// ident "@(#)tree.js 1.19 04/09/02 SMI"
// Copyright 2004 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use is subject to license terms.
// This javascript file defines various javascript objects used by the client
// side tree component
/* Define a tree node base class */
function CCAbstractTreeNode(label, statusTxt, url, icon, uid, iconWidth, onClick, target) {
// every node will be assigned a unique index in the tree list of elements
this.id = -1;
// every node has a label
this.label = label;
// the node's target
this.targ = target;
// every node has status text
this.statusTxt = statusTxt;
// every node has an associated url
this.url = url;
// width of this node's icon
this.iconWidth = iconWidth == -1 ? CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH : iconWidth;
// every node has an icon
this.icon = "<img height=\"19\" width=\"" + this.iconWidth + "\" src=\"" +
icon + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + this.label +
"\" title=\"" + this.label + "\" align=\"middle\"></img>";
// every node is represented by an html "layer"
this.layer = null;
// every node has a unique yoke to key
this.key = uid;
// every node can have a parent
this.parent = null;
// whether or not this is a "root" node (for display purposes)
this.isRoot = false;
// the tree this node is part of
this.tree = null;
// save onclick
this.onClick = onClick;
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::createIndex()
// It will be called when an item is created in order to add it to the tree's
// array of items / assign this node an id
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.createIndex = function() {
this.id = this.tree.createIndex(this);
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::display()
// It will be called to display an item
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.doDisplay = function() {
if (!this.isVisible()) {
if (is_nav4up) {
this.layer.visibility = "show";
// also show any sub layers
if (this.tree.selectedId == this.id) {
// show the selected / bold label sub layer
this.layer.document.layers["sLabel"].visibility = "show";
} else {
// show the non selected / bold label sub layer
this.layer.document.layers["label"].visibility = "show";
} else if (is_ie4up) {
this.layer.setAttribute("style", "display:");
this.layer.style.display = "";
// test if this node is selected
if (this.tree.selectedId == this.id) {
this.layer.style.fontWeight = "bold";
doc.getElementById("row" + this.id).className = CCTREE_SELECTED_ROW;
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::doHide()
// It will be called to hide an item
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.doHide = function() {
// hide the table / layer containing this node
if (is_nav4up) {
this.layer.visibility = "hidden";
for (i = 0; i < this.layer.document.layers.length; i++) {
// also hide the nested label layers
var sLayer = this.layer.document.layers[i];
sLayer.visibility = "hidden";
} else if (is_ie4up) {
this.layer.setAttribute('style', 'display:none');
this.layer.style.display = "none";
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::isTopNode()
// Returns true if this node is at the top of its tree
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.isTopNode = function() {
if (!this.tree) {
// this node is not part of any tree yet
return false;
// test if this node is the first root level node of its tree
if (this.id == this.tree.rootLevelNodes[0].id) {
return true;
return false;
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::isVisible()
// Returns true if this node is currently visible, false otherwise
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.isVisible = function() {
var p = this.parent;
if (p == null) {
// node has no parent, it's visible
return true;
var pOpen = p.isOpen;
if (!pOpen) {
// parent is closed, can't be visible
return false;
} else {
// parent is open, might be visible so check next ancestor
return p.isVisible();
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::getOpenAnchor()
// This method outputs the html necessary for this nodes link
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.getOpenAnchor = function(setId) {
var anchor = "<a class=\"" + CCTREE_LINK_STYLE + "\" href=\"" + this.url;
