policy.dtd revision e8721886dbfd32e88cc7077cbee4b6bb1b44b443
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$Id: policy.dtd,v 1.3 2009/08/19 05:40:39 veiming Exp $
<!-- This DTD defines the data structure that will be used to
define policies for servers and services.
Unique Declaration name for DOCTYPE tag:
"iPlanet Policy Management 1.0 DTD"
<!-- Policy is the root element that defines a named policy rule.
The attribute "name" provides the policy name, "description" gives
a brief description for the policy, "active" specifies the
fact whether this policy is currently active or not. Default
value is "true". If this value is set to "true" only then
this policy is considered during policy evaluation. and
"serviceName" identifies the service name for which the policy
is applicable.
The attribute "referralPolicy" is used to flag the
policy as a referral policy. A referral policy is used for
delegation. All action/values defined in the referral policy are
ignored during policy evaluation. Conversely, all referrals
defined in a non referral policy are ignored during policy
The policy element can have one or more rules (Rule)
and subjects (Subject) to whom the policy is applied. If the
subject is empty, the policy does not apply any users.
Referrals is collection of Referral(s). Referral is used
to facilitate delegating policy definition and/or policy evaluation
to a different point such as PeerOrg, SubOrg or a custom plugin.
Conditions is collection of Condition(s). Condition is used
to specify restrictions such as time range, auth levels
for which the policy applies. ResponseProviders are a collection
of ResponseProvider(s). ResponseProvider is used to specify the
response attributes which would be returned as part of the PolicyDecision
provided the policy applies for the given Subject, ResourceName under
the specified Conditions(s). Conditions, Subjects ResponseProviders
and Referrals are containers.They can have 0 or more elements.
It enables modifying the policies such as removing one elment
and adding another element to that container in the policy.
<!ELEMENT Policy ( Rule+, Subjects?, Conditions?, Referrals?, ResponseProviders?) >
<!ATTLIST Policy
description CDATA #IMPLIED
version CDATA "3.0"
createdby CDATA #IMPLIED
lastmodifiedby CDATA #IMPLIED
creationdate CDATA #IMPLIED
lastmodifieddate CDATA #IMPLIED
referralPolicy (true | false) "false"
active (true | false) "true"
<!-- Rule element defines a policy rule that contains a service
name, resource name and its action names and corresponding action
values. The attribute "name" provides a user friendly name for
the rule. The sub-element "ServiceName" gives the name of the
service, "ResourceName" give the resource name, and "AttributeValuePair"
provides the action names and corresponding action values. A rule can be
defined without any actions. A referral policy rule doesn't have any actions.
<!ELEMENT Rule ( ServiceName, ApplicationName?, ResourceName*,
ExcludedResourceName*, AttributeValuePair* ) >
<!-- Application provides the name of the application for which a
rule has been created. The attribute "name" provides the application
name. -->
<!ELEMENT ApplicationName EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ApplicationName
<!-- ServiceName provides the name of the service for which a
rule has been created. The attribute "name" provides the service
name. -->
<!ELEMENT ServiceName EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ServiceName
<!-- ResourceName provides the name of the resource for which
a rule has been created. If the service does not have resource,
this element will not be there for the rule. The attribute "name"
provides the resoruce name. -->
<!ELEMENT ResourceName EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ResourceName
<!-- ExcludedResourceName provides the name of the excluded resource for which
a rule has been created. -->
<!ELEMENT ExcludedResourceName EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ExcludedResourceName
<!-- AttributeValuePair provides the means to specify values for
an atrribute name. The values can be empty. -->
<!ELEMENT AttributeValuePair ( Attribute, Value* ) >
<!-- Attribute element provides the attribute name. -->
<!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST Attribute
<!-- Value element provides a value for an attribute. -->
<!ELEMENT Value ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- Subjects element identifies a collection of users, identified
based on their roles, group membership or by listing individual
users. The attribute "name" gives a user friendly name for this
collection of users. The attribute "includeType" is ignored at
present. The policies can be defined without a Subject.
For example, referral policy doesn't have a Subject -->
<!ELEMENT Subjects ( Subject*, RealmSubject* ) >
<!ATTLIST Subjects
description CDATA #IMPLIED
includeType (inclusive | exclusive) "inclusive"
<!-- Subject element identifies a user collection plugin
written by the customer, in which the attribute "type" giving
the plugin name. The attribute "name" gives a user friendly
name for this instance of the plugin.
The attribue "includeType" indicates whether the subject is
a normal (non exclusive) subject or exclusive subject.
If subject is exclusive, policy applies to users who are not
members of the subject. Otherwise, policy applies to users
who are members of the subject. -->
<!ELEMENT Subject ( AttributeValuePair? ) >
<!ATTLIST Subject
includeType (inclusive | exclusive) "inclusive"
<!-- RealmSubject element is a reference to a Subject object
defined at the realm level.
The attribue "name" is the name of the Subject object defined
at the realm.
The attribue "includeType" indicates whether the subject is
a normal (non exclusive) subject or exclusive subject.
If subject is exclusive, policy applies to users who are not
members of the subject. Otherwise, policy applies to users
who are members of the subject. -->
<!ELEMENT RealmSubject ( EMPTY ) >
<!ATTLIST RealmSubject
includeType (inclusive | exclusive) "inclusive"
<!-- Referrals element identifies a collection of referrals. A policy can
be defined without a referral. This facilitates modification of a referral
policy such as removing one referral and adding another referral. -->
<!ELEMENT Referrals ( Referral* ) >
<!ATTLIST Referrals
description CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Referral element identifies a referral. Referral is used
to facilitate delegating policy definition and/or policy evaluation
to a different point such as PeerOrg, SubOrg or a custom plugin -->
<!ELEMENT Referral ( AttributeValuePair ) >
<!ATTLIST Referral
<!-- Conditions element identifies a collection of conditions. The policy can
be defined without a Condition. For example, referral policy doesn't have
condition. -->
<!ELEMENT Conditions ( Condition* ) >
<!ATTLIST Conditions
description CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- ResponseProviders element identifies a collection of responseprovider(s). The policy can
be defined without a ResponseProvider. -->
<!ELEMENT ResponseProviders ( ResponseProvider* ) >
<!ATTLIST ResponseProviders
description CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- ResponseProvider element identifies a ResponseProvider. ResponseProvider providers response attributes to be returned in the policy decision if the policy applies given the Subject, Resource and Conditions. -->
<!ELEMENT ResponseProvider ( AttributeValuePair* ) >
<!ATTLIST ResponseProvider