revision c1bef59b02d89a84c23d29663cc4e6d46148ebd2
# openam-sts-example-code
*Example Code for Programatically Publishing and Consuming OpenAM Security Token Service (STS) Instances*
The sample code in this repository provides examples of how to consume and publish REST and SOAP STS instances programmatically. Tailor these examples as required for your own REST STS instances.
The sample code in this section is not compilable, due to the fact that it uses classes that are not available publicly. The code provides patterns to developers familiar with the problem domain and is intended only to assist developers who want to programmatically consume REST and SOAP STS instances.
For more information about how to consume and publish REST and SOAP STS instances programmatically, see the OpenAM *Developer's Guide*. For conceptual information about STS in OpenAM, and for information about how to configure and manager STS instances in OpenAM, see the OpenAM *Administration Guide*.
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information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.