var customJs = "";
if (this.onClick != null) {
customJs = this.onClick;
anchor += "\" onclick=\"javascript:" + customJs + "; " + this.tree.name + ".doSelection(";
anchor += this.id + "); return true;\" onmouseover=\"window.status='";
anchor += this.statusTxt + "'; return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status";
anchor += " = ''; return true;\" onblur=\"window.status = ''; ";
anchor += "return true;\" target=\"" + this.targ + "\" ";
if (setId) {
anchor += "id=\"labelfor" + this.id + "\" ";
anchor += "title=\"" + this.statusTxt + "\">";
return anchor;
// This OO function maps to CCAbstractTreeNode::getTableStart(bgColor)
// This method outputs the table start tag for a node with the given bgColor
CCAbstractTreeNode.prototype.getTableStart = function(bgColor, rowHeight) {
var tableStart = "";
if (is_nav4up) {
// use the layer tag in ns4 - create one for the node's table
tableStart += "\n<layer id=\"node" + this.id + "\" top=\"" + doc.yPos;
tableStart += "\" visibility=\"show\">";
// each node goes into a table
tableStart += "\n<table width=\"100%\" ";
if (is_ie4up) {
// ie and other newer browsers allow dhtml for any tag
tableStart += "id=\"node" + this.id + "\" ";
if (bgColor != null) {
tableStart += "bgcolor=\"" + bgColor + "\" ";
tableStart += "border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
tableStart += "<tr";
if (is_ie4up) {
tableStart += " id=\"row" + this.id + "\" ";
if (rowHeight != null) {
tableStart += " height=\"" + rowHeight + "\"";
if (this.isRoot) {
tableStart += " class=\"" + CCTREE_ROOT_ROW_STLYE + "\"";
tableStart += ">" + CCTREE_TD + "<img src=\"" + CCTREE_BLANK_SRC + "\"";
tableStart += " width=\"" + CCTREE_SPACER_WIDTH + "\" ";
tableStart += "height=\"22\" alt=\"\"></img>";
return tableStart;
/* Define a container node class that extends the abstract node class */
function CCContainerNode(label, statusTxt, url, icon, uid, iconWidth, onClick, target) {
// this class extends AbstractTreeNode
this.base = CCAbstractTreeNode;
// call the super constructor
this.base(label, statusTxt, url, icon, uid, iconWidth, onClick, target);
// flag indiciating if this is a last sibling
this.isLastSibling = false;
// pointer to the img element for the container's turner
this.turnerImgObj = null;
// whether or not this container is currently open
this.isOpen = true;
// this containers children
this.children = new Array;
// the number of children this container has
this.numChildren = 0;
// CCContainerNode extends CCAbstractTreeNode
CCContainerNode.prototype = new CCAbstractTreeNode;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode::addChild(childNode)
// This method adds the given child to this container node
CCContainerNode.prototype.addChild = function(childNode) {
// add the child node to the child array and increment our child count
this.children[this.numChildren++] = childNode;
childNode.parent = this;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode::collapseAll()
// This method closes this container as well as any descendant containers
CCContainerNode.prototype.collapseAll = function() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
if (this.children[i].children) {
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode::display()
// This method displays this node
CCContainerNode.prototype.display = function() {
if (!this.isVisible()) {
// this node isn't currently visible
var i = 0;
var showParentOfSelection = false;
if (this.isOpen) {
// this container is open, display all children too
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
} else if (this.tree.selectedId != -1 && this.id != this.tree.selectedId &&
this.hasDescendant(this.tree.selectedId)) {
// this container is closed and some descendant is selected
showParentOfSelection = true;
// show parent of selection style if necessary
if (showParentOfSelection && !this.isRoot) {
if (is_nav4up) {
this.layer.document.layers["label"].visibility = "hidden";
this.layer.document.layers["pLabel"].visibility = "show";
p = this.parent;
while (p != null && p.layer != null) {
p.layer.document.layers["label"].visibility = "show";
p.layer.document.layers["pLabel"].visibility = "hidden";
p = p.parent;
} else {
this.layer.style.fontWeight = "bold";
p = this.parent;
