N/Amissing_confirmation_method=The confirmation method is missing
0N/Atoo_many_ids_specified=There are more than one id specified in subject confirmation object
0N/Aid_and_confirmationData_both_specified=Both id and subject confirmation data specified in the subject confirmation object
0N/Aneed_at_least_one_id_or_on_SubjectConfirmation=Need at least one id or one subject confirmation in a subject
0N/Amissing_name_identifier=The name identifier is missing or an empty string
0N/Ainvalid_name_identifier=The name identifier is invalid or an empty string
0N/AerrorCreatingLogoutRequest=Error creating LogoutRequest.
0N/AsloServiceNotfound=Single Logout Service location not found.
0N/AerrorRedirectingLogoutRequest=Error redirecting the LogoutRequest.
0N/AsloServiceListNotfound=Single Logout Service location list not found.
0N/AsloResponseServiceLocationNotfound=Single Logout Response Service location not found.
0N/AerrorUserDN=Error retrieving Principal from SSOToken.
0N/AerrorInfoKeyString=Error retrieving NameIdInfoKey from SSOToken.
0N/AemptyDoc=Empty document.
0N/AerrorGenerateKey=Failed to generate secret key.
0N/AunsupportedKeyAlg=Unsupported public key encryption algorithm.
0N/AnoCipherForPublicKeyAlg=Failed to obtain a cipher instance given public key encryption algorithm.
0N/AfailedInitCipherWithPublicKey=Failed to initialize cipher with public key.
0N/AfailedEncryptingSecretKeyWithPublicKey=Failed to encrypt secret key with public key.
0N/AinvalidKeyStrength=Invalid data encryption key strength.
0N/AunsupportedKeyAlg=Unsupported data encryption algorithm.
0N/AalgSizeMismatch=Data encryption algorithm and strength mismatch.
0N/AnoCipherForDataEncAlg=Failed to obtain a cipher instance given data encryption algorithm.
0N/AfailedInitCipherWithSecretKey=Failed to initialize cipher with secret key.
0N/AfailedEncryptingData=Failed to encrypt data.
0N/AfailedMartializingEncryptedKey=Failed to martial encypted key.
0N/AmissingElementEncryptedData=missing the encrypted data element.
0N/AmissingElementEncryptedKey=missing the encrypted key element.
0N/AnoCipher=Failed to obtain a cipher instance.
0N/AfailedInitCipherForDecrypt=Failed to initialize cipher for decrypt mode.
0N/AfailedLoadingEncryptedData=Failed to load encypted data.
0N/AfailedLoadingEncryptedKey=Failed to load encypted key.
0N/AnoCipherForUnwrap=Failed to obtain a cipher instance for unwrapping with private key.
0N/AfailedDecryptingSecretKey=Failed to decrypt the secret key.
0N/AfailedDecryptingData=Failed to decrypt data.
0N/AalgNotSupported=Signature algorithm is not supported.
0N/AnullSigAlg=Missing signature algorithm.
0N/AnullSig=Missing signature value.
0N/AwrongInput=Wrong index value range.
0N/AerrorEncodeResponse=Couldn't encode the SAMLResponse.
0N/AerrorDecodeResponse=Couldn't decode the SAMLResponse.
0N/AmissingSAMLResponse=The SAMLResponse is missing from the HttpRequest.
0N/AerrorObtainResponse=Couldn't obtain the Response from the HttpRequest.
0N/ASSOFailed=Single Sign On failed.
0N/AmissingArtifact=The SAMLArt is missing from the HttpRequest.
0N/AerrorObtainArtifact=Couldn't obtain the Artifact from the HttpRequest.
0N/ApostToTargetFailed=Failed to post data to the target location.
0N/AerrorGettingAuthnStatement=Failed to get the AuthnStatement object.
0N/AnoSubjectConfirmation=There is no subject confirmation.
0N/AnoAudienceRestriction=There is no audience restriction.
