socialAuthN.xml revision 3d8ee1629200b24b539b887a7feaec640fe610a8
3853N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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3853N/A ~ Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
3853N/A -->
3853N/A<!DOCTYPE ServicesConfiguration
3853N/A PUBLIC "=//iPlanet//Service Management Services (SMS) 1.0 DTD//EN"
3853N/A "jar://com/sun/identity/sm/sms.dtd">
3853N/A <Service name="socialAuthNService" version="1.0">
3853N/A <Schema serviceHierarchy="/DSAMEConfig/socialAuthNService"
3853N/A i18nFileName="socialAuthN" revisionNumber="1"
3853N/A i18nKey="forgerock-am-socialauthn-service-description"
3853N/A resourceName="socialauthentication">
3853N/A <Organization>
3853N/A <AttributeSchema name="MapValueValidator"
3853N/A type="validator"
3853N/A syntax="string">
3853N/A <DefaultValues>
3853N/A <Value>com.sun.identity.common.configuration.MapValueValidator</Value>
3853N/A </DefaultValues>
3853N/A </AttributeSchema>
3853N/A <AttributeSchema name="socialAuthNDisplayName"
3853N/A type="list"
3853N/A syntax="string"
3853N/A uitype="maplist"
3853N/A validator="MapValueValidator"
3853N/A resourceName="displayNames"
3853N/A i18nKey="a101"
3853N/A order="100"/>
3853N/A <AttributeSchema name="socialAuthNAuthChain"
3853N/A type="list"
3853N/A syntax="string"
3853N/A uitype="maplist"
3853N/A resourceName="authenticationChains"
3853N/A validator="MapValueValidator"
3853N/A i18nKey="a102"
3853N/A order="200">
3853N/A <ChoiceValues>
3853N/A <ChoiceValuesClassName
3853N/A className="com.sun.identity.authentication.service.ConfiguredSocialAuthServices"/>
3853N/A </ChoiceValues>
3853N/A </AttributeSchema>
3853N/A <AttributeSchema name="socialAuthNIcon"
3853N/A type="list"
3853N/A syntax="string"
3853N/A uitype="maplist"
3853N/A resourceName="icons"
3853N/A validator="MapValueValidator"
3853N/A i18nKey="a103"
3853N/A order="300"/>
3853N/A <AttributeSchema name="socialAuthNEnabled"
3853N/A type="list"
3853N/A syntax="string"
3853N/A resourceName="enabledKeys"
3853N/A i18nKey="a104"
3853N/A order="400"/>
3853N/A </Organization>
3853N/A </Schema>
3853N/A </Service>