while (p != null && p.layer != null) {
p.layer.style.fontWeight = "";
p = p.parent;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode::getHeightOfChildren()
// This method is used in netscape 4 to determine the total height of a
// container node and any descendant container nodes it may have
CCContainerNode.prototype.getHeightOfChildren = function() {
var i;
var height = 0;
if (this.isOpen) {
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
height += this.children[i].layer.clip.height;
if (this.children[i].children) {
height += this.children[i].getHeightOfChildren();
return height;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:getTurnerHtml(turnerSrc, turnerAlt)
// This method will return the html necessary to display this node's clickable
// turner using the image src passed in
CCContainerNode.prototype.getTurnerHtml = function(turnerSrc, turnerAlt) {
if (turnerSrc == null || turnerSrc == "") {
// no image src was specified
return "";
return "<a onmouseover=\"window.status='" + this.statusTxt +
"'; return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status = ''; return true;\" " +
"onblur=\"window.status = ''; return true;\" class=\"" +
CCTREE_LINK_STYLE + "\" " + "href=\"javascript:" + this.tree.name +
".openOrClose(" + this.id + ");\"><img name=\"turnerIcon" + this.id +
"\" id=\"turnerIcon" + this.id + "\" src=\"" + turnerSrc +
"\" width=\"16\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + turnerAlt +
"\" title=\"" + turnerAlt + "\"></a>";
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:hasDescendant(nodeId)
// This method will return true if a node with the given id is a descendant of
// this node
CCContainerNode.prototype.hasDescendant = function(nodeId) {
if (this.id == nodeId) {
return true;
var i = 0;
var found = false;
for (i = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) {
if (this.children[i].id == nodeId) {
found = true;
if (this.children[i].children) {
found = this.children[i].hasDescendant(nodeId);
if (found) {
return found;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:hide()
// This method will hide the container as well as any children
CCContainerNode.prototype.hide = function() {
var i = 0;
// also hide all children
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:init(depth, lastSibling, lhsHtml)
// This method is called to initialize and display a container node
CCContainerNode.prototype.init = function(depth, lastSibling, lhsHtml) {
var i = 0;
var turnerHtml;
if (depth > 0) {
if (lastSibling) {
// render this as the last sibling in the children array
if (this.isTopNode()) {
// top & non-root node
turnerHtml = this.getTurnerHtml(CCTREE_OPEN_TOP_NS_SRC,
} else {
turnerHtml = this.getTurnerHtml(CCTREE_OPEN_LAST_SRC,
this.render(lhsHtml + turnerHtml, depth);
// add a blank space imager to the left hand side html
// store the fact that we're the last sibling
this.isLastSibling = true;
} else {
// render this node as a middle sibling
if (this.isTopNode()) {
// top & non-root node
turnerHtml = this.getTurnerHtml(CCTREE_OPEN_TOP_SRC,
} else {
turnerHtml = this.getTurnerHtml(CCTREE_OPEN_MIDDLE_SRC,
this.render(lhsHtml + turnerHtml, depth);
// add a tree hierarchy line to the left hand side html
// store the fact that we're not the last sibling
this.isLastSibling = false;
} else {
// we're at the root node level
this.render("", depth);
// now display any child nodes
if (this.numChildren > 0) {
// increment the curent depth
// loop thru all child nodes
for (i = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) {
this.children[i].tree = this.tree;
if (i == this.numChildren - 1) {
// this is the last of the children
this.children[i].init(depth, true, lhsHtml);
} else {
// not the last child node
this.children[i].init(depth, false, lhsHtml);
if (is_nav4up) {
if (this.tree.selectedId == this.id) {
this.layer.document.layers["sLabel"].visibility = "show";
this.layer.document.layers["label"].visibility = "hidden";
} else {
this.layer.document.layers["label"].visibility = "show";
this.layer.document.layers["sLabel"].visibility = "hidden";
this.layer.document.layers["pLabel"].visibility = "hidden";
// set the turner image object
this.turnerImgObj = this.layer.document.images["turnerIcon" + this.id];
