revision 854222e5665edd5a969d8594598ac833e5426dd8
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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
service.title = Push Notification Response Endpoint
service.description = Push Authentication depends on the secure verification of information sent from the server to \
the client, and from the client to the server. This allows the server to verify that the notification was received \
by the original device, and for the device to verify that only the server sent out the original request.\n\
This endpoint provides the place for the device to return responses to the server to requests received either by QR \
code or by push notification.
common.request.messageId.title = Message ID
common.request.messageId.description = Unique message identifier
common.request.jwt.title = JWT
common.errors.badrequest = Either the message ID was invalid, could not be found, or could not be validated using the \
provided claims in the JWT.
action.authenticate.description = Message sent from device to server in response to a request for authentication \
sent to the device via Push notification. This message is generally sent from the ForgeRock Authenticator app.
action.register.description = Message sent from device to server in response to a registration message received on \
the device via a QR code. This message is generally sent from the ForgeRock Authenticator app.
action.authenticate.request.jwt.description = Signed JWT containing claims:\n\
* `response`: Response to challenge (Base64 encoding of the HmacSHA256 hashing of the decoded shared secret and the \
decoded challenge)\n\
* `deny`: Indication that this auth attempt should be shut down (boolean)
action.register.request.jwt.description = Signed JWT containing claims:\n\
* `response`: Response to challenge (Base64 encoding of the HmacSHA256 hashing of the decoded shared secret and the \
decoded challenge)\n\
* `mechanismUid`: The device-specific identifier for the just-registered mechanism (string)\n\
* `deviceId`: The registration token used by GCM or APNS (string)\n\
* `deviceType`: `android` or `ios` (string)\n\
* `communicationType`: `gcm` or `apns` (string)