RadiusServerEventRegistrator.java revision 5c124de5c36bfc236d55578429df5f048f0d0a07
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.radius.server.monitoring;
* Interface through which implementations that monitor the state of the Radius Server can update the state by notifying
* the implementation of events.
public interface RadiusServerEventRegistrator {
* Report to the Event Registrar that a packet has been received.
* @return the total number of packets received (including the one being reported).
long packetReceived();
* Notify the Event Registrar that a packet has been understood and hence 'accepted'.
* @return the total number of packets accepted (including the one being reported).
long packetAccepted();
* Notify the event Registrar that a packet has been processed. The authentication may have succeeded, or failed,
* but it has been processed to completion.
long packetProcessed();
* Notify the event Registrar that an auth request has been accepted. That is an AccessAccept packet has been sent
* to the client in response to the AccessRequest.
* @return
long authRequestAccepted();
* Notify the event Registrar that an auth request has been rejected. That is, an AccessReject packet has been sent
* to the client in response to the AccessRequest.
long authRequestRejected();