} else {
// set the turner image object in other browsers
this.turnerImgObj = doc.getElementById("turnerIcon" + this.id);
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:setOpen(isOpen)
// It will open or close a container based on the given argument
CCContainerNode.prototype.setOpen = function(isOpen) {
var i;
var totalHeight;
if (isOpen == this.isOpen) {
// no change in open state
if (is_nav4up && this.isVisible()) {
// handle netscape 4
totalHeight = 0;
// total up the height of all children
for (i = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) {
var child = this.children[i];
totalHeight += child.layer.clip.height;
if (child.children != null) {
totalHeight += child.getHeightOfChildren();
if (this.isOpen) {
// this node is closing
totalHeight = 0 - totalHeight;
for (j = this.id + this.getNumDescendants() + 1; j < this.tree.nodes.length; j++) {
// move the next visible node up or down
this.tree.nodes[j].layer.moveBy(0, totalHeight);
this.isOpen = isOpen;
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode:render(lhsHtml, depth)
// This method outputs the html necessary to display this node. It prepends
// this output with the given left hand side html
CCContainerNode.prototype.render = function(lhsHtml, depth) {
// define left hand pixel margin for ns4
var left = (depth + 1) * 18 + CCTREE_SPACER_WIDTH + 3 - depth * 2 + 3;
if (this.iconWidth < CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH) {
// width of node image is less than default
left -= CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH - this.iconWidth;
} else if (this.iconWidth > CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH) {
// node image is wider than default
left += this.iconWidth - CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH;
if (this.isRoot) {
doc.write(this.getTableStart(null, "30"));
} else {
doc.write(this.getTableStart(null, null));
if (lhsHtml != "") {
// output the left hand side html we were given
// write out the td for the node image
doc.write("</td>" + CCTREE_TD);
var linkNode = this.url != "null";
// test if this node is clickable
if (linkNode) {
// output the link for this nodes image
// output the image for this node
if (linkNode) {
// close the image link
if (!is_nav4up) {
// append a spacer
doc.write("<img src=\"" + CCIMAGE_DOT_SRC + "\" width=\"3\" ");
doc.write("border=\"0\" height=\"13\" align=\"bottom\"></img>");
} else {
// netscape 4 has limited dhtml suport so we need to jump thru some
// hoops to support the desired UI effects. We'll output 3 layers, each
// containing the nodes label but with a different appearance. Layer
// label is the default non selected style, pLabel is the selection
// parent highlight (just bold) and sLabel is the selected node style
// (bold and black)
doc.write("<layer id=\"label\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
if (linkNode) {
var openAnchor = this.getOpenAnchor(true);
// write out the label as a link
if (linkNode) {
// close the anchor
if (is_nav4up) {
if (linkNode) {
// append the hidden style layers
doc.write("<layer id=\"pLabel\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
doc.write(openAnchor + "<strong>" + this.label + "</strong></a>");
doc.write("<layer id=\"sLabel\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
doc.write(openAnchor + "<strong><font color=\"black\">" + this.label);
// close the label td, tr and table
doc.write("</td>\n<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"99%\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");
if (is_nav4up) {
// close the layer containing this node's table
// set the dhtml element for this node to be the layer
this.layer = doc.layers["node" + this.id];
// adjust the document's vertical position
doc.yPos = doc.yPos + this.layer.clip.height;
} else {
// set the dhtml element for this to be the table we created
this.layer = doc.getElementById("node" + this.id);
// This OO function maps to CCContainerNode::getNumDescendants()
// Returns the number of descendants this node has
CCContainerNode.prototype.getNumDescendants = function() {
var numDescendants = this.numChildren;
var i = 0;
// loop thru each child
for (i = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++){
// test if child is a container node
