README revision 248550942c2665530abe5b31f4cf695c4c143aee
README file for Open Federation Library
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%% Contents:
%% 1. Contents of this directory
%% 2. How to use fedlet.war for demo.
%% 3. How to embed Fedlet into existing application
%% 4. How to integrate with existing application after Single Sign-on
%% 5. How to enable Fedlet to support multiple Identity Providers
%% 6. How to enable Identity Provider Discovery service in Fedlet
%% 7. How to perform Fedlet Attribute Query
%% 8. How to perform Fedlet XACML Query
%% 1. Contents of this directory
This README file provides information on the Fedlet ZIP file with pre-configured
IDP and Fedlet (SP) metadata.
|- conf Directory containing Fedlet and IDP metadata files,
| COT and configuration files generated by OpenAM.
|- README This README file. The file shows how to use Fedlet.
%% 2. How to use for a demo
In conjunction with the fedlet.war from the unconfigured Fedlet distribution,
the configuration contained in the zip has all the necessary bits for the Fedlet
to act as a light-weight SAMLv2 Service provider. It also provides convenient ways
to setup and validate a Fedlet deployment.
Before accessing the deployed fedlet.war in your web container, follow the steps in sub-section 3b
to enable the Fedlet configuration contained in the
With the Fedlet config in place, access the Fedlet(SP) index.jsp, e.g.
and you will be shown links to start Fedlet(SP) and IDP initiated Single Sign-on.
Click one of the sign-on links and you will be redirected to IDP for login, then Single
Sign-on to Fedlet(SP). Upon successful completion, a Fedlet(SP) side JSP
will be presented to show the whole SAML2 Response XML along with the Assertion XML and
Subject XML.
%% 3. How to embed Fedlet into your existing application WAR
a) Obtain the fedlet.war from the unconfigured Fedlet distribution.
b) Copy files inside "conf" directory to a sub directory named "fedlet"
under your web container running user's home directory (pointed by
JVM property "user.home"). For example, assume running user's home
directory is "/home/webservd":
% mkdir /home/webservd/fedlet
% cd conf
% cp * /home/webservd/fedlet
The "fedlet" subdirectory under the web container running user's home
is the default location for Fedlet to read its metadata, COT and
configuration properties. To change this default directory, set the
value of a JVM run-time property "com.sun.identity.fedlet.home" to the
desired location. For example:
this will tell Fedlet to read metadata/COT/configuration files from
"/export/fedlet/conf" directory instead.
c) Copy all other files to your application WAR staging directory, overlay
them with your existing application WAR structure.
d) Create the application WAR and redeploy in your web container.
%% 4. How to integrate with existing application after Single Sign-on
There is a sample Fedlet application, fedletSampleApp.jsp, bundled
with fedlet.war. The fedletSampleApp.jsp first invokes a util method
to complete SAMLv2 protocol processing. A map containing various data,
including Response/Assertion/Attributes, is returned to caller for further
processing. The fedletSampleApp.jsp also provides some sample code on
how to retrieve data from the returned map.
You could either modify fedletSampleApp.jsp to add your application
specific logic or replace fedletSampleApp.jsp with your own servlet/jsp.
To replace fedletSampleApp.jsp with new servlet/JSP:
1. Modify web.xml to set servlet and servlet-mapping for your new servlet
or JSP. You must map your new servlet/JSP to the url-pattern
"/fedletapplication" since it is the URI set in the Fedlet metadata
(the assertion consumer URL). For example:
2. Copy following code from fedletSampleApp.jsp to your
application processing code with proper import statement:
Map map;
try {
// invoke the Fedlet processing logic. this will do all the
// necessary processing conforming to SAMLv2 specifications,
// such as XML signature validation, Audience and Recipient
// validation etc.
map = SPACSUtils.processResponseForFedlet(request, response, new PrintWriter(out, true));
} catch (SAML2Exception sme) {
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, sme.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ioe.getMessage());
} catch (SessionException se) {
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, se.getMessage());
} catch (ServletException se) {
response.sendError(response.SC_BAD_REQUEST, se.getMessage());
After obtaining the returned "map" object, you could follow the sample
code to retrieve data needed for your business logics.