0N/AerrorCreateArtifactResolve=Couldn't create ArtifactResolve.
0N/AerrorInSOAPCommunication=Couldn't obtain ArtifactResponse because of error in SOAP communication.
0N/AerrorInSOAPResponse=Couldn't obtain ArtifactResponse because of SOAP response.
0N/AmoreArtifactResponse=Included more than one ArtifactResponse in SOAPBody.
0N/AcannotFindIDP=Couldn't find IDP based on the SourceID in the artifact.
0N/AcannotFindArtifactResolutionUrl=Couldn't find IDP Artifact Resolution URL.
0N/AsoapFaultInSOAPResponse=SOAP Fault in SOAP message.
0N/AmissingArtifactResponse=Missing ArtifactResponse in SOAPMessage.
0N/AinvalidSignature=Invalid signature in ArtifactResponse.
0N/AinvalidInResponseTo=Invalid InResponseTo attribute in ArtifactResponse.
0N/AinvalidIssuer=Invalid Issuer in ArtifactResponse.
0N/AinvalidStatusCode=Invalid Status code in ArtifactResponse.
0N/AinvalidSOAPMessge=The SOAPMessage sent by client is not valid
0N/AinvalidSOAPEnvelope=The SOAPMessage envelope sent by client is not valid
0N/AinvalidSOAPEnvelope=The SOAPMessage body sent by client is not valid
0N/AinvalidArtifactResolve=The ArtifactResolve in the SOAPMessage body is not valid
0N/AinvalidArtifactResolveSignature=The ArtifactResolve signature in the SOAPMessage body is not valid
0N/AArtifactResolveNotSigned=The ArtifactResolve is not signed when it needs to be.
0N/AinvalidArtifact=The Artifact in the ArtifactResolve is not valid
0N/AnoArtifactResolve=The SOAPMessage body does not contain an ArtifactResolve
0N/AnoArtifact=The ArtifactResolve in the SOAPMessage body does not have an Artifact
0N/AunableToCreateSOAPMessage=Unable to create a SOAPMessage
0N/AUnableToCreateArtifactResponse=Unable to create SAML Artifact Response
0N/AunsupportedRequest=Not supported request
0N/ArequestSuccess=Request is done successfully
0N/ApartialLogout=Logout request completed partially.
0N/AsloSuccess=Single Logout Succeeded.
0N/AsloFailed=Single Logout Failed.
0N/AsloAlreadyLoggedout=Session did not exist. Already logged-out
0N/AinValidResponse=invalid single logout response.
0N/AinResponseToNoMatch=InResponseTo attribute in LogoutResponse does not match any request.
0N/AspSloSuccess=SP initiated single logout succeeded.
0N/AidpSloSuccess=IDP initiated single logout succeeded.
0N/AssoSuccess=Single Sign-on succeeded.
0N/AmniSuccess=ManageNameID Request succeeded.
0N/AmniFailed=ManageNameID Request failed.
0N/AunableToTerminate=Unable to terminate federation.
0N/AunsupportedBinding=Requested binding is not supported.
0N/AmissingLocalName=Local name is missing in SOAP message.
0N/AinvalidSOAPElement=Root element is not Envelope or invalid SOAP name space.
0N/AmissingSOAPBody=SOAP body element is missing in SOAP message.
0N/AemptyBody=No SOAP body presents.
0N/AelementNotFound=Element not found in samlp namespace :
0N/AerrorLogoutRequest=Failed to get the LogoutRequest from SOAP request.
0N/AnullLogoutRequest=LogoutRequest is null.
0N/AnullLogoutResponse=LogoutResponse is null.
0N/AerrorLogoutResponse=Failed to generate LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorLogoutResponseSOAP=Failed to generate SOAP message for LogoutResponse.
0N/AerrorEncodingLogoutRespone=Failed to encode LogoutResponse.
0N/AmissingSigningCertAlias=Provider's signing certificate alias is missing.
