remote-auth.dtd revision e8721886dbfd32e88cc7077cbee4b6bb1b44b443
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$Id: remote-auth.dtd,v 1.9 2009/06/19 17:52:39 ericow Exp $
<!-- This DTD defines the data structure that will be used by
authentication component's remote interface. Provides definitions
to initiate, collect credentials and perform authentication
Unique Declaration name for DOCTYPE tag:
"Authentication Remote XML Interface 1.0 DTD"
<!-- AuthContext is the root element for remote authentication xml interface.
It contains Request and Response sub-elements to be used by client
and server respectively.
<!ELEMENT AuthContext ( Request | Response ) >
<!ATTLIST AuthContext
version NMTOKEN "1.0"
<!-- Request element will be used by client to initialize and
pass user credentials to the authentication server. The element
NewAuthContext is to create a new AuthContext object.The response
is LoginStatus indicating that authentication is in progress and
an authIdentifier representing the session id for this request is
returned. The element QueryInformation is used to query information
such as organizations, authentication mechanisms. The response
to a QueryInformation Request will be QueryResult or Exception.
The element Login is used to start a new authentication session.
The response to Login Request will be either GetRequirements or
LoginStatus or Exception. SubmitCredentials is used to send
the requested (check Response) credentials back to the server.
The response to SubmitCredentials request will be either
GetRequirements, LoginStatus or an Exception. The attribute
"authIdentifier" is a unique random number that must
be set by client provided by the server for each authentication session.
The server uses this random number to keep track of the authentication
session. However when the client sends a Login element the value for
"authIdentifier" must be 0 to denote initialization of a new session.
The table belows shows the Request and the possible Responses for
each Request:
Table 1:
Request Response
NewAuthContext LoginStatus or Exception
QueryInformation QueryResult or Exception
Login GetRequirements or LoginStatus or Exception
SubmitRequirements GetRequirements or LoginStatus or Exception
Logout LoginStatus or Exception
Abort LoginStatus or Exception
<!ELEMENT Request (AppSSOToken?, ( NewAuthContext |
QueryInformation | Login | SubmitRequirements |
Logout | Abort)) >
<!ATTLIST Request
authIdentifier NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
<!-- Response element will be used by the authentication server
to request the client to gather user credentials, inform the
client on success or failure of the login, or errors if any. The
attribute "authIdentifier" returns a unique random number that
must be used by the client to respond to this message.
Please see Table 1 in the Request Element .
<!ELEMENT Response ( QueryResult | GetRequirements |
LoginStatus | Exception ) >
<!ATTLIST Response
authIdentifier NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
<!-- QueryInformation will be used by the client to get
information about authentication module instances supported
by the server for an organization.
The attribute moduleInstanceNames identifies that the
requested information is a moduleInstance.
The attribute orgName identifies the organization name from
which the client will query information.
<!ELEMENT QueryInformation ( EMPTY ) >
<!ATTLIST QueryInformation
requestedInformation (moduleInstanceNames) #REQUIRED
<!-- QueryResult will be used by server to send requested
query information by the client. The attribute requestedInformation
identifies the type of information returned, this could be
either moduleInstanceName -->
<!ELEMENT QueryResult ( Value* ) >
<!ATTLIST QueryResult
requestedInformation (moduleInstanceNames) #REQUIRED
<!-- AppSSOToken element is used to pass Application SSO Token .
<!-- NewAuthContext element is used to create a new AuthContext
for a request and a session id associated with the AuthContext
created. The orgName is the OpenSSO organization
name which client belongs to and will authenticate against.
<!ELEMENT NewAuthContext (EMPTY) >
<!ATTLIST NewAuthContext
<!-- Login element will be used by the client to initialize
a authentication session with the service. It will have an EMPTY
element or can have IndexTypeNamePair.
The IndexTypeNamePair element can be used to specify the index type and
index value based on which authentication will be done.
The Params element can be used to pass in default values for NameCallback
and PasswordCallback in the order that these callbacks are processed.
The attribute orgName identifies the organization name to
which the client will authenticate.
<!ELEMENT Login (IndexTypeNamePair?, Params?, Environment?)>
<!-- SubmitRequirements element is used by the client to submit the
credentials gathered by it, either by displaying the information
to the user or otherwise. -->
<!ELEMENT SubmitRequirements ( Callbacks ) >
<!-- GetRequirements element is used by the server to request
credentials to be gathered by the client. -->
<!ELEMENT GetRequirements ( Callbacks ) >
<!-- LoginStatus element is used by the server to indicate the
success , failed or completion of the authentication process.
If the login status is successful the element
Subject will be present with the principal names and
the attribute "ssoToken" will have the SSO token, status
will be set to in_progress when new AuthContext is created,
to "success" on a successful login, "failed",
on a failed login and "completed" when user logs out. The
successURL attribute represents the URL to be redirected
to on successful authentication and failureURL represents
the URL to redirect to on a failed authentication.
