OAuth2Provider.properties revision 750edb9389556d71164ec69c342a5ad52c05fea4
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forgerock-oauth2-provider-description=OAuth2 Provider
a100=Authorization Code Lifetime (seconds)
a101=Refresh Token Lifetime (seconds)
a102=Access Token Lifetime (seconds)
a103=Issue Refresh Tokens
a104=Scope Implementation Class
a105=Response Type Plugins
a105.help=Response types are input as such, code|name of plugin class. For example, code|org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.CodeClass\
if there is no implementation class none should be used in place of the class name. For example id_token|none.
a106=User Profile Attribute(s) the Resource Owner is Authenticated On
a106.help=If the attribute is mail and uid, then a search string of (|(mail=user)(uid=user)) will be used to get the \
user profile, where user is the username entered during authentication.
a107=Shared Consent Atrribute Name
a107.help=To use shared consent a list attribute must be setup and its name provided.
a108=Supported Scoped
a108.help=A list of scopes this authorization server supports.
a109=JSON Web Key URL
a109.help=The URL where the providers JSON Web Key can be retrieved.
a110=Subject Types supported
a110.help=List of subject types supported. Values are pairwise and public. Pairwise is the same as confidential.
a111=ID Token Signing Algorithms supported
a111.help=Algorithms supported to sign id_tokens.
a112=Supported Claims
a112.help=List of claims supported by the userinfo endpoint.