%% 5. How to enable Fedlet to support multiple Identity Providers
To configure second Identity Provider with this Fedlet:
a) Get the standard metadata XML file for the new Identity Provider, name
the XML file as "idp2.xml" and copy it to the Fedlet home directory.
b) Decide on the circle-of-trust (COT) the new Identity Provider would
belong. This IDP could be added to an existing COT (e.g. "saml2cot") or
a brand new COT.
** To add the Identity Provider to an existing COT, edit the
corresponding COT file (e.g. "fedlet.cot") under your Fedlet home
directory, and append the new IDP entity ID (pointed by the
"entityID" attribute in the "idp2.xml" metadata file) to the
value of "sun-fm-trusted-providers" attribute using "," as separator.
** To add to a new circle-of-trust:
-- create a new file named "fedlet2.cot" and put it under the Fedlet
home directory. Use the existing fedlet.cot as a template, but
change the value of attribute "cot-name" to the actual name of
the new COT (e.g. "cot2"), and include both the new IDP entity ID
and the Fedlet entity ID as value for "sun-fm-trusted-providers"
attribute (two entity IDs separated by ",").
-- edit the sp-extended.xml file, add the new COT name to the value
of "cotlist" attribute, e.g.
<Attribute name="cotlist">
c) Create a new "idp2-extended.xml" file as the extended metadata for the
new Identity Provider. Use the existing idp-extended.xml as a template
but change the "entityID" to the new IDP entity ID, change the value for
"cotlist" attribute to the COT name if a new COT is created for the IDP.
Note : make sure the second IDP is a remote IDP by setting the "hosted"
attribute in the EntityConfig element to "false".
d) Send the Fedlet metadata XML file (i.e. "sp.xml" under your Fedlet home)
to the second IDP, import the metadata in the remote IDP and add it to
the same circle-of-trust as the IDP.
Repeat the same steps for the third, fourth, ... and [x]th IDP, use
idpx.xml/idpx-extended.xml/fedletx.cot as standard meta/extended meta/COT
name for the new IDP. Restart your Fedlet web container to make the change
Now accessing the index.jsp again, it will prompt you with a list of IDPs
the Fedlet trusted. You could choose any of the IDP and perform Single
%% 6. How to enable Identity Provider Discovery service in Fedlet
When Fedlet is setup with multiple Identity Providers in a COT, it could be
configured to use IDP Discovery service to find out the preferred IDP.
You need to have the Identity Provider Discovery service set up before
performing following steps. If you installed the OpenAM WAR, the
IDP discovery service is bundled in the products already. Or you could
follow the document to create a separate WAR for the IDP discovery
service using the OpenAM WAR. Please refer to the OpenAM
document set on how to setup and use the Identity Provider
Discovery service. After set up the IDP discovery service, have the
reader service URL (URL to find out preferred IDP) and writer service
URL (URL to write the preferred IDP) ready, they are needed in step
a) and c) below. If you are using OpenAM server instance
or the IDP discovery only WAR instance, the reader service URL is:
(e.g :
the writer service URL is :
(e.g :
To setup IDP discovery in the Fedlet:
a) edit the COT file (e.g. "fedlet.cot"), and set the value for attribute
"sun-fm-saml2-readerservice-url" to the SAML2 reader service URL
(e.g., set the value
for attribute "sun-fm-saml2-writerservice-url" to the SAML2 writer
service URL (e.g.
b) Restart your Fedlet web container to make the change to be effective.
c) Setup IDP discovery on each of your IDPs. If your IDP is an OpenAM
server instance, need to goto console, find the COT for
the IDP and Fedlet, and specify the SAML2 reader service URL and
SAML2 writer service URL.
d) Access the Fedlet index.jsp page, you will be presented with IDP
selection page. Don't click the "use IDP discovery service ..."
link yet, as your preferred IDP has not been set yet. Choose one
of the IDPs, and complete the Single Sign-on process. The preferred IDP
is set right now by the IDP discovery service.
c) Access the Fedlet index.jsp page again, and choose the
"use IDP discovery service to find out preferred IDP" link.
