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b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa * your own identifying information:
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa *
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa * $Id:,v 1.6 2009/10/28 23:58:59 exu Exp $
d102a920578426a89411cc8dabe47d7a881eab8fEugen Kuksa *
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b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksapackage com.sun.identity.wsfederation.meta;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport java.util.HashSet;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport java.util.Iterator;
12bd03809cbc5823eecc086f5216ec46cb1c35adEugen Kuksaimport java.util.List;
d102a920578426a89411cc8dabe47d7a881eab8fEugen Kuksaimport java.util.Set;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport org.w3c.dom.Document;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport org.w3c.dom.Element;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport org.w3c.dom.Node;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport;
db5f94b6009ee3a1a4f62a3bd1583a7b3ee96db8Eugen Kuksaimport;
5b21f2a201fd86e1b9c0a760d023cd3d667da842Eugen Kuksaimport;
12bd03809cbc5823eecc086f5216ec46cb1c35adEugen Kuksaimport;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport;
1337b287f6abac1bfb527d5e3454e742fa5d630fEugen Kuksa
1337b287f6abac1bfb527d5e3454e742fa5d630fEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
1337b287f6abac1bfb527d5e3454e742fa5d630fEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale;
1337b287f6abac1bfb527d5e3454e742fa5d630fEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.shared.configuration.SystemPropertiesManager;
1337b287f6abac1bfb527d5e3454e742fa5d630fEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Base64;
97045beffffa0f43cbbd544094154dbff2950fdbEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XPathAPI;
97045beffffa0f43cbbd544094154dbff2950fdbEugen Kuksa
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.KeyProvider;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Constants;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.saml2.key.KeyUtil;
b78522b8f7a01953b0eda02cbc89b3984033676bEugen Kuksa
5b21f2a201fd86e1b9c0a760d023cd3d667da842Eugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.AttributeType;
5b21f2a201fd86e1b9c0a760d023cd3d667da842Eugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.FederationConfigElement;
5fa563f0173e7791139e4229800fc91652293647Eugen Kuksaimport com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.IDPSSOConfigElement;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.ObjectFactory;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.SPSSOConfigElement;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.wsfederation.FederationElement;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.wsfederation.TokenSigningKeyInfoElement;
import com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.entityconfig.BaseConfigType;
* The <code>WSFederationMetaUtils</code> provides metadata security related
* utility methods.
public final class WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils {
private static Debug debug = WSFederationMetaUtils.debug;
private static KeyProvider keyProvider = null;
private static KeyStore keyStore = null;
private static boolean checkCert = true;
private static boolean keyProviderInitialized = false;
public static final String NS_META = "";
public static final String NS_XMLSIG = "";
public static final String NS_XMLENC = "";
public static final String PREFIX_XMLSIG = "ds";
public static final String PREFIX_XMLENC = "xenc";
public static final String TAG_KEY_INFO = "KeyInfo";
public static final String TAG_KEY_DESCRIPTOR = "KeyDescriptor";
public static final String TAG_SP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR = "SPSSODescriptor";
public static final String TAG_IDP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR = "IDPSSODescriptor";
public static final String ATTR_USE = "use";
public static final String ATTR_ID = "ID";
* Private constructor ensure that no instance is ever created
private WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils() {
private static void initializeKeyStore() {
if (keyProviderInitialized) {
keyProvider = KeyUtil.getKeyProviderInstance();
if (keyProvider != null) {
keyStore = keyProvider.getKeyStore();
try {
String valCert =
checkCert = valCert.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
} catch (Exception e) {
checkCert = true;
keyProviderInitialized = true;
* Signs service provider descriptor under entity descriptor if an cert
* alias is found in service provider config and identity provider
* descriptor under entity descriptor if an cert alias is found in
* identity provider config.
* @param descriptor The entity descriptor.
* @param spconfig The service provider config.
* @param idpconfig The identity provider config.
* @return Signed <code>Document</code> for the entity descriptor or null
* if both cert aliases are not found.
* @throws WSFederationMetaException if unable to sign the entity
* descriptor.
* @throws JAXBException if the entity descriptor is invalid.
