revision 16feaab5fbad30aecf489c34b3777a6b76025803
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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
# ApiDescriptor annotation translations
title=Script resources
description=The script resources service is responsible for managing scripts used for client-side and \
server-side scripted authentication, custom policy conditions, and handling OpenID Connect claims. Scripts are \
represented in JSON and take the following form. Scripts are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, \
numbers, objects, sets, arrays, true, false, and null). Each script has a system-generated universally unique \
identifier (UUID), which must be used when modifying existing scripts. Renaming a script will not affect the UUID
validate.action.description=Validate a script. Include a JSON representation of the script and the script language, \
JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY, in the POST data. The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into Base64
create.description=Create a script in a realm. The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into \
delete.description=Delete an individual script in a realm specified by the UUID parameter
query.description=List all the scripts in a realm, as well as any global scripts
read.description=Read an individual script in a realm by specifying the UUID parameter
update.description=Update an individual script in a realm specified by the UUID parameter
pathParam.description=The unique identifier of the script
# ApiError translations
error.missing.script=A script must be specified
error.script.decode=Failed to decode UTF-8 encoded script
error.script.language.not.supported=Scripting language not supported
error.cannot.find.realm=Cannot find realm
error.cannot.delete.default.script=Default script cannot be deleted
error.script.not.found=Script with UUID could not be found in realm
error.delete.script.used.once=The script is used once
error.delete.script.used.multiple=The script is used multiple times
error.delete.failed=Failed to delete script with UUID from realm
error.script.type.not.found=Script type not recognised name must be specified
error.script.not.specified=A script must be specified
error.script.language.not.spec=Scripting language must be specified
error.script.type.not.spec=Script type must be specified
# Schema translations
action.request.schema.title=Validate request schema
action.request.schema.description=Validate action request schema
action.response.schema.title=Validate response schema
action.response.schema.description=Validate action response schema
success.title=Success flag
success.description=True if the script validation successful
errors.title=Validation errors
errors.description=List of validation errors
line.title=Line number
line.description=Line number of the script where the script validation failed
column.title=Column number
column.description=Column number of the script where the script validation failed
message.title=Error message
message.description=Script validation error message
schema.title=Script resource schema
schema.description=Script resource endpoint json schema
name.title=Script name
name.description=The name provided for the script
description.title=Script description
description.description=An optional text string to help identify the script
script.description=The source code of the script. The source code is in UTF-8 format and encoded into Base64
language.title=Script language
language.description=The language the script is written in - JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY
context.description=The context type of the script. Supported values are: \
POLICY_CONDITION : Policy Condition \
AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_SIDE : Server-side Authentication \
AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_SIDE : Client-side Authentication - Note Client-side scripts must be written in JavaScript \
createdBy.title=Created by
createdBy.description=A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the script
creationDate.title=Creation date
creationDate.description=An integer containing the creation date and time, in ISO 8601 format
lastModifiedBy.title=Last modifier
lastModifiedBy.description=A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated \
the resource type. If the script has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value \
as createdBy
lastModifiedDate.title=Last modification date
lastModifiedDate.description=A string containing the last modified date and time, in ISO 8601 format. If the script \
has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value as creationDate