You will be redirected to the IDP discovery service to find out
the preferred IDP and send back to Fedlet side with the chosen
IDP to start the Fedlet initiated single sign-on.
%% 7. How to perform Fedlet Attribute Query:
I. Signing
II. Signing and Encryption
III. Testing
I. Signing
Step 1)
Following steps need to be performed on hosted IDP:
a) When creating the IDP entity metadata, make sure that you specify that
particular entity with Attribute Authority role. Also the reponse from
Attribute Authority needs to be signed. Enable signing for Attribute
Authority role.
b) Specify the list of attributes to be fetched in the Attribute Map
IDP Entity -> Assertion Processing -> Attribute Map
ex : CommonName=cn
c) Create the Fedlet.
Step 2)
Following steps need to be performed on Fedlet side:
a) Deploy fedlet.war and configure the fedlet
b) The Attribute Query needs to be signed. Please follow the links
below on creating a key store and using the certificate.
Add the certificate to the "RoleDescriptor" element as shown below
inside "sp.xml".
<RoleDescriptor xmlns:xsi=""
protocolSupportEnumeration= "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
c) In the "sp-extended.xml", specify the correct value for
"signingCertAlias" inside the AttributeQueryConfig element as follows:
<Attribute name="signingCertAlias">
d) Goto Step (1) i.e to Hosted IDP side
e) Delete existing fedlet metadata and obtain the standard metadata
from Fedlet(i.e sp.xml) and import the same.
II. Signing and Encryption
Step 1)
Following steps need to be performed on hosted IDP:
a) When creating the IDP entity metadata, make sure that you specify that
particular entity with Attribute Authority role. Also the response from
Attribute Authority needs to be signed. Enable signing for Attribute
Authority role. Enable encryption for the IDP Attribute Authority
b) Specify the list of attributes to be fetched in the Attribute Map
IDP Entity -> Assertion Processing -> Attribute Map
ex : CommonName=cn
c) Specify the Attribute Authority Mapper.
IDP Entity -> Attribute Authority -> Subject Data Store
Specify the Attribute name which contains X.509 Subject DN.
d) Create the Fedlet.
Step 2)
Following steps need to be performed on hosted SP:
a) Deploy fedlet.war and configure the fedlet
b) For signing and encryption, please follow the links
below on creating a key store and using the certificate.
Add the certificate to the "RoleDescriptor" element as shown below
inside "sp.xml".
<RoleDescriptor xmlns:xsi=""
protocolSupportEnumeration= "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<KeyDescriptor use="encryption">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="">
<xenc:KeySize xmlns:xenc="">128</xenc:KeySize>
c) In the "sp-extended.xml", specify the correct value for
"encryptionCertAlias". If you want Assertion to be encrypted by IDP,
the NameID from Fedlet needs to be encrypted. Please specify the
value of "true" to the attribute "wantNameIDEncrypted" in
AttributeQueryConfig element as follows:
<Attribute name="encryptionCertAlias">
<Attribute name="wantNameIDEncrypted">
d) Goto Step (1) i.e to Hosted IDP side
e) Delete existing fedlet metadata and obtain the standard metadata
from Fedlet(i.e sp.xml) and import the same.
III. Testing:
Two JSP files are bundled along inside fedlet.war. fedletAttrQuery.jsp and
a) fedletAttrQuery.jsp:
Gets the list of attributes from the form whose values needs to be
fetched from IDP. Please make sure you define the correct mapping in the IDP.
b) fedletAttrResp.jsp
Retrieves the attribute names from the previous jsp and invokes the
below method to get the attribute values and display the same.
Map attrMap = AttributeQueryUtil.getAttributeMapForFedlet(
attrQueryProfile ,
c) Select either the "Default" or "X.509" profile. If "X.509" profile is
selected, specify the right value for the "X.509 Subject DN".
%% 8. How to perform Fedlet XACML Query
I. General Information
II. Signing
III. Encryption
IV. Testing
I. General Information
Following steps are common for all the scenarios (including Signing and
Encryption). Unlike Fedlet Attribute Query which required query signing
to be done on the Fedlet side, no such requirement is there for Fedlet
XACML Query. Signing and Encryption are optional.
