// ident "@(#)wizard.js 1.14 04/09/13 SMI"
// Copyright 2004 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use is subject to license terms.
// This Javascript file should be included in any page that uses the
// CCWizardTag cc:wizard.
// Once the CCWizardTag is rendered there will exist
// a javascript object instance called "WizardWindow_Wizard".
// that provides the following methods
// setFocusElementName(name)
// This method identifies the element in the pagelet that
// should obtain the focus when the page loads.
// The name parameter is the "name" attribute of the component tag.
// It is usually the fully qualified name of the element.
// It returns the name of the element that was last set to
// have the focus.
// In a popup wizard window based on CCWizardWindowTag
// cc:wizardwindow, the fully qualified name would be
// WizardWindow.Wizard.<wizardpagecontainerview>.<tagname>
// where "wizardpagecontainerview" is the name of the
// container view returned by WizardInterface.getPageClass()
// and "tagname" is the tag's name attribute.
// setNextButtonDisabled(true_or_false, msg)
// setPreviousButtonDisabled(true_or_false, msg)
// setFinishButtonDisabled(true_or_false, msg)
// setCancelButtonDisabled(true_or_false, msg)
// setCloseButtonDisabled(true_or_false, msg)
// These methods disable the associated button if the
// true_or_false parameter is true. If the parameter is false
// the button is enabled. It returns true if the operation was
// successful.
// msg is a string that will become the tooltip of the
// disabled button. If msg is null or true_or_false is false
// (enabling the button) msg is ignored.
// Since the pagelet markup is read before the cc:wizard tag
// is completely rendered, it is not sufficient to just reference
// the methods in a <script> tag as
// WizardWindow_Wizard.setNextButtonDisabled(true, null);
// since the code will run at the time it is read. Since the
// tag has not compeletely rendered at this point, the result
// of this call will be overwritten. There is a member called
// WizardWindow_Wizard.pageInit
// and it should be set to a javascript function name containing
// statements setting up the page as required on display.
// For example
// <script type="text/javascript">
// function wizardPageInit() {
// WizardWindow_Wizard.setFocusElementName(
// "WizardWindow.Wizard.WizardPage3View.UserIdField");
// }
// WizardWindow_Wizard.pageInit = wizardPageInit;
// </script>
// The framework will invoke
// WizardWindow_Wizard.pageInit()
// after the tag has finished rendering.
// Statements that result in effects at runtime or during user
// interaction, like enabling a disabled button can occur outside
// this function, as in event handlers.
// For exmaple this call in the onChange handler will enable the
// next button which was disabled in a pageInit() call.
// <td valign="top" align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
// <cc:textarea name ="DescriptionText" bundleID="testBundle"
// cols="20" rows="5"
// onChange =
// "javascript: WizardWindow_Wizard.setNextButtonDisabled(false, null)();"/>
// </td>
// Additionally a developer may change the onClick event for any
// of the wizard buttons by setting the associated xxxClicked member
// of the WizardWindow_Wizard javascript object.
// For example in the application's wizardPageInit method the
// following fragment replaces the default nextClicked method with
// and application defined javascript method "myNextClicked".
// ...
// WizardWindow_Wizard.nextClicked = myNextClicked;
// ...
// The developer must ensure that the semantics of the default method
// ccWizardNextClicked, as defined in this file, are maintained.
// jsQualifier uniquiely identifies the components of this
// wizard instance.
// formName is the form that contains the wizard tag
function CCWizard(jsQualifier, formName) {
this.NEXT = 0;
this.PREVIOUS = 1;
this.FINISH = 2;
this.CANCEL = 3;
this.CLOSE = 4;
this.buttonState = new Array(5);
this.buttonState[this.NEXT] =
new ccWizButtonState(jsQualifier + ".nextButton", null, null);
this.buttonState[this.PREVIOUS] =
new ccWizButtonState(jsQualifier + ".previousButton", null, null);
this.buttonState[this.FINISH] =
new ccWizButtonState(jsQualifier + ".finishButton", null, null);
this.buttonState[this.CANCEL] =
new ccWizButtonState(jsQualifier + ".cancelButton", null, null);
this.buttonState[this.CLOSE] =
new ccWizButtonState(jsQualifier + ".cancelButton", null, null);
this.formName = formName;
this.jsQualifier = jsQualifier;
// Methods
this.setFocusForm = ccWizardSetFocusForm;
this.setFocusElementName = ccWizardSetFocusElementName;
this.setNextButtonDisabled = ccWizardSetNextButtonDisabled;
this.setPreviousButtonDisabled = ccWizardSetPreviousButtonDisabled;
this.setFinishButtonDisabled = ccWizardSetFinishButtonDisabled;
this.setCancelButtonDisabled = ccWizardSetCancelButtonDisabled;
// Developer can set this method and it will be
// called after the tag has rendered.