if (this.children[i].children) {
// it is so add it's children to sub entries
numDescendants += this.children[i].getNumDescendants();
return numDescendants;
/* Define an ojbect class that extends the abstract tree node class */
function CCObjectNode(label, statusTxt, url, icon, key, iconWidth, onClick, target) {
this.base = CCAbstractTreeNode;
this.base(label, statusTxt, url, icon, key, iconWidth, onClick, target);
// CCObjectNode extends CCAbstractTreeNode
CCObjectNode.prototype = new CCAbstractTreeNode;
// This OO function maps to CCObjectNode:display()
// This method will show the object
CCObjectNode.prototype.display = function() {
// This OO function maps to CCObjectNode:hide()
// This method will hide the object
CCObjectNode.prototype.hide = function() {
// This OO function maps to CCObjectNode:init()
// This method is called to initialize the node
CCObjectNode.prototype.init = function(depth, lastNode, lhsHtml) {
if (depth > 0) {
if (this.isTopNode() && lastNode) {
// there is only one node in the tree
this.render(lhsHtml, depth);
} else if (this.isTopNode()) {
// the top node is a leaf node
this.render(lhsHtml + CCTREE_LINE_FIRST_IMG, depth);
} else if (lastNode) {
// the last sibling in the children array
this.render(lhsHtml + CCTREE_LINE_LAST_IMG, depth);
} else {
// not the last sibling, use middle line
this.render(lhsHtml + CCTREE_LINE_MIDDLE_IMG, depth);
} else {
this.render("", depth);
// This OO function maps to CCObjectNode::render(lhsHtml. depth)
// This method will output the html necessary to display this object node. It
// prepends the given left hand side html to this output
CCObjectNode.prototype.render = function(lhsHtml, depth) {
// define left hand pixel margin for ns4
var left = (depth + 1) * 18 + CCTREE_SPACER_WIDTH + 3 - depth * 2 + 3;
if (this.iconWidth < CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH) {
// width of node image is less than default
left -= CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH - this.iconWidth;
} else if (this.iconWidth > CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH) {
// node image is wider than default
left += this.iconWidth - CCTREE_NODE_IMG_WIDTH;
doc.write(this.getTableStart(null, null));
doc.write(lhsHtml + "</td>" + CCTREE_TD);
var linkNode = this.url != "null";
// test if this node is clickable
if (linkNode) {
// write the anchor for it
if (linkNode) {
if (!is_nav4up) {
// append a spacer
doc.write("<img src=\"" + CCIMAGE_DOT_SRC + "\" width=\"3\" ");
doc.write("border=\"0\" height=\"13\" align=\"bottom\"></img>");
} else {
doc.write("<layer id=\"label\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
if (linkNode) {
var openAnchor = this.getOpenAnchor(true);
if (linkNode) {
if (is_nav4up) {
if (linkNode) {
// node is linked, write hidden style layers
doc.write("<layer id=\"pLabel\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
doc.write(openAnchor + "<strong>" + this.label + "</strong></a>");
doc.write("<layer id=\"sLabel\" visibility=\"show\" ");
doc.write("left=\"" + left + "\" top=\"5\">");
doc.write(openAnchor + "<strong><font color=\"black\">" + this.label);
// close the label td, tr and table
doc.write("</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"99%\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");
if (is_nav4up) {
// close the layer containing this node's table
this.layer = doc.layers["node" + this.id];
doc.yPos = doc.yPos + this.layer.clip.height;
} else if (is_ie4up) {
this.layer = doc.getElementById("node" + this.id);
/* Define a tree object class */
function CCTree(name) {
// the distinct name of this tree
this.name = name;
// an array containing the top or root level nodes
this.rootLevelNodes = new Array;
// an array containing all the nodes in this tree
this.nodes = new Array;
// the html layer of the selected item
this.selectedLayer = null;
// the id of the selected item
this.selectedId = -1;
// the selected node
this.selectedNode = null;
// whether or not this tree should save state via a cookie
this.isPersistent = false;
// the target to open links for this tree in
this.target = null;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::addChild(node)
// This method will called to add a top / root level node to a tree.