Step 1)
Following steps need to be performed on hosted IDP:
a) When creating the IDP entity metadata, make sure that you specify that
particular entity with XACML PDP role.
b) Specify the Request Handler for SAMLv2 SOAP Binding. Log into
the OpenAM console.
Configuration tab -> Global -> SAMLv2 SOAP Binding -> New
Key = /pdp (This should be the same metaAlias specified while
creating the IDP)
class = com.sun.identity.xacml.plugins.XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryHandler
Click the "Save" button.
c) Create the Fedlet.
d) Specify the right URL policies for the resources for which the Fedlet
is issuing a XACML query. Right URL policies with right actions
(GET or POST) should be specified for the XACML query to get the
policy decisions for the resoruce.
Access Control -> Realm Name -> Policies -> New Policy
Step 2)
Following steps need to be performed on Fedlet side:
a) Deploy fedlet.war and configure the fedlet
b) If Signing or Encryption is enabled, please make sure when you
create PDP on IDP, signing cert or encryption cert should have a
valid value. Also the updated Fedlet metadata is loaded on IDP
c) If Signing and Encryption are not enabled, skip to Step IV.
II. Signing
Please follow the links below on creating a key store and using the
Add the certificate to the "XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryDescriptor"
element as shown below inside "sp.xml".
<XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryDescriptor WantAssertionsSigned="false" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
a) In the "sp-extended.xml", specify the correct value for
"signingCertAlias" inside the XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryConfig element as
<Attribute name="signingCertAlias">
b) If Fedlet wants have the Authorization Decision Response signed, it
will specify the following.
1) On the Fedlet side, specify the value for
"wantXACMLAuthzDecisionResponseSigned" inside the
XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryConfig as shown below:
<Attribute name="wantXACMLAuthzDecisionResponseSigned">
c) Goto to Hosted IDP side
d) If IDP wants the XACML Query signed, it will enable the below
property on the XACML PDP tab for the IDP Entity
Authorization Decision Query Signed
e) Specify the below value for the attribute
"wantXACMLAuthzDecisionQuerySigned" in "idp-extended.xml" on the Fedlet
side for this change to happen.
<Attribute name="wantXACMLAuthzDecisionQuerySigned">
f) Delete existing fedlet metadata and obtain the standard metadata
from Fedlet(i.e sp.xml) and import the same.
g) If Authorization Decision Response Signed is required (Step b), click
on the XACML PEP entity that was added. Enable the attribute
"Authorization Decision Response Signed".
III. Encryption
In addition to above section, the Fedlet might want to get the Assertion
from IDP to be encrypted. It will do the following.
a) Enable the following in "sp-extended.xml" inside
XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryConfig element.
<Attribute name="wantAssertionEncrypted">
b) For signing and encryption, please follow the links
below on creating a key store and using the certificate.
Add the certificate to the "XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryDescriptor"
element as shown below inside "sp.xml".
<XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryDescriptor WantAssertionsSigned="false" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<KeyDescriptor use="encryption">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="">
<xenc:KeySize xmlns:xenc="">128</xenc:KeySize>
c) In the "sp-extended.xml", specify the correct value for
<Attribute name="encryptionCertAlias">
d) Goto to Hosted IDP side
e) Delete existing fedlet metadata and obtain the standard metadata
from Fedlet(i.e sp.xml) and import the same.
f) Click on the XACML PEP entity that was added. Enable the attribute
"Assertion Encrypted".
IV. Testing:
Two JSP files are bundled along inside fedlet.war. fedletXACMLQuery.jsp and
a) fedletXACMLQuery.jsp:
Prompts the user to enter the Resource URL, Action (GET or POST). Fedlet
then passes this information along with other parameters (pepEntityID,
pdpEntityID, NameID) to fedletXACMLResp.jsp
b) fedletXACMLResp.jsp
Retrieves the Resource URL from the previous jsp and invokes the
below method to get the policy decision for the Resource URL and display the
same. The decision can be either "Permit" (if the right policy decision is
provided", else "Deny" (if no policy is found) or "Indeterminate"
(if the user session has expired).
String policy_decision = XACMLQueryUtil.getPolicyDecisionForFedlet(