0N/AnullKeyProviver=Unable to instantiate Key Provider.
0N/AinvalidInResponseToInResponse=Response's InResponseTo attribute is not valid.
0N/AinvalidStatusCodeInResponse=Invalid Status code in Response.
0N/AnullMetaManager=Meta Manager is null.
0N/AassertionNotEncrypted=Assertion is not encrypted.
0N/AmissingAssertion=Missing Assertion in Response.
0N/AinvalidIssuerInRequest=Issuer in Request is invalid.
0N/AinvalidIssuerInResponse=Issuer in Response is invalid.
0N/AinvalidIssuerInAssertion=Issuer in Assertion is invalid.
0N/AmismatchIssuer=Issuers in Assertion(s) and/or Response are different.
0N/AinvalidSignatureOnAssertion=The signature on Assertion is not valid.
0N/AmissingAuthnAssertion=Response doesn't contain authentication Assertion.
0N/AresponseNotSigned=Response is not signed.
0N/AinvalidSignatureOnResponse=The signature on Response is not valid.
0N/AmissingSubjectConfirmationData=Missing SubjectConfirmationData.
0N/AmissingRecipient=Recipient is missing from Assertion.
0N/AwrongRecipient=This Assertion Consumer Service is not the intended recipient.
0N/AinvalidTimeOnSubjectConfirmationData=The time in SubjectConfirmationData is invalid.
0N/AcontainedNotBefore=SubjectConfiramtionData contained NotBefore attribute.
0N/AwrongInResponseToInAssertion=The InResponseTo attribute in Assertion is wrong.
0N/AmissingConditions=Conditions is missing from Assertion.
0N/AmissingAudienceRestriction=AudienceRestriction is missing.
0N/AaudienceNotMatch=This service provider is not the intended audience.
0N/AsignVerifyError=Signature verification failed.
0N/AinvalidSessionIndex=Session index is not valid.
0N/AinvalidSignInRequest=Invalid signature in Request.
0N/AinvalidSignInResponse=Invalid signature in Response.
0N/AUnableToCreateAssertion=Unable to create SAML Assertion.
0N/AUnableTofindBinding=Unable to find return binding.
0N/AUnableTofindACSURL=Unable to find Assertion Consumer Service URL.
0N/AUnSupportedReturnBinding=Requested binding not supported.
0N/AIDPMetaAliasNotFound=Unable to get IDP meta alias from request.
0N/AInvalidSAMLRequest=The SAML Request is invalid.
0N/AInvalidSAMLRequestID=The SAML Request ID is invalid.
0N/AMissingSAMLRequest=SAML Request ID is missing.
0N/AUnableToRedirectToPreferredIDP=Unable to redirect to preferred IDP.
0N/AUnableToRedirectToAuth=Unable to redirect to authentication url.
0N/AUnableToGetAuthnReq=Unable to get AuthnRequest.
0N/AUnableToCreateErrorResponse=Unable to create error response that can be sent to sp.
0N/AUnableToDOSSOOrFederation=Unable to do Single Sign On or Federation.
0N/Aentityid_invalid=No entity ID specified.
0N/AUnableToFindResponse=Unable to find Response corresponding to the Artifact.
0N/AUnableToFindResponseInRepo=Unable to find Response corresponding to the Artifact in the SAML repository.
0N/AInvalidArtifactId=Invalid artifactID. The extracted serverId does not exist in this system.
0N/ARemoteArtifactResolutionFailed=Remote artifact resolution against the issuer server failed.
0N/AUnableToFindEncryptKeyInfo=Unable to find the encryption key information from the SSO Entity Config.
0N/AFailedToEncryptAssertion=Failed to encrypt the Assertion.
0N/AFailedToEncryptAttribute=Failed to encrypt the Attribute.
0N/AFailedToEncryptNameID=Failed to encrypt the NameID.
0N/AnameIDNotEncrypted=NameID is not encrypted.