CCTree.prototype.addChild = function(node) {
if (node == null) {
this.rootLevelNodes[this.rootLevelNodes.length] = node;
this.nodes[this.nodes.length] = node;
node.tree = this;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::createIndex(node)
// This method will called to create an index for the given node in this tree's
// array of nodes
CCTree.prototype.createIndex = function(node) {
this.nodes[this.nodes.length] = node;
node.tree = this;
return this.nodes.length - 1;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::getNode(targetId)
// This method will return the node with the given id, or null if no such node
// was found in this tree
CCTree.prototype.getNode = function(targetId) {
if (this.nodes == null) {
// no nodes, return null
return null;
var targetNode = null;
// loop through all the nodes in this tree checking id's
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
if (this.nodes[i].key == targetId) {
return this.nodes[i];
return targetNode;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::init(openContainers)
// This method will init the tree at load time
CCTree.prototype.init = function(openContainers) {
var i;
var cookie = document.cookie;
if (is_nav6up) {
// Use ie4 implementation for Netscape 6
is_nav4up = 0;
is_ie4up = 1;
if (this.rootLevelNodes.length > 1 || !this.rootLevelNodes[0].isRoot) {
var fakeRoot = new CCContainerNode("", "", "", "", "", "");
for (i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length; i++) {
var n = this.rootLevelNodes[i];
if (i + 1 < this.rootLevelNodes.length) {
n.init(1, false, "");
} else {
n.init(1, true, "");
} else {
this.rootLevelNodes[0].init(0, true, "");
// display the node
if (is_nav4up) {
doc.write("<layer top=");
doc.write(this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1].layer.top);
// close the whole tree
for (i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length; i++) {
// collapse any / all the containers in the tree
if (this.rootLevelNodes[i].isOpen != null) {
// is a container node
if (this.rootLevelNodes[i].isRoot) {
// expand any root nodes
if (is_nav4up) {
// loop thru all seleced label layers and hide them
for (i = 0; i < document.layers.length; i++) {
var sLayer = document.layers[i].document.layers["sLabel"];
if (sLayer != null) {
sLayer.visibility = "hidden";
var pLayer = document.layers[i].document.layers["pLabel"];
pLayer.visiblity = " hidden";
for (var i = 0; i < openContainers.length; i++) {
if (this.isPersistent) {
// restore the selected item and open containers
// This OO function maps to CCTree::openOrClose(id)
// This method will called to open or close the container with the given id
CCTree.prototype.openOrClose = function(id) {
var container;
var state;
container = this.nodes[id];
state = container.isOpen;
if (this.isPersistent) {
// save the state via cookie
// This OO function maps to CCTree::updateDisplay(container)
// This method will called when a container node in this tree is opened or
// closed. It will perform the necessary DHTML to render the new tree state.
CCTree.prototype.updateDisplay = function(container) {
var i = 0;
var child;
var layer;
var p;
if (container.isOpen) {
// container opened
if (container.turnerImgObj) {
if (container.isLastSibling) {
if (container.isTopNode()) {
// top node with no more siblings
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_OPEN_TOP_NS_SRC;
} else {
// last sibling, use handle open last image
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_OPEN_LAST_SRC;
} else {
if (container.isTopNode()) {
// top node but not last sibling
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_OPEN_TOP_SRC;
} else {
// not last sibling, use handle open middle
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_OPEN_MIDDLE_SRC;
container.turnerImgObj.alt = CCTREE_TURNER_OPEN_ALTTXT;
container.turnerImgObj.title = CCTREE_TURNER_OPEN_ALTTXT;
var selectionNowVisible = false;
// loop thru and display all children
for (i = 0; i < container.numChildren; i++) {
var child = container.children[i];
if (child.id == this.selectedId ||
container.hasDescendant(this.selectedId)) {
selectionNowVisible = true;
// the selected node may now be visible
if (selectionNowVisible) {
// selected node is now visible
// remove the selection parent highlight
if (is_nav4up) {
layer =
doc.layers["node" + container.id].document.layers["pLabel"];
layer.visibility = "hidden";
layer =
doc.layers["node" + container.id].document.layers["label"];
layer.visibility = "show";
} else {
doc.getElementById("node" + container.id).style.fontWeight =
} else {
// container closed
if (container.turnerImgObj) {
if (container.isLastSibling) {
if (container.isTopNode()) {
// top node with no siblings
