revision 4a48635cccc646ac479830fd4df0ee8e10c5bd8d
# Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms
# of the Common Development and Distribution License
# (the License). You may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the License at
# or
# opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
# See the License for the specific language governing
# permission and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
# Header Notice in each file and include the License file
# at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
# If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
# with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
# your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# $Id:,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:40:38 qcheng Exp $
ums-searchfailed=Search failure
ums-contextnamemissing=Need a context name
ums-badsesshdl=Can't obtain session handle
ums-invalidssotoken=The credential (SSOToken) is invalid
ums-badguid=Can't obtain ID
ums-novalue=No value for attribute {0}
ums-attrnotallowed=Attribute {0} not allowed
ums-norequired=The in-memory object has no {0}
ums-addnullobj=NULL object to add to {0}
ums-composeguidfailed=Can't compose ID for {0}
ums-delnullobj=NULL object to delete in {0}
ums-badchildobj=Child object is not valid
ums-nonamingattr=No naming attribute is specified
ums-badnamingattr=Naming attribute is not valid
ums-unmatchedclass=Object class does not match with specified attribute
ums-multusers=Multiple users found for {0}
ums-newinstancefailed=Create instance failed ({0})
ums-badid=Object ID can't be NULL
ums-missingtemplname=Missing template name
ums-badclass=Class is not valid
ums-nodefaulttempl=Default template is not defined
ums-nextentryfailed=Fail to get next entry: {0}
ums-badobjtoadd=Object to be added is not valid
ums-badcontextparam=Need an id to generate the context
ums-badauthdomain=Missing authentication domain name
ums-badattrnames=Attribute names could not be NULL
ums-usernotingroupscope=User {0} not in the scope of group memberUrl {1}
ums-illegalgroupscope=Illegal scope for DynamicGroup memberUrl
ums-illegaladgroupscope=Illegal scope for AssignableDynamicGroup memberUrl
ums-usernotfound=User not found in {0}: {1}
ums-attributetypenotfound=Attribute type {0} not found
ums-objectclassnotfound=Object class {0} not found
ums-readingldiffailed=Reading LDIF file failure
ums-unabletogetconnection=Unable to get a connection based on proxy control
ums-authenticationfailed=Unable to authenticate
ums-nullsession=null Session
ums-nullguids=Guid id null
ums-cminitiate=Error initiating CM {0}
ums-cm=CM: {0}
ums-templatenoattribute=Template does not allow any attribute
ums-loadserverconfig=Error while loading server configuration information.
ums-proxyuserconfig=Proxy User is not set up properly in configuration
ums-rolecontained=role already contained
ums-recursionnotallow=Recursion not allowed
ums-loadconfig=Error while loading configuration information.
ums-rolenotdefined=Role evaluation strategy not defined in the configuration file
ums-cosnotdefined=COS strategy not defined in the configuration file
ums-roleevaluationset=RoleEvaluationStrategy already set
ums-classnotfound=ClassNotFoundException for class
ums-instantiationexception=InstantiationException for class
ums-illegalaccessexception=IllegalAccessException for class
ums-badpersistentobject=Persistent Object is not valid
ums-objectnotpersistent=Object is not persistent
ums-nochildnodes=No child nodes found for structure template
ums-configmanagererror=Configuration Manager error: {0}
ums-structuretemplateattrsetnull=Structure Template AttrSet is null for class name: {0}
ums-badstructuretemplatepriority=Bad Structure Template priority in template:{0}:{1}:{2}
ums-bad-principal-hdl=Invalid Principal
ums-null-token=The SSOToken is NULL.
ums-readattributeserror=Unable to read attributes from Data Store for the entry "{0}"
ums-entry_not_found=The entry "{0}" does not exist
ums-unable_to_read_entry=Unable to read the entry "{0}"
ums-entry_already_exists=The entry "{0}" already exists
ums-insufficient_access_add=Insufficient privilege to add the entry "{0}"
ums-unable_to_add_entry=Unable to add the entry "{0}"
ums-insufficient_access_delete=Insufficient privilege to delete the entry "{0}"
ums-unable_to_delete_entry=Unable to delete the entry "{0}"
# Used by Validation
validation-dataconstraint=Invalid attribute value
validation-badvalue=Invalid class for value
validation-badrule=Invalid class for rule
validation-instancefailed=failed to create a new instance
#COS Related
cos-bad_cos_attr_qualifier=Bad COS Attribute Qualifier
cos-cos_definition_not_found=COS Definition not found
cos-bad_cos_template_reference=Bad COS template reference
cos-cos_template_not_found=COS Template not found
cos-invalid_cosdefinition=Invalid COSDefinition Parameter
cos-definition_not_persistent=COS Definition must be persistent before adding container object
cos-replace_definition_not_persistent=COS Definition must be persistent before replacing its contents
cos-cos_target_object_not_persistent=COS Target Object must be persistent before assigning a COS
cos-cos_definition_not_persistent=COS Definition Object must be persistent before assigning a COS
cos-cos_target_object_different_tree=COS Target Object does not exist in the same directory tree as COS Definition.
cos-cos_def_or_target_object_null=COS Target Object for assignment is null, or the COS Definition used in the assignment is null.
cos-cos_invalid_cos_attribute_qualifier=Invalid COS Attribute and/or Qualifier.
cos-cos_strategy_set=COSStrategy already set
cos-class_not_found=ClassNotFoundException for class
cos-instantiation_exception=InstantiationException for class
cos-illegal_access=IllegalAccessException for class
# Policy Related
policy-nopolicydomain=Policy Domain name cannot be null or blank
policy-policy_root_not_found=Policy Root Not Found
policy-policy_domain_not_found=Policy Domain Not Found
policy-policy_not_found=Policy Not Found
policy-policy_exists_for_name=Policy Already Exists For the given policy name
policy-policy_exists_for_policy_name=Policy Already Exists For the given policy name
policy-policy_exists_for_resource_action=Policy Already Exists For the resource name, action name pair
policy-policies_do_not_match_by_name_resource_action=Policies do not match by policy name, resource name and action name