KbaResource.properties revision c0a77206e33b2d1f4e6d77fb25c4deaf933f92f5
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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
# org.forgerock.openam.selfservice.KbaResource
title=KBA Resource
description=KBA resource is responsible for delivering up configured security questions.
read.description=Read the configured security questions.
read.error.500.description=If an error occurs while reading the questions from the data store.
read.resource.title=KBA Resource
read.resource.description=A list of Security questions and configuration.
read.resource.minimumAnswersToDefine.title=Minimum Answers to Define
read.resource.minimumAnswersToDefine.description=Number of security questions the user must provide during registration.
read.resource.minimumAnswersToVerify.title=Minimum Answers to Verify
read.resource.minimumAnswersToVerify.description=Number of security answers the user must provide during the \
forgotten flows.
read.resource.questions.list.title=Security Questions
read.resource.questions.list.description=A list of Security questions.
read.resource.questions.id.title=Unique ID
read.resource.questions.id.description=Unique ID for the question.
read.resource.questions.title=Locale and Question
read.resource.questions.description=The language local and the question.