this.pageInit = ccWizardPageInit;
// Event handlers
this.nextClicked = ccWizardNextClicked;
this.previousClicked = ccWizardPreviousClicked;
this.cancelClicked = ccWizardCancelClicked;
this.finishClicked = ccWizardFinishClicked;
this.closeClicked = ccWizardCloseClicked;
this.gotoStepClicked = ccWizardGotoStepClicked;
// data for posting revisiting previous step warning
// this should never be set (except perhaps, by a 2.0 app)
this.revisitWarning = null;
// maintains the last element that had focus
this.focusElementName = null;
// Button object to hold state for NS4
function ccWizButtonState(name, disabled, msg) {
// Qualified name
this.name = name;
// Need to maintaind state for NS 4
this.disabled = disabled;
// In Nav 4 the developer must specify a message to instruct
// the user that a button has been disabled and what to do
// next
this.msg = msg;
// return true if the operation was successful false if not
function ccWizardSetNextButtonDisabled(t, msg) {
return ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.NEXT],
this.formName, t, msg);
// return true if the operation was successful false if not
function ccWizardSetCancelButtonDisabled(t, msg) {
return ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.CANCEL],
this.formName, t, msg);
// return true if the operation was successful false if not
function ccWizardSetFinishButtonDisabled(t, msg) {
return ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.FINISH],
this.formName, t, msg);
// return true if the operation was successful false if not
function ccWizardSetPreviousButtonDisabled(t, msg) {
return ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.PREVIOUS],
this.formName, t, msg);
// return true if the operation was successful false if not
function ccWizardSetCloseButtonDisabled(t, msg) {
return ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.CLOSE],
this.formName, t, msg);
// Save the state and set the message for NS 4
// If msg is null get the button element's DisabledTitle
function ccWizardSetButtonDisabled(button, formName, tOrf, msg) {
var result;
// If the msg is not null set the disabled title
// If its nav4 save the state locally
if (!is_nav4) {
// Set the disabled title if msg is not null
if (tOrf == true && msg != null) {
ccWizardSetButtonDisabledTitle(button.name, formName, msg);
result = ccSetButtonDisabled(button.name, formName, tOrf);
} else {
button.disabled = tOrf;
if (tOrf == true) {
if (msg != null) {
button.msg = msg;
} else {
button.msg =
ccWizardGetButtonDisabledTitle(button.name, formName);
result = true;
return result;
function ccWizardSetButtonDisabledTitle(button, formName, msg) {
var childNameTitleDisabled = button + "." + "TitleDisabledHiddenField";
var element = ccGetElement(childNameTitleDisabled, formName);
if (element != null) {
element.value = msg;
function ccWizardGetButtonDisabledTitle(button, formName) {
var childNameTitleDisabled = button + "." + "TitleDisabledHiddenField";
var element = ccGetElement(childNameTitleDisabled, formName);
if (element != null) {
return element.value;
} else {
return "";
// If its not nav4 then the button can't be
// disabled or else we wouldn't be here
function ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(button) {
if (!is_nav4) {
return false;
} else {
if (button.disabled == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function ccWizardNextClicked() {
return !ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.NEXT]);
function ccWizardPreviousClicked() {
// No confirmation message is displayed, return the button state.
return !ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.PREVIOUS]);
function ccWizardFinishClicked() {
return !ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.FINISH]);
function ccWizardCloseClicked() {
return !ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.CLOSE]);
function ccWizardCancelClicked(confirmMsg) {
var disabled = ccWizardIsButtonDisabled(this.buttonState[this.CANCEL]);
if (!disabled && confirmMsg != null) {
disabled = !confirm(confirmMsg);
return !disabled;
function ccWizardGotoStepClicked() {
return true;
function ccWizardPageInit() {
// Return the last form that had the focus
function ccWizardSetFocusForm(f) {
var lastform = this.formName;
if (f != null) {
this.formName = f;
return lastform;
// Return the last element that had focus.
function ccWizardSetFocusElementName(e) {
var lastfocusel = this.focusElementName;
if (e != null) {
this.focusElementName = e;
return lastfocusel;
// wizardObj is the js wizard object instance
// Is resize only relevant in popup windows ?
function wizOnLoad(wizardObj) {
var elem = null;
if (wizardObj != null && wizardObj.focusElementName != null &&
wizardObj.formName != null) {
elem = ccGetElement(wizardObj.focusElementName, wizardObj.formName);
if (elem != null) {
// used only for popup window and IE
function resize_hack () {
if (is_ie5up) {
var bdy = document.getElementById('WizBdy');
if (bdy != null) {
bdy.style.height = document.body.clientHeight - 145;
if (document.getElementById('help')) {
document.getElementById('help').style.height =
document.body.clientHeight - 90
if (document.getElementById('steps')) {
document.getElementById('steps').style.height =
document.body.clientHeight - 90
function ccWizardForwardAndClose(refreshForm, refreshCmdChild) {
if (refreshForm != '' && refreshCmdChild != '') {
var f = window.opener.document.forms[refreshForm];
// Get action URI and query substrings.
var uri = "";
var url = f.action;
var queryParams = "";
var index = url.indexOf("?");
if (index == -1) {
uri = url; // Use URL when query params are not found.
} else {
uri = url.substring(0, index);
queryParams = "&" + url.substring(index + 1, url.length);
// Set form action url and submit.
f.action = uri + "?" + refreshCmdChild + "=" + queryParams;
// return true if user clicks OK to revisit previous page
// For backward compatibility only - always return true.
function ccWizardConfirmRevisitStep(revisitWarning) {
return true;