<!ELEMENT LoginStatus ( EMPTY | Subject | Exception ) >
<!ATTLIST LoginStatus
status ( in_progress | success | failed | completed) "success"
<!-- Logout element is used by the client to indicate that user
wants to logout. On a logout request the server will end the
user's session.
<!ELEMENT Logout ( EMPTY )>
<!-- Abort element is used by the client to indicate that user
wants to end the login process . On an abort request the server
will end the user's session.
<!ELEMENT Abort ( EMPTY )>
<!-- Exception element is used by the server to inform the client
about an exception that occured during the login process. The attribute
"message" is the exception message, "tokenId" is the user id for which
authentication failed, "errorCode" is the error message code , "templateName"
is the name of the template which needs to be used for this error.
<!ELEMENT Exception ( EMPTY ) >
<!ATTLIST Exception
templateName CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- IndexTypeNamePair identifies the index used to validate
the client. For e.g if the indexType is a moduleInstance then
server will verify if the user has access to the requested
moduleInstance. The indexType can be role,
moduleInstance, authLevel ,user or service/application.
IndexName is the value associated with the indexType.
<!ELEMENT IndexTypeNamePair (IndexName)>
<!ATTLIST IndexTypeNamePair
indexType (authLevel | role | user | moduleInstance | service
| compositeAdvice ) "authLevel"
<!-- Params identifies the login credentials mapped to the
callbacks. e.g. if the login module has callbacks of NameCallback
and PasswordCallback, the Params should contain the values of the
2 callbacks seperated by "|", in the same order as the callbacks
are processed. sample: "user1|password1".
<!ELEMENT Params (#CDATA)>
<!-- Environment identifies a collection of one or more environment
name and values pairs.
<!ELEMENT Environment (EnvValue+)>
<!-- EnvValue identifies one environment name and values pair.
The EnvValue contains the name and values seperated by "|".
sample: "name1|value1|value2".
<!ELEMENT EnvValue (#CDATA)>
<!-- Index Name identifies the value of the IndexType specified
in the IndexType Element -->
<!ELEMENT IndexName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Subject element identifes a collection of one ore more
principal (or user) names. -->
<!ELEMENT Subject (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Callbacks element is used to request and transfer user credentials
between the client and the server. The server constructs the
callback objects which contains the information to be collected by
the client program. The client program collects the credentials
(by prompting the user) and returns the callback objects with the
required data. -->
<!ELEMENT Callbacks (NameCallback | PasswordCallback |
ChoiceCallback | ConfirmationCallback |
TextInputCallback | TextOutputCallback |
LanguageCallback | PagePropertiesCallback |
SAMLCallback | X509CertificateCallback |
HttpCallback | CustomCallback)+ >
<!ATTLIST Callbacks
<!-- NameCallback element is used to obtain user (or service) user name.
The element Prompt will be used the server to set the prompt to be used
by the client to get the name. And the client will use the element
Value to return the name (user name) provided by the user.DefaultValue
is the default value for the name -->
<!ELEMENT NameCallback ( Prompt, DefaultValue?,Value? ) >
<!-- PasswordCallback element is used to obtain the password from
the user. The server sets the Prompt element along with the attribute
"echoPassword" if the password can be echoed by the client. The
client returns the user entered password in the Value element. -->
<!ELEMENT PasswordCallback ( Prompt, Value? ) >
<!ATTLIST PasswordCallback
echoPassword ( true | false ) "false"
<!-- ChoiceCallback element is used by the authentication server
to request the user to choose from the choice values. The
multipleSelectionsAllowed attribute specifies if multiple
selections are allowed for choice values
<!ELEMENT ChoiceCallback ( Prompt, ChoiceValues,
SelectedValues? ) >
<!ATTLIST ChoiceCallback
multipleSelectionsAllowed (true | false) "false"
<!-- ConfirmationCallback element is used by the server to
request a confirmation from the user. Attribute "messageType" specifies
the type of message , "optionType" specifies the confirmation type.
Element OptionValues specifies user defined options, OptionValue specifies
the default option -->
<!ELEMENT ConfirmationCallback ( Prompt?, OptionValues?,SelectedValue?,DefaultOptionValue) >
<!ATTLIST ConfirmationCallback
messageType (information | warning | error) "error"
optionType (ok_cancel | yes_no
| yes_no_cancel | unspecified ) "yes_no"
<!-- TextInputCallback element is used to get text information
from the user. -->
<!ELEMENT TextInputCallback ( Prompt, DefaultValue? ,Value? ) >
<!-- TextOutputCallback element is used to display text information
to the user. -->
<!ELEMENT TextOutputCallback ( Value ) >
<!ATTLIST TextOutputCallback
messageType ( information | warning | error ) "error"
<!-- LanguageCallback element will be used by the server to
obtain the locale information (e.g en_US) from the user. -->
<!ELEMENT LanguageCallback (Locale) >
<!-- CustomCallback element will be used to define user-defined
Callbacks.The className attribute specifies the Callback name.
