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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
description=Represents Sessions that can queried via a REST interface.
schema.description=Session schema
schema.timeleft.title=Time Left
schema.timeleft.description=Time in seconds when the session is active
schema.userid.title=User Id
schema.userid.description=Identifier of the session owner
tokenId.parameter.description=The user session token id
validate.response.schema.title=Validate session response
validate.response.schema.description=Validate session response
validate.response.schema.valid.description=True if the session is valid, false otherwise
validate.response.schema.uid.description=User id
logout.response.schema.title=Logout response
logout.response.schema.description=Logout response
logout.response.schema.result.description=Logout result
active.response.schema.title=Is session active response
active.response.schema.description=Is session active response is the session is active, false otherwise
idle.response.schema.title=Session idle time response
idle.response.schema.description=Session idle time response
idle.response.schema.idletime.title=Session idle time
idle.response.schema.idletime.description=The amount of time in seconds that a stateful session has been idle
getMaxIdle.response.schema.title=Maximum session idle time
getMaxIdle.response.schema.description=Maximum session idle time
getMaxIdle.response.schema.maxidletime.title=Maximum session idle time
getMaxIdle.response.schema.maxidletime.description=Maximum session idle time in minutes
maxSessionTime.response.schema.title=Maximum length of session response
maxSessionTime.response.schema.description=Maximum length of session response
maxSessionTime.response.schema.maxsessiontime.title=Maximum length of session
maxSessionTime.response.schema.maxsessiontime.description=Maximum possible length of session in minutes
timeLeft.response.schema.title=Remaining session time response
timeLeft.response.schema.description=Remaining session time response
timeLeft.response.schema.maxtime.title=Remaining session time
timeLeft.response.schema.maxtime.description=Remaining session time in seconds
success.response.schema.title=Boolean response
success.response.schema.description=Boolean response either true or false
success.response.schema.success.description=True if operation succeeded otherwise false
properties.names.schema.title=List of properties
properties.names.schema.description=List of session properties names name name
properties.names.values.schema.title=List of properties
properties.names.values.schema.description=List of session properties names and values
validate.action.description=It checks that the specified SSO Token Id is valid or not. \
If there is any problem getting or validating the token which causes an exception the json response will be false. \
In addition if the token is expired then the json response will be set to true. Otherwise it will be set to true.
logout.action.description=It does logout from OpenAM
isActive.action.description=It figures whether the token id, which has been passed as an argument to the REST call \
is valid and optionally refreshes it. This is different from validateSession because this, rather inconveniently, \
requires you to be logged in as admin before this can be invoked. \
Return a jsonic 'true' or 'false' depending on whether the token is valid.
getIdle.action.description=Using the token id specified by the invoker, it finds the token and if valid, \
returns the idle time in seconds or -1 if token is invalid.
getMaxIdle.action.description=It returns number of seconds a session may be idle.
getMaxSessionTime.action.description=It returns maximum possible length of session in minutes.
getMaxTime.action.description=Using the token id specified by the invoker, finds the token and if valid, \
returns its remaining life in seconds. Returns jsonic representation of the number of seconds of remaining life, \
or a representation of -1 if invalid.
getTimeLeft.action.description=Using the token id specified by the invoker, finds the token and if valid, \
returns its remaining life in seconds. Returns jsonic representation of the number of seconds of remaining life, \
or a representation of -1 if invalid.
getProperty.action.description=If a field is requested, returns only that field. If no field is specified, \
returns the key/value of all whitelisted fields.
setProperty.action.description=It sets set of the properties.
deleteProperty.action.description=It deletes set of the properties.
getPropertyNames.action.description=It returns all whitelisted session properties.
getSessionInfo.action.description=It reads and returns the information about the requested session.
getSessionProperties.action.description=It reads and returns all of the whitelisted properties for the requested \
updateSessionProperties.action.description=It updates and returns all of the whitelisted properties for the requested \
session. queries all Sessions across all servers lists the available Sessions on the named server ID
error.400.description=It happens when the header "Content-Type"="application/json" is missing in the request.
action.deleteProperty.error.400.description=It happens when the header "Content-Type"="application/json" \
is missing in the request or request body is missing or incorrect.
error.401.description=It happens when when the SSO header is missing in the request \
or user token is not valid or user is not the admin.
error.500.description=It happens when type of the property to be set is not string.
error.unexpected.server.error.description=It happens when type of the property to be set is not string.
refresh.action.description=Refresh the session
read.description=Get the data for a specific Session