0N/AnoUserMapping=No local user being mapped.
0N/AfailedAcctMapper=Null SP account mapper.
0N/AfailedAttrMapper=Null SP attribute mapper.
0N/AmissingMessageParam=HTTP parameter message is missing from request.
0N/AinvalidReceiver=The receiving entity ID is not valid or not trusted.
0N/AssoServiceNotfound=Could not find Single Sign-on Service URL.
0N/AnullKeyProvider=Unable to obtain key provider instance.
0N/AnotSupportedHTTPMethod=The given Single Sign-on profile binding is not supported.
0N/AunsupportedSloBinding=The given Single Logout profile binding is not supported.
0N/AnullEntityID=Missing entity ID.
0N/AerrorCreatingMNIRequest=Error in creating Manage Name Identifier request.
0N/AinvalidSOAPMessage=Invalid SOAP message.
0N/AMetaAliasNotFound=Unable to get meta alias from request.
0N/AmniServiceNotFound=ManageNameID Service URL not found.
0N/AfailedToGenResponseID=Unable to generate response ID.
0N/AerrorSOAPFactory=Error getting instance of SOAP Factory.
0N/AUnableToGetResponseInfoFromCache=Unable to get response information from the cache after coming back from setting up COT cookie.
0N/AinvalidDestination=Destination is invalid.
0N/AmissingDiscoOffering=Unable to get Discovery resource offering.
0N/AmissingUnivID=Unable to get universal ID.
0N/AunSupportedEncoding=Unsupported encoding.
0N/AinvalidRelayStateUrl=Invalid Relay State URL specified
0N/AmalformedURLSpecified=Malformed URL specified for Relay State URL
0N/AinvalidAssertionConsumerServiceURL=The Assertion Consumer Service URL {0} is not registered in the metadata for the SP {1}
0N/A### properties for SOAP Client & Handler
0N/AnullPEP=Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Entity Identifier is null.
0N/AnullPDP=Policy Decision Point (PDP) Identifier is null.
0N/AnullResponse=The Response is null.
0N/AmissingRequestHandler=Unable to find RequestHandler.
0N/AinvalidQuery=Invalid Query.
0N/AnullSigningAlias=Signing Alias is null.
0N/AserverError=Server Error due to misconfiguration or invalid soap message.
0N/AinvalidQuerySignature=Invalid signature in Query Request.
0N/ApdpMetaRetreivalError=Error retreiving Policy Decision Point (PDP) Meta data for entity {0}.
0N/ApepMetaRetreivalError=Error retreiving Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Meta data for entity {0}.
0N/AmissingChildTagName=Child tag name is missing.
0N/AinvalidSOAPBody=SOAP body does not contain either SOAP Fault or SAML Response.
0N/AinvalidSOAPElement=Invalid SOAP Element inside SOAP Envelope.
0N/AinvalidIssuer=Issuer in Response is invalid : {2}
0N/AinvalidHttpRequestFromECP=Invalid HTTP request from ECP.
0N/AmissingECPRelayState=Value is not present in ECP RelayState.
0N/AmissingECPRelayState=Value is not present in ECP RelayState.
0N/AmissingMustUnderstandECPRelayState=Attribute mustUnderstand is not present in ECP RelayState.
0N/AmissingActorECPRelayState=Attribute actor is not present in ECP RelayState.
0N/AinvalidXMLBooleanValue=Invalid XML boolean value.
0N/AinvalidECPRelayState=Invalid ECP RelayState local name.
0N/AinvalidECPNamesapce=Invalid ECP namespace URI.
0N/AinvalidECPRequest=Invalid ECP Request local name.
0N/AecpReqTooManyIssuer=ECP Request has too many Issuer element.
0N/AecpReqIssuerNotFirst=Issuer should be first child element in ECP Request.
0N/AecpReqTooManyIDPList=ECP Request has too many IDPList element.
0N/AinvalidElementECPReq=ECP Request has invalid child element.
