DashboardResource.properties revision cb20f321274a7d06bbae0932b489435c2b012b59
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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
# Core token resource provider
title=Dashboard service
description=The dashboard service is responsible for returning information from the Dashboard. The only \
supported operation is read.
pathParam.description=The id of the Dasboard resource
read.description=Read dashboard information
# Core token resource schema
schema.title=Dashboard resource schema
schema.description=Dashboard resource schema
schema.properties.title=Dashboard resource properties
schema.properties.description=List of dashboard resources
schema.dashboardicon.title=Dasboard icon
schema.dashboardicon.description=Dasboard icon filename
schema.dashboardname.title=Dasboard name
schema.dashboardname.description=Name of the dashboard
schema.dashboardlogin.title=Dashboard login url
schema.dashboardlogin.description=Url to login to the dashboard
schema.icfidentifier.title=ICF identifier
schema.icfidentifier.description=Identity connection framework identifier
schema.dashboarddisplayname.title=Display name
schema.dashboarddisplayname.description=Name displayed on the dashboard
schema.dashboardclassname.title=Class name
schema.dashboardclassname.description=Dashboard class name