public static Document sign(
FederationElement descriptor,
SPSSOConfigElement spconfig,
IDPSSOConfigElement idpconfig
) throws JAXBException, WSFederationMetaException
String spId = null;
String idpId = null;
String spCertAlias = null;
String idpCertAlias = null;
if (spconfig != null) {
Map map = WSFederationMetaUtils.getAttributes(spconfig);
List list = (List)map.get(SAML2Constants.SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
spCertAlias = ((String)list.get(0)).trim();
if (spCertAlias.length() > 0) {
SPSSODescriptorElement spDesc =
if (spDesc != null) {
spId = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (idpconfig != null) {
Map map = WSFederationMetaUtils.getAttributes(idpconfig);
List list = (List)map.get(SAML2Constants.SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
idpCertAlias = ((String)list.get(0)).trim();
if (idpCertAlias.length() > 0) {
IDPSSODescriptorElement idpDesc =
if (idpDesc != null) {
idpId = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (spId == null && idpId == null) {
return null;
String xmlstr = WSFederationMetaUtils.convertJAXBToString(descriptor);
xmlstr = formatBase64BinaryElement(xmlstr);
Document doc = XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(xmlstr, debug);
XMLSignatureManager sigManager = XMLSignatureManager.getInstance();
if (spId != null) {
try {
String xpath = "//*[local-name()=\"" + TAG_SP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR +
"\" and namespace-uri()=\"" + NS_META +
sigManager.signXML(doc, spCertAlias, null, "ID", spId, true,
} catch (XMLSignatureException xmlse) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils.sign:", xmlse);
throw new WSFederationMetaException(xmlse.getMessage());
if (idpId != null) {
try {
String xpath = "//*[local-name()=\"" + TAG_IDP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR +
"\" and namespace-uri()=\"" + NS_META +
sigManager.signXML(doc, idpCertAlias, null, "ID", idpId, true,
} catch (XMLSignatureException xmlse) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils.sign:", xmlse);
throw new WSFederationMetaException(xmlse.getMessage());
return doc;
return null;
* Verifies signatures in entity descriptor represented by the
* <code>Document</code>.
* @param doc The document.
* @throws WSFederationMetaException if unable to verify the entity
* descriptor.
public static void verifySignature(Document doc)
throws WSFederationMetaException
String classMethod = "WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils.verifySignature: ";
NodeList sigElements = null;
try {
Element nscontext =
.createDSctx (doc,"ds", Constants.SignatureSpecNS);
sigElements =
XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "//ds:Signature", nscontext);
} catch (Exception ex) {
debug.error(classMethod, ex);
throw new WSFederationMetaException(ex);
int numSigs = sigElements.getLength();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(classMethod + "# of signatures = " + numSigs);
if (numSigs == 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < numSigs; i++) {
Element sigElement = (Element)sigElements.item(i);
String sigParentName = sigElement.getParentNode().getLocalName();
Object[] objs = { sigParentName };
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(classMethod + "verifying signature under " +
try {
XMLSignature signature = new XMLSignature(sigElement, "");
signature.addResourceResolver (
new com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.OfflineResolver());
KeyInfo ki = signature.getKeyInfo ();
X509Certificate x509cert = null;
if (ki !=null && ki.containsX509Data()) {
if (keyStore != null) {
StorageResolver sr =
new StorageResolver(new KeyStoreResolver(keyStore));
x509cert = ki.getX509Certificate();
if (x509cert == null) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(classMethod + "" +
"try to find cert in KeyDescriptor");
String xpath = "following-sibling::*[local-name()=\"" +
"\" and namespace-uri()=\"" + NS_META +
Node node = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(sigElement, xpath);
if (node != null) {
Element kd = (Element)node;
String use = kd.getAttributeNS(null, ATTR_USE);
if (use.equals("signing")) {
NodeList nl = kd.getChildNodes();
for(int j=0; j<nl.getLength(); j++) {
Node child = nl.item(j);
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
String localName = child.getLocalName();
String ns = child.getNamespaceURI();
if (TAG_KEY_INFO.equals(localName)&&
ki = new KeyInfo((Element)child, "");
if (ki.containsX509Data()) {
if (keyStore != null) {
KeyStoreResolver ksr =
new KeyStoreResolver(keyStore);
StorageResolver sr =
new StorageResolver(ksr);
x509cert = ki.getX509Certificate();
if (x509cert == null) {
throw new WSFederationMetaException("verify_no_cert", objs);
if (checkCert && ((keyProvider == null) ||
(keyProvider.getCertificateAlias(x509cert) == null))) {
throw new WSFederationMetaException(
"untrusted_cert", objs);
PublicKey pk = x509cert.getPublicKey();
if (!signature.checkSignatureValue(pk)) {
throw new WSFederationMetaException("verify_fail", objs);
} catch (WSFederationMetaException sme) {
throw sme;
} catch (Exception ex) {
debug.error(classMethod, ex);
throw new WSFederationMetaException(
"verify_fail", objs) + "\n" + ex.getMessage());
* Restores Base64 encoded format.
* JAXB will change
* <ds:X509Data>
* <ds:X509Certificate>
* .........
* .........
* </ds:X509Certificate>
* </ds:X509Data>
* to
* <ds:X509Data>
* <ds:X509Certificate>..................</ds:X509Certificate>
* </ds:X509Data>
* This method will restore the format.
* @param xmlstr The xml string containing element 'X509Certificate'.