0N/AmissingMustUnderstandECPRequest=Attribute mustUnderstand is not present in ECP Request.
0N/AmissingActorECPRequest=Attribute actor is not present in ECP Request.
0N/AmissingIssuerECPRequest=Child element Issuer is not present in ECP Request.
0N/AinvalidECPResponse=Invalid ECP Response local name.
0N/AmissingAssertionConsumerServiceURLECPResponse=Attribute AssertionConsumerServiceURL is not present in ECP Response.
0N/AmissingMustUnderstandECPResponse=Attribute mustUnderstand is not present in ECP Response.
0N/AmissingActorECPResponse=Attribute actor is not present in ECP Response.
0N/AassertionNotSigned=Assertion is not signed.
0N/AunsupportedNameIDFormat=Unsupported name identifier format.
0N/AunsupportedNameIDFormatSP=Service provider does not support name identifier format {0}.
0N/AunsupportedNameIDFormatIDP=Identity provider does not support name identifier format {0}.
0N/AunsupportedNameIDFormatIDPSP=Unable to find Name ID format supported by both IDP and SP.
0N/AattrAuthorityNotFound=Attribute authority not found.
0N/AerrorSendingAttributeQuery=Error sending AttributeQuery.
0N/AinvalidInResponseToAttrQuery=InResponseTo in Response doesn't match ID in AttributeQuery.
0N/AattrQueryIssuerInvalid=AttributeQuery issuer is not valid or not trusted.
0N/AattrQueryIssuerNotFound=AttributeQuery issuer is not found.
0N/AattrQueryNotSigned=AttributeQuery is not signed.
0N/AinvalidSignatureAttrQuery=The signature on AttributeQuery is not valid.
0N/AunsupportedAttrQuerySubjectNameID=Unsupported Name ID format in attribute query subject.
0N/Ax509SubjectMappingNotConfigured=X509 subject mapping is not configured.
0N/AnameIDMReqWrongID=Only one of NameID, EncryptedID and BaseID must exist in NameIDMappingRequest element.
0N/AnameIDMReqMissingNameIDPolicy=Missing NameIDPolicy in NameIDMappingRequest element.
0N/AnameIDMRespWrongID=Only one of NameID and EncryptedID must exist in NameIDMappingResponse element.
0N/AnimServiceNotFound=NameIDMapping Service URL not found.
0N/AnimServiceBindingUnsupport=Unsuppoted NameIDMapping Service binding.
0N/AtargetNameIDNotFound=Requested Name ID not found.
0N/AtargetNameIDNoChange=Requested Name ID is the same as original.
0N/AnullNIMRequest=Null Name ID mapping request.
0N/AtargetNameIDFormatUnsupported=Requested Name ID format is not supported.
0N/AauthnAuthorityNotFound=Authentication authority not found.
0N/AauthnQueryIssuerInvalid=AuthnQuery issuer is not valid or not trusted.
0N/AauthnQueryIssuerNotFound=AuthnQuery issuer is not found.
0N/AinvalidInResponseToAuthnQuery=InResponseTo in Response doesn't match ID in AuthnQuery.
0N/AinvalidSignatureAuthnQuery=The signature on AuthnQuery is not valid.
0N/AauthnQueryNotSigned=AuthnQuery is not signed.
0N/AerrorSendingAuthnQuery=Error sending AuthnQuery.
0N/AunsupportedRole=Unsupported role.
0N/AaIDReqServiceNotFound=Assertion ID Request Service not found.
0N/AnullAssertionID=Assertion ID not found.
0N/AinvalidAssertionID=Invalid Assertion ID.
0N/AsamlAuthorityNotFound=SAML Authority not found.
0N/AassertionIDRequestIssuerNotFound=AssertionIDRequest issuer is not valid or not trusted.
0N/AinvalidSignatureAssertionIDRequest=The signature on AssertionIDRequest is not valid.