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_CLOSED_TOP_NS_SRC;
} else {
// last sibling
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_CLOSED_LAST_SRC;
} else {
if (container.isTopNode()) {
// top node with more siblings
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_CLOSED_TOP_SRC;
} else {
// last sibling
container.turnerImgObj.src = CCTREE_CLOSED_MIDDLE_SRC;
container.turnerImgObj.alt = CCTREE_TURNER_CLOSED_ALTTXT;
container.turnerImgObj.title = CCTREE_TURNER_CLOSED_ALTTXT;
// loop thru and hide all the children of this node
for (i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++) {
// the selected node may now be hidden
if (this.selectedId != -1 && this.selectedId != container.id &&
container.hasDescendant(this.selectedId) && !container.isRoot) {
// either this node is selected or the selected node is now hidden
// so give this node the selection parent highlight
if (is_nav4up) {
layer =
doc.layers["node" + container.id].document.layers["label"];
layer.visibility = "hidden";
layer =
doc.layers["node" + container.id].document.layers["pLabel"];
layer.visibility = "show";
} else {
doc.getElementById("node" + container.id).style.fontWeight =
if (this.isPersistent == true) {
// This OO function maps to CCTree::doSelection(id)
// This method will perform the necessary DHTML to show the node with the given
// id as being selcted
CCTree.prototype.doSelection = function(id) {
var parentNode = null;
var selectedLabel = null;
var layer = null;
if (this.selectedLayer != null) {
// remove prior selection
if (is_nav4up) {
this.selectedLayer.bgColor = CCTREE_BGCOLOR;
selectedLabel = this.selectedLayer.document.layers["sLabel"];
selectedLabel.visibility = "hidden";
if (this.selectedNode.isVisible()) {
selectedLabel = this.selectedLayer.document.layers["label"];
selectedLabel.visibility = "show";
// also remove prior selection parent highlight
parentNode = this.selectedNode.parent;
while (parentNode != null && parentNode.layer != null) {
var pId = parentNode.id;
if (parentNode.isVisible()) {
layer = doc.layers["node" + pId].document.layers["label"];
layer.visibility = "show";
layer = doc.layers["node" + pId].document.layers["pLabel"];
if (layer != null) {
layer.visibility = "hidden";
parentNode = parentNode.parent;
} else {
if (!this.selectedNode.isRoot) {
// remove selected row stle from non-root nodes
doc.getElementById("row" + this.selectedId).className = "";
this.selectedLayer.style.fontWeight = "";
selectedLabel = doc.getElementById("labelfor" + this.selectedId);
selectedLabel.style.color = "";
parentNode = this.selectedNode.parent;
while (parentNode != null) {
layer = doc.getElementById("node" + parentNode.id);
if (layer != null) {
layer.style.fontWeight = "";
parentNode = parentNode.parent;
// update the current selection id and get the selected node object
this.selectedId = id;
this.selectedNode = this.nodes[id];
if (is_nav4up) {
this.selectedLayer = doc.layers["node" + id];
if (!this.selectedNode.isRoot) {
// only update row color for non-root nodes
this.selectedLayer.bgColor = CCTREE_SELECTEDCOLOR;
selectedLabel = this.selectedLayer.document.layers["sLabel"];
selectedLabel.visibility = "show";
selectedLabel = this.selectedLayer.document.layers["label"];
selectedLabel.visibility = "hidden";
selectedLabel = this.selectedLayer.document.layers["pLabel"];
selectedLabel.visibility = "hidden";
parentNode = this.selectedNode.parent;
if (parentNode != null && !parentNode.isRoot && !parentNode.isOpen) {
var pId = parentNode.id;
var pLayer = doc.layers["node" + pId];
if (pLayer != null) {
layer = pLayer.document.layers["label"];
if (layer != null) {
layer.visibility = "hidden";
layer = pLayer.document.layers["pLabel"];
if (layer != null) {
layer.visibility = "show";
} else if (is_ie4up) {
this.selectedLayer = doc.getElementById("node" + id);
if (!this.selectedNode.isRoot) {
// only update row color for non-root nodes
doc.getElementById("row" + id).className = CCTREE_SELECTED_ROW;
this.selectedLayer.style.fontWeight = "bold";
var selectedLabel = doc.getElementById("labelfor" + id);
selectedLabel.style.color = "black";
parentNode = this.selectedNode.parent;
if (parentNode != null && !parentNode.isRoot && !parentNode.isOpen) {
layer = doc.getElementById("node" + parentNode.id);
if (layer != null) {
layer.style.fontWeight = "bold";
if (this.isPersistent) {
// save the state via cookie
// This OO function maps to CCTree::yokeTo(key)
// This method will set the node with the given key to be the selected node. It
// will also ensure that the node is visible. It will however NOT open the url
// associated with the node (use yokeToAndLoad(key) for that)
CCTree.prototype.yokeTo = function(key) {
var i;
var found = false;
for (i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length && !found; i++) {