The AttributeValuePair provides the parameters required for
the Callback. -->
<!ELEMENT CustomCallback (AttributeValuePair*)>
<!ATTLIST CustomCallback className NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
<!-- PageProperties element contains all UI related attributes such
as template name , errorState to indicate whether a template is
an error page, page header, image name , page timeout value,name
of module.
<!ELEMENT PagePropertiesCallback (ModuleName,HeaderValue,ImageName,
PageTimeOutValue,TemplateName,PageState) >
<!ATTLIST PagePropertiesCallback
isErrorState (true | false) "false"
<!-- ModuleName element is the name of the module. -->
<!ELEMENT ModuleName ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- HeaderValue element is the header to be displayed. -->
<!ELEMENT HeaderValue ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- ImageName element is the image to be displayed. -->
<!ELEMENT ImageName ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- PageTimeOutValue is the time out value in seconds. -->
<!ELEMENT PageTimeOutValue ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- TemplateName is the name of the template to be rendered. -->
<!ELEMENT TemplateName ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- PageState is the state value of the current page. -->
<!ELEMENT PageState ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- SAMLCallback element is used by the server to
request SAML credentials information from the user.
Attribute "credentialType" specifies the type of credential where
choices are either web artifact or saml post response.
Element ArtifactValue specifies the array of web artifact values,
ResponseValue specifies the saml post response value. -->
<!ELEMENT SAMLCallback (Prompt, ArtifactValue?, ResponseValue?) >
credentialType (artifact | response) "artifact"
checkSignResponse ( true | false ) "false"
<!-- ArtifactValue element will be used by the client to return a web artifact
value provided by the user (or service) back to the server. -->
<!ELEMENT ArtifactValue ( OptionValue+ ) >
<!-- ResponseValue element will be used by the client to return a saml post
response value provided by the user (or service) back to the server. -->
<!ELEMENT ResponseValue ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- AttributeValue element contains the Attribute and Value(s) for
a Callback parameter.
<!ELEMENT AttributeValuePair (Attribute,Value*)>
<!-- Attribute defines the Callback parameter. The name attribute
specifies the Callback parameter. The values for the parameter
will be specified using the Value Element.
<!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY>
<!-- Prompt element will be used by the server to request the
client to display the prompt. -->
<!ELEMENT Prompt ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Locale element will be the locale to be used. The attribute
language represents the language code, attribute country is
the country code and attribute variant is the variant code.
<!ELEMENT Locale (EMPTY) >
<!ATTLIST Locale
<!-- ChoiceValues element provides a list of choice values -->
<!ELEMENT ChoiceValues ( ChoiceValue+ ) >
<!-- OptionValues element provides a list of user defined option values -->
<!ELEMENT OptionValues ( OptionValue+ ) >
<!-- ChoiceValue element provides a single choice value.
The attribute "isDefault" specifies if the value has to be
selected by default when displayed. -->
<!ELEMENT ChoiceValue ( Value ) >
<!ATTLIST ChoiceValue
isDefault ( yes | no ) "no"
<!-- SelectedValue element provides the value selected by the user .
<!ELEMENT SelectedValue ( Value* ) >
<!-- SelectedValues element provides a list of values
selected by the user .
specifies if multiple selections are allowed for choice values
<!ELEMENT SelectedValues ( Value+ ) >
<!-- OptionValue element provides a single user defined option value.
<!ELEMENT OptionValue ( Value ) >
<!-- DefaultOptionValue element is the default option value.
The default value depends on whether user defined values
or predefined values are used in the callback. If user
defined values are used then the default value will an
index in the option values else it will one of the
predefined option value -->
<!ELEMENT DefaultOptionValue ( Value ) >
<!-- DefaultValue element is the default value -->
<!ELEMENT DefaultValue ( Value ) >
<!-- Value element will be used by the client to return a value
provided by the user (or service) back to the server. -->
<!ELEMENT Value ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- HttpCallback element is used by the authentication module with Http
protocol based handshaking negotiation. -->
<!ELEMENT HttpCallback ( HttpHeader, Negotiation, HttpErrorCode,
HttpToken ) >
<!-- HttpHeader element is used in HttpCallback -->
<!ELEMENT HttpHeader ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Negotiation element is used in HttpCallback to set the negotiation header
in HttpServletResponse -->
<!ELEMENT Negotiation ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Code element is used in HttpCallback to set the error code in negotiation
response -->
<!ELEMENT HttpErrorCode ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- HttpToken element is used in HttpCallback to set the authorization token
provided by the user back to the server. -->
<!ELEMENT HttpErrorCode ( #PCDATA ) >