0N/AerrorSendingAssertionIDRequest=Error sending AssertionIDRequest.
0N/AinvalidInResponseToAssertionIDRequest=InResponseTo in Response doesn't match ID in AssertionIDRequest.
0N/AresponseIssuerMismatch=Issuer in Response doesn't match remote entity ID.
0N/AinvalidAssertionRequester=Invalid assertion requester.
0N/AassertionIDRequestIssuerInvalid=AssertionIDRequest issuer is not valid or not trusted.
0N/AaffiliationNotFound=Affiliation not found.
0N/AspNotAffiliationMember=Service provider is not a member of affiliation.
0N/AcannotCreateNameID=Creation of NameID is not allowed per AuthnRequest.
0N/AunableToGenerateNameIDValue=Unable to generate NameID value.
0N/AinvalidAuthnContextClassRef=AuthnContext doesn't match RequestedAuthnContext.
0N/AentityNotHosted=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not a hosted entity.
0N/AentityNotIDP=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not an Identity Provider.
0N/AentityNotSP=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not a Service Provider.
0N/A#For SAMLv2 failover
0N/AinvalidTimeOnResponse=Time is invalid in the Response.
0N/AuriNoMatchWithId=The signature reference URI did not match with the ID of the verifiable XML.
0N/AinvalidCertificate=The signing certificate does not match what's defined in the entity metadata.
0N/AunknownPrincipal=Unknown principal in the manage name id request.
0N/AnewNameIDSuccess=New Name Identifier succeeded.
0N/AusedBearAssertion=This Assertion is one-time used only.
0N/AsamlPostKey=Submit SAMLResponse data
0N/AfailedToProcessSSOResponse=Failed to process single sign-on response.
0N/AfailedToGetAssertionIDRequestMapper=Failed to get the AssertionID request mapper.
0N/AfailedToAuthenticateRequesterURI=Failed to authenticate requester using URI binding.
0N/AinvalidAssertion=Invalid Assertion.
0N/AunsupportedEncoding=Character encoding is not supported.
0N/AfailedToSendECPResponse=Failed to send ECP response.
0N/AnullSessionProvider=Session provider is null.
0N/AfailedToGetIDPSSODescriptor=Failed to get SSODescriptor element from IDP metadata.
0N/AsoapError=SOAP Error.
0N/AfailedToCreateArtifactResponse=Failed to create ArtifactResponse object.
0N/AfailedToCreateResponse=Failed to create Response object.
0N/AfailedToCreateSOAPMessage=Failed to create SOAP message.
0N/AfailedToProcessQueryRequest=Failed to process query request.
0N/AfailedToCreateAssertionIDRequest=Failed to create AssertionIDRequest object.
0N/AnullPathInfo=No URI path information found in the request.
0N/AinvalidMetaAlias=Invalid entity meta alias.
0N/AfailedToCreateAttributeQuery=Failed to create AttributeQuery object.
0N/AfailedToCreateAuthnQuery=Failed to create AuthnQuery object.
0N/AnameIDMappingFailed=Name Identifier mapping failed.
0N/AfailedToInitECPRequest=Failed to initiate ECP request.
0N/AsingleLogoutFailed=Single logout failed.
0N/AnullRequestUri=The request URI is null.
0N/AinvalidRequestUri=Unable to determine federation protocol based on the request URI.
0N/AnoRedirectionURL=No redirection URL specified.
0N/AreaderServiceFailed=Reader service failed.
0N/AappLogoutFailed=Application failed to logout.
0N/AerrorCanonical=Error while performing canonicalization on the input node.
0N/AIDPSessionIsNULL=IDP Session is NULL
0N/A# begin section for fedlet encode
0N/Aresult-encoded-pwd=Encoded Password is
0N/Aprompt-pwd=Enter the password to encode
0N/Aencode-another-pwd=Encode Another Password
0N/Afailed-to-encode=Failed to encode the password.
0N/A# end section for fedlet encode