AuthenticatorPush.xml revision 4f39fae2f8671f7389a26412a6203c455b80f06d
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
<!DOCTYPE ModuleProperties PUBLIC "=//iPlanet//Authentication Module Properties XML Interface 1.0 DTD//EN"
<ModuleProperties moduleName="AuthenticatorPush" version="1.0" >
<!-- LOGIN_START -->
<Callbacks length="0" order="1" timeout="120" header="ForgeRock Authenticator (Push)">
<Callbacks length="1" order="2" timeout="120" header="ForgeRock Authenticator (Push)">
<Prompt>User Name:</Prompt>
<!-- AWAIT_STATE -->
<Callbacks length="3" order="3" timeout="9999" header="Authenticator Push">
<TextOutputCallback>Please use your mobile device to authorise this log in. There may be short wait as the server and your device communicate.</TextOutputCallback>
<PollingWaitCallback waitTime="10000"/>
<Prompt>Lost Device</Prompt>
<ChoiceValue isDefault="false">
<Value>Use Emergency Code</Value>
<!-- For recovery code use -->
<Callbacks length="2" order="4" timeout="120" header="Use ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) Emergency Code">
<Prompt>Emergency Code</Prompt>
<!-- For recovery code use -->
<Callbacks length="2" order="5" timeout="120" header="ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) Emergency Code Used">
You have used one of your Emergency ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) Codes. Please make sure you have a note of
any remaining ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) Codes.