* @return the restored xmls string.
public static String formatBase64BinaryElement(String xmlstr) {
int from = 0;
int index = xmlstr.indexOf("<ds:X509Certificate>");
int xmlLength = xmlstr.length();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(xmlLength + 100);
while (index != -1) {
sb.append(xmlstr.substring(from, index));
int indexEnd = xmlstr.indexOf("</ds:X509Certificate>", index);
String encoded = xmlstr.substring(index + 20, indexEnd);
int encodedLength = encoded.length();
int i;
for(i=0; i<encodedLength - 76; i += 76) {
sb.append(encoded.substring(i, i + 76)).append("\n");
int nlIndex = xmlstr.lastIndexOf('\n', index);
String indention = xmlstr.substring(nlIndex + 1, index);
sb.append(encoded.substring(i, encodedLength))
from = indexEnd + 21;
index = xmlstr.indexOf("<ds:X509Certificate>", from);
sb.append(xmlstr.substring(from, xmlLength));
return sb.toString();
* Base64 encodes a certificate from the key store.
* @param certAlias alias of certificate to be encoded.
* @return Base64 encoded certificate
public static String buildX509Certificate(String certAlias)
throws WSFederationMetaException
String classMethod = "WSFederationMetaSecurityUtils." +
"buildX509Certificate: ";
if ((certAlias == null) || (certAlias.trim().length() == 0)) {
return null;
X509Certificate cert =
if (cert != null) {
try {
return Base64.encode(cert.getEncoded(), true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(classMethod, ex);
Object[] objs = { certAlias };
throw new WSFederationMetaException("invalid_cert_alias", objs);
* Updates signing or encryption key info for SP or IDP.
* This will update both signing/encryption alias on extended metadata and
* certificates in standard metadata.
* @param realm Realm the entity resides.
* @param entityID ID of the entity to be updated.
* @param certAlias Alias of the certificate to be set to the entity. If
* null, will remove existing key information from the SP or IDP.
* @param isIDP true if this is for IDP signing/encryption alias, false
* if this is for SP signing/encryption alias
* @throws WSFederationMetaException if failed to update the certificate
* alias for the entity.
public static void updateProviderKeyInfo(String realm,
String entityID, String certAlias, boolean isIDP)
throws WSFederationMetaException {
WSFederationMetaManager metaManager = new WSFederationMetaManager();
FederationConfigElement config =
metaManager.getEntityConfig(realm, entityID);
if (!config.isHosted()) {
String[] args = {entityID, realm};
throw new WSFederationMetaException("entityNotHosted", args);
FederationElement desp =
metaManager.getEntityDescriptor(realm, entityID);
if (isIDP) {
IDPSSOConfigElement idpConfig =
metaManager.getIDPSSOConfig(realm, entityID);
if ((idpConfig == null) || (desp == null)) {
String[] args = {entityID, realm};
throw new WSFederationMetaException("entityNotIDP", args);
// update standard metadata
if ((certAlias == null) || (certAlias.length() == 0)) {
// remove key info
} else {
TokenSigningKeyInfoElement kde = getKeyDescriptor(certAlias);
updateKeyDescriptor(desp, kde);
// update extended metadata
Set value = new HashSet();
SAML2Constants.SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS, value);
} else {
SPSSOConfigElement spConfig =
metaManager.getSPSSOConfig(realm, entityID);
if ((spConfig == null) || (desp == null)) {
String[] args = {entityID, realm};
throw new WSFederationMetaException("entityNotSP", args);
// update standard metadata
if ((certAlias == null) || (certAlias.length() == 0)) {
// remove key info
} else {
TokenSigningKeyInfoElement kde = getKeyDescriptor(certAlias);
updateKeyDescriptor(desp, kde);
// update extended metadata
Set value = new HashSet();
SAML2Constants.SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS, value);
metaManager.setFederation(realm, desp);
metaManager.setEntityConfig(realm, config);
private static void updateKeyDescriptor(FederationElement desp,
TokenSigningKeyInfoElement newKey) {
// NOTE : we only support one signing and one encryption key right now
// the code need to be change if we need to support multiple signing
// and/or encryption keys in one entity
List objList = desp.getAny();
for (Iterator iter = objList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof TokenSigningKeyInfoElement) {
private static void removeKeyDescriptor(FederationElement desp) {
// NOTE : we only support one signing and one encryption key right now
// the code need to be change if we need to support multiple signing
// and/or encryption keys in one entity
List objList = desp.getAny();
for (Iterator iter = objList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof TokenSigningKeyInfoElement) {
private static void setExtendedAttributeValue(BaseConfigType config,
String attrName, Set attrVal) throws WSFederationMetaException {
try {
List attributes = config.getAttribute();
for(Iterator iter = attributes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
AttributeType avp = (AttributeType);
if (avp.getName().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(attrName)) {
if (attrVal != null) {
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
AttributeType atype = factory.createAttributeType();
} catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new WSFederationMetaException(e);
private static TokenSigningKeyInfoElement getKeyDescriptor(String certAlias)
throws WSFederationMetaException {
try {
String certString =
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000);
sb.append("<TokenSigningKeyInfo xmlns=\"").append(NS_META)
sb.append("<SecurityTokenReference xmlns=\"")
.append("<X509Data xmlns=\"\">\n")
return (TokenSigningKeyInfoElement)
} catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new WSFederationMetaException(e);