found = this.doYoke(this.rootLevelNodes[i], key, false);
if (found && is_ie4up) {
var id = this.getNode(key).id;
window.scrollTo(0, document.getElementById("node" + id).offsetTop);
// This OO function maps to CCTree::yokeToAndLoad(key)
// This method will set the node with the given key to be the selected node. It
// will also ensure that the node is visible and open the url associated with
// this node in the target frame
CCTree.prototype.yokeToAndLoad = function(key) {
var i;
var found = false;
for (i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length && !found; i++) {
found = this.doYoke(this.rootLevelNodes[i], key, true);
if (found && is_ie4up) {
var id = this.getNode(key).id;
window.scrollTo(0, document.getElementById("node" + id).offsetTop);
// This OO function maps to CCTree::doYoke(node, key, loadUrl)
// This method will set the node with the given key to be the selected node. It
// will also ensure that the node is visible. Depending on the value specified
// for loadUrl, it will load (or not) the url associated with the yoke to node
// in the target frame
CCTree.prototype.doYoke = function(node, key, loadUrl) {
var i;
var found = false;
if (node.key == key) {
// open all parent containers to ensure yoke to node is visible
var p = node.parent;
while (p != null) {
p = p.parent;
// see if the we should open the url associated with this node
if (loadUrl) {
window.open(node.url, this.target);
// the given node is the yoke to node
return true;
// this node is not the yoke to node, check any children
if (node.children != null) {
for (i=0; i< node.children.length && !found; i++) {
found = this.doYoke(node.children[i], key, loadUrl);
// return whether the yoke succeeded
return found;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::saveState()
// This method will save the state of the tree in a client side browser cookie
CCTree.prototype.saveState = function() {
var i;
// create a cookie containing the id of the selection and open containers
var cookie = this.selectedId + "&";
for (i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length; i++) {
cookie += this.saveNodeState(this.rootLevelNodes[i]);
// store the cookie
document.cookie = "cctree_" + this.name + "=" + cookie;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::saveNodeState(node)
// This method is used by saveState to store the state of the tree
CCTree.prototype.saveNodeState = function(node) {
var i;
var cookie = "";
if (node.children != null) {
// container node
if (node.isOpen) {
// its open, save its key in the cookie
cookie += node.key + ".";
for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
// also save the state of any child containers
cookie += this.saveNodeState(node.children[i]);
return cookie;
// This OO function maps to CCTree::restoreState(cookie)
// This method will attempt to restore the tree state from the given cookie
CCTree.prototype.restoreState = function(cookie) {
if (cookie != null) {
var prefix = "cctree_" + this.name + "=";
pos = cookie.indexOf(prefix);
if (pos >= 0) {
// there is a state cookie, restore it
cookie = cookie.substring(pos + prefix.length, cookie.length);
cookie = cookie.substring(0, cookie.indexOf(";"));
// determine the selected node id
sId = cookie.substring(0, cookie.indexOf("&"));
sId = parseInt(sId);
if (!isNaN(sId) && sId != -1) {
// if we got one, yoke to the node with sId
// the rest of the cookie contains a list of open container ids
cookie = cookie.substring(cookie.indexOf("&") + 1);
var cookie_keys = cookie.split(".");
var keys = new Array;
for (var i = 0; i < cookie_keys.length - 1; i++) {
var key = cookie_keys[i];
keys[key] = true;
// loop thru and restore the state of all container nodes
for (var i = 0; i < this.rootLevelNodes.length; i++) {
// before restoring open containers, close all of them since
// some initially open nodes may not be after page reload
if (this.rootLevelNodes[i].children) {
// has a children array, must be a container so close it
// recursively restore the state of this node & its descendants
this.restoreNodeState(this.rootLevelNodes[i], keys);
// This OO function maps to CCTree::restoreNodeState(node, keys)
// This method will restore the state of the given node according to the given
// list of open container ids (the keys param)
CCTree.prototype.restoreNodeState = function(node, keys) {
var cookie = "";
if (node.children) {
var key = node.key;
if (keys[key]) {
// this node is open
var i;
for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
cookie = this.restoreNodeState(node.children[i], keys);
return cookie;
// Global convience variables
var doc = document;
var